LASPack <title_line>for solving large sparse systems of linear equations such as those arising from discretization of partial differential equations <abstract> LASPack is a package for solving large sparse systems of linear equations like those which arise from discretization of partial differential equations. It contains classical as well as selected state-of-the-art algorithms which are commonly used for large sparse systems such as CG-like methods for non-symmetric systems (CGN, GMRES, BiCG, QMR, CGS, and BiCGStab) and multilevel methods such as multigrid and conjugate gradient method preconditioned by multigrid and BPX preconditioners. LASPack is written in ANSI C and is thus largely portable. Postscript and HTML version of the reference manual are included. <contact>Tomas Skalicky / <reference><url></url> <category>numerical-linalg </urc>