ftp://info.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ MINPACK-2 <abstract> The goal of the MINPACK-2 project is to produce optimization algorithms and software for high-performance computers. The software includes subroutines for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations, nonlinear least squares problems, and minimization problems. The initial software development work concentrated on the software for the solution of medium-scale problems on vector and shared-memory architectures. A Levenberg-Marquardt method for nonlinear least squares and a trust region Newton method for minimization problems are available. Current software development work centers on large-scale problems. A variable-storage variable metric method and a trust region Newton method are currently available. Future work will focus on software for distributed-memory architectures, in particular, the SP1. <keywords>G. optimization; F2. system of nonlinear equations; K1b. nonlinear least squares; vectorprocessor; shared memory multiprocessor; numerical library <category>numerical-opt <method>Levenberg-Marquardt method; trust region Newton method; variable metric method <contact>Jorge More / info.mcs.anl.gov <description><url>http://www.mcs.anl.gov/summaries/minpack93/summary.html</url> </urc>