ftp://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/HPCC/ESS/mobarry/t3d-pvm-emu.tar.Z T3D-pvm-emu - A Cray T3D PVM Emulation Package for UNIX Workstations <author> <version> <abstract> "T3D-pvm-emu" is an emulation package which allows the user to develop host-less programs compatible with the CRI T3D mpp. The flavor of PVM supported on the CRI T3D is slightly different than the PVM version 3 on UNIX workstations. The CRI T3D PVM is a host-less model of PVM version 3. This software package uses the PVM for workstations and a library of utilities. We also provide a program that replaces the Cray front-end emulator program on your workstation. The intent is that a program using PVM written for the T3D can actually be written and debugged on a workstation. <description><url>http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESS/exchange/contrib/mobarry/t3d-pvm-emu.html</url> <reference><url></url> <contact>Clark M. Mobarry / k6cmm@supernova.gsfc.nasa.gov <contact>John R. Thorp / c1jrt@supernova.gsfc.nasa.gov <keywords>emulator; parallel processing tool <category>ppt-misc <publication-date> <environment>UNIX <method> <application> <comments> </urc>