ftp://nesl.scandal.cs.cmu.edu/code/nesl/ NESL <contact>Jonathan Hardwick / jch@cs.cmu.edu <version>3.0 <abstract> NESL is a strongly-typed, functional, nested data-parallel language developed by the SCandAL project . It is intended to be used as a portable interface for programming a variety of parallel and vector supercomputers, and as a basis for teaching parallel algorithms. Parallelism is supplied through a simple set of data-parallel constructs based on sequences (ordered sets), including a mechanism for applying any function over the elements of a sequence in parallel and a rich set of parallel functions that manipulate sequences. The implementation is based on an intermediate language called VCODE and a low-level vector library called CVL. The NESL front end runs on a user's workstation, while allowing the remote execution of programs on parallel or vector supercomputers. The interactive environment includes a library of graphics routines, profiling and tracing facilities, and on-line documentation. <environment> The current release runs on workstations, the Thinking Machines Connection Machines CM2 and CM5, the Cray Y-MP and C90, and the MasPar MP2. System requirements are Common Lisp, ANSI C, and X11 (only needed for graphic output). <keywords>parallel programming language; data parallelism; functional language; architecture independence <category>ppt-pplang <description><url>http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/scandal/public/www/nesl.html</url> <reference><url>ftp://nesl.scandal.cs.cmu.edu/code/nesl/doc/</url> <reference><url>http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/scandal/public/www/papers.html</url> </urc>