Posted by lawrence Ha on September 23, 1998 at 14:55:22:
Dear Sir; int main() iErr = BuildCommDCB("COM2:2400,n,8,1", &dcb); iErr = SetCommState(&dcb); SetCommEventMask(idCommDev,EV_RING);
I am still new in programming, I am trying to develop a system using Borland C++4.5, herer how the system work. the system will detect call, & handle the call, caller will dial a number, the system will base on the number & give caller an answer. I attched the file I wrote, the problem is that it casnnot always initialize the comm port, & cannot handle tha call, I do hope you can help me on this.
thank you.
the code r below
int iErr, idCommDev,nuring=0;
DCB dcb;
idCommDev = OpenComm ("COM2", 1024, 128);
if (idCommDev < 0)
{MessageBox(NULL,"Error Opening Comm Port",
"Open Comm", MB_ICONSTOP);
return 0;}
{MessageBox(NULL,"error creating DCB","builtCommDCB", MB_ICONSTOP);
return 0;}
{MessageBox(NULL,"error setting comm state","setcommstate",MB_ICONSTOP);
return 0;}
if (nuring>2)
EscapeCommFunction(idCommDev,SETDTR) ;
//iErr = CloseComm (idCommDev);
//{MessageBox(NULL,"error closingcomm port","close commport",MB_ICONSTOP);
//return 0;}
return 1;}