RasMol - Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool
- url
- -not-found-
- author
- Roger Sayle, BioMolecular Structures Group, Glaxo Research & Development, Middlesex, UK
- version
- 2.5
- abstract
RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of
proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display,
teaching and generation of publication quality images.
- keywords
- data visualization; application program; molecular biology
- publication-date
- October 1994
- environment
- Macintosh, PowerMac, UNIX, VMS, Microsoft Windows
- comments
Currently supported input file formats include Brookhaven Protein
Databank (PDB), Tripos' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats, Molecular Design
Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC)
XMol XYZ format and CHARMm format files.