ftp://info.mcs.anl.gov/pub/BlockSolve95/ BlockSolve <title_line>for solution of large, sparse linear systems on massively parallel computers <author>Mark Jones / jones@cs.utk.edu Paul Plassmann / plassman@mcs.anl.gov <contact>jones@cs.utk.edu <abstract> BlockSolve is a scalable parallel software library primarily intended for the solution of sparse linear systems that arise from physical problems having multiple degrees of freedom at each node. <environment> BlockSolve95 runs on a variety of parallel architectures including the IBM SP, Intel DELTA, and networks of Sun, RS/6000, and SGI workstations. This portability is obtained by utilizing the MPI message-passing standard. <description><url>http://www.mcs.anl.gov/home/freitag/SC94demo/software/blocksolve.html</url> <keywords>sparse linear systems; parallel numerical library <category>numerical-linalg </urc>