GMD Communication Library <description><url></url> <abstract> The GMD Communication Library for Grid-Oriented Problems [13], based on ANL/GMD Macros (PARMACS) provides a Fortran 77 subroutine library communication tasks required by grid based computations. Target applications are Multigrid and CFD codes using finite difference or finite volume descretizations. <keywords>multigrid method; finite difference approximation; finite volume approximation; high level communication library; grid based application; fluid dynamics <category>ppt-comm <environment> PROGRAMMING INTERFACE: Fortran 77 COMMUNICATION HARNESS: ANL/GMD Macros (PARMACS) PLATFORMS: iPSC/1; iPSC/2; SUPRENUM <reference> Rolf Hempel and Hubert Ritzdorf, The GMD Communication Library for Grid-Oriented Problems, Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeiung, mbH, Institute F1/T, Postfach 1240, 5205 St. Augustin, Germany, Oct. 1991 </urc>