ddcon2d - Double-Diffusive Convection Code Using a Pseudo-Spectral Method
- url
- http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESS/exchange/contrib/deane/ddcon2d.html
- abstract
ddcon2d solves the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for
Boussinesq convection by Fourier Galerkin + Collocation method. The
system models double-diffusive convection in which two agents (e.g. heat
and a solute) have opposing contributions to the bouyancy and diffuse at
different rates. The problem is of relevance to oceans (heat + salt) and
mixing in stars (heat + angular momentum, heat + concentrations etc.) It has
been studied extensively in the laboratory, under different guises. The
current set-up models the occurence of various waves (standing and
traveling convection waves)
- keywords
- spectral method; hydrodynamics; application program
- method
- Fast Fourier Transforms, spectral method
- application
- hydrodynamics