ftp://ftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/maspar/virtual.tar.Z Virtualization Macros for the MasPar <author> <version> <abstract> The virtual array software allows you to program with virtual arrays, that is arrays with dimensions that exceed the physical dimensions of the MasPar. For example, the machine may be configured with an array of 128 by 128 processing elements, while the virtual array is defined to be 512 by 512 elements. The virtualization is accomplished by means of a preprocessor. After preprocessing a source file containing directives for virtualization, an mpl source file is produced. Thus the preprocessor simply relieves the programmer of the tedious task of coding the loop structures needed to process plural arrays whose sizes are multiples of the physical array size. <description><url>http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESS/exchange/maspar_virt.html </url> <reference><url></url> <contact>Charles Packer / packer@nibbles.gsfc.nasa.gov <keywords>parallel processing tool; virtualization; distributed array; architecture dependence <category>ppt-misc <publication-date> <environment>MasPar <method> <application> <comments> </urc>