Storage size of 'rfds' isn't known

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Posted by Vitaly Doban on March 23, 1998 at 03:49:38:

I have some problems when I'm trying to compile PVM
sources on my Red Hat Linux release 5.0, kernel 2.0.32,
bash or sh, I have followed your indication:

uudecode pvm3.3.11.tar.z.uu
zcat pvm3.3.11.tar.Z | tar xf -
cd pvm3
export PVM_ROOT

The error message is:
../hoster.c: In function 'pl_startup':
../hoster.c:345:storage size of 'rfds' isn't known.
make[1]:***[hoster.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory /home/…./Linux
make:*** [s] Error 2

Can you tell me what is missing or what I' am doing
I want also to know if I can simulate the networked
workstation on my computer (on my Linux), where
different workstations will be simulate by different
Thank you.

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