KSR KAP - Fortran Preprocessor <author> <version> <abstract> KSR KAP is a preprocessor which analyzes loop nests in Fortran source code for potential parallelization. KSR KAP can analyze loop nests in Fortran and also perform code transformations to remove potential data dependencies and inline subprograms. It can insert parallelizing directives into the transformed source, thus (when used with the Fortran compiler) can automatically parallelize loop nests. The programmer who wishes to retain control of code restructuring can run KSR KAP standalone to provide the dependency analysis; he/she then can review the KAP-generated transformations and modify the source code by hand to insert the desired directives. <description><url>http://www.tc.cornell.edu:80/Parallel.Tools/tools/ksrkap.html</url> <reference><url></url> <contact> <keywords>parallel processing tool; source code restructuring; dependence analysis <category>ppt-scr <publication-date> <environment> <method> <application> <comments> </urc>