Re: Optimization Software for Win95 ?

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Posted by Scott Betts on September 24, 1997 at 11:05:41:

In Reply to: Optimization Software for Win95 ? posted by Mark J. Potter, P.E. on September 23, 1997 at 10:36:43:

: I am a chemical engineer who frequently encounters optimization/minimzation problems. These can either be equilibrium data reduction (like vapor-equilibrium data), or economic optimizations using a process simulator.

: I have had some success with the former using Excel and the GRG-2 optimizer therein. However, it is slow because of all the Excel overhead.

: I was wondering if there was optization code written in either Visual Basic, Visual C++, or something compatible? Given my employers' lack of resources, it should preferably be freeware.

: Thanks.

: Mark J. Potter, P.E.
: Houston, TX

Just about everything we have here at Netlib
is Fortran code, and would have to be compiled to run
correctly in Win95, although it *is* freeware.
All we have is code designed to specifically deal with
mathematical issues (which can be applied to other areas, of course)
but nothing that addresses issues like what you're describing.

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