ftp://nesl.scandal.cs.cmu.edu/code/nesl/examples NESL Examples <contact>Jonathan Hardwick / jch@cs.cmu.edu <abstract> The NESL release comes with several examples: A convex-hull algorithm (the recursive quickhull) A graph separator based on the spectral method (H. Simon) The NAS conjugate- gradient benchmark Several sorting algorithms (quicksort, bitonic-sort, odd-even-merge-sort) A routine for adaptive numerical integration An algorithm for finding graph connectivity (Awerbuch-Shiloach) Others: string-searching, primes-sieve, least-squares line-fitting, median <description><url>http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/nesl/nesl-examples.html</url> <keywords>data parallelism; example program <category>ppt-pplang </urc>