KSRlib - KSR Library including some parallel routines <author> <version> <abstract> The KSR Combined Libraries Group, also called the KSR Libraries or "KSRlib", is a set of computational subprograms written in KSR Fortran, KSR C, and KSR Assembly languages. The KSR Libraries currently consist of these four products: KSRlib/BLAS, KSRlib/SIGNAL, KSRlib/UTILITIES, and KSRlib/LAPACK. The KSRlib/BLAS Library uses vector and matrix operations in the form of basic computational kernels. KSR routines con- form to the appropriate standards whenever standards exist; e.g., the KSR Libraries include the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS). The KSR Level 1 BLAS are subprograms for performing vector operations. The basis for the KSR Level 1 BLAS is the set of standard BLAS. The KSRlib/BLAS Library also includes other subprograms that perform many common, computationally intensive vector operations. <description><url>http://www.tc.cornell.edu:80/Parallel.Tools/tools/ksrlib.html</url> <reference><url></url> <contact> <keywords>parallel numerical library; architecture dependence <category>numerical <publication-date> <environment>KSR <method> <application> <comments> </urc>