3D Acoustic Wave Propagation <author> <version> <abstract> Under the sponsorship of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Gas and Oil National Information Infrastructure project (GONII), finite-difference simulations of 3D acoustic wave propagation are being performed on LLNL's Meiko MPP computer. These simulations will generate synthetic seismic data sets, which will be utilized by the oil industry to test and improve oil exploration methods. <description><url>http://www.llnl.gov/liv_comp/meiko/apps/larsen/c3d.html</url> <reference><url></url> <contact>Shawn Larsen / shawn@s109.es.llnl.gov <keywords>simulation; geology; application program <category>application <publication-date>04 November 1994 <environment> <method> <application>acoustic wave propagation, seismic wave propogation, geologic structure modeling <comments> </urc>