ftp://warp.cs.cmu.edu/usr/anon/fx-codes/tpsuite/tpsuite.tar CMU task parallel program suite <contact>Dave O'Hallaron / droh@cs.cmu.edu <abstract> The CMU task parallel program suite is a suite of programs that can benefit from a mix of task and data parallelism. It consists of programs from scientific computing, signal processing, and image processing. Each program is a single Fortran 77 source file of less than 500 lines, and an include file. Potential tasks are explicitly identified as calls to subroutines from within a DO loop in the main program. </abstract> <keywords>test program; task parallelism <category>benchmark <description> <url> http://parsys.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/iwarp/member/fx/public/www/tpsuite.html </url> </urc>