Xab <author>Adam Beguelin <version> <abstract> Xab, written by Adam Beguelin at Carnegie Mellon University, monitors a running PVM program, reporting on the status of message-passing, task-management, and information-gathering calls. This information can also be stored in a trace file, which can be converted to a format appropriate for ParaGraph. Xab is a set of tools used to trace the execution of a PVM program. It consists of: an instrumented version of the PVM library (xpvm, ab), a runtime "monitor" that catches PVM calls and writes out event records for each call (abmon), a graphical interface to view these event records (xab), a filter to convert the event records to PICL format (topg). <description><url>http://www.tc.cornell.edu:80/Parallel.Tools/tools/xab.html</url> <reference><url></url> <contact>Adam Beguelin <keywords>parallel execution analysis; PVM; trace file generation <category>ppt-exe <publication-date> <environment> <method> <application> <comments> </urc>