ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/fortran-m/ Fortran-M <abstract> FM is a small set of extensions to Fortran that supports a modular approach to the design of task parallel, message-passing programs. It has the following features. The mapping of processes to processors can be specified with respect to a virtual computer with size and shape different from that of the target computer. Mapping is specified by annotations that influence performance but not correctness. FM can be compiled efficiently for uniprocessors, shared-memory computers, distributed-memory computers, and networks of workstations. Because message passing is incorporated into the language, a compiler can optimize communication as well as computation. <description><url>http://www.mcs.anl.gov/fortran-m/FM.html</url> <contact>fortran-m@mcs.anl.gov <keywords>parallel programming language; architecture independence <category>ppt-pplang </urc>