CHAMMP - Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics and Model Physics <author> <version> <abstract> This directory contains items relating to the numerical solution of the shallow water equations in spherical geometry. The shallow water equations are used as a kernel for both oceanic and atmospheric general circulation models and are of interest in evaluating numerical methods for weather forecasting and climate modeling. The DOE Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics and Model Physics (CHAMMP) program is interested in the development of new mathematical methods for these problems. To promote this developmet, a set of test cases has been proposed and example software and reference solutions are provided. <description><url></url> <reference><url></url> <contact> <keywords>application library <category>application <publication-date>1 November 1993 <environment> <method> <application>shallow water equations in spherical geometry, oceanic general circulation models, atomospheric general circulation models, weather forecasting, climate modeling <comments> </urc>