PSI Compiler <description><url></url> <abstract> The PSI Compiler is a compiler that performs algebraic reductions on array expressions based on Mullin's Psi Calculus. These reductions eliminate unnecessary computation and temporary storage. The compiler also partitions and maps subarray operations implicity across a group of processors, be they a network of workstations, the processors of a hypercube, or some other topology, in a portable and scalable way. Although the input language is not sufficient for general purpose programming, the goal of the project is to provide a back-end for scientific array based langauges such as High Performance Fortran. Work has been done to translate subsets of FORTRAN90 as well as SETL into our input grammar, allowing them access to the compiler. Also work is currently under way in order to provide an interface between High Performance Fortran and the Psi-Compiler. <keywords>parallel compiler; data parallelism; distributed array; distributed memory multiprocessor; machine cluster <category>ppt-pplang <contact> </urc>