Problems with linking C-code found from f2c

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Posted by �slaug Gr�vlen on March 16, 1998 at 08:47:50:

Hi. I have problems with linking the C-code that I got
from the f2c-converter. I get the following error

/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
sin (code)
cos (code)
endpic_ (code)
pow_dd (code)
s_wsle (code)
vport_ (code)
s_rsle (code)
sofcha_ (code)
e_wsfe (code)
make: *** [main] Error 1

The subroutines listed are "from everywhere",
general C-routines, libf2c-routines etc.

Can anyone help me? Thanks.

�slaug Gr�vlen

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