C ALGORITHM 833, COLLECTED ALGORITHMS FROM ACM. C THIS WORK PUBLISHED IN TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE, C VOL. 30, NO. 2, June, 2004, P. 200--211. #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # Doc/ # Doc/csrfpack.doc # Fortran77/ # Fortran77/Drivers/ # Fortran77/Drivers/Makefile # Fortran77/Drivers/csrftest.eps # Fortran77/Drivers/csrftest.prt # Fortran77/Drivers/data # Fortran77/Drivers/driver.f # Fortran77/Drivers/gplot.eps # Fortran77/Drivers/res # Fortran77/Drivers/rplot.eps # Fortran77/Drivers/tgplot.eps # Fortran77/Drivers/tplot.eps # Fortran77/Src/ # Fortran77/Src/src.f # This archive created: Wed Aug 25 13:20:05 2004 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test ! -d 'Doc' then mkdir 'Doc' fi cd 'Doc' if test -f 'csrfpack.doc' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'csrfpack.doc'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'csrfpack.doc' CSRFPACK.DOC 01/31/2004 Overview: CSRFPACK is a Fortran-77 software package which constructs a once-continuously differentiable convex bivariate function F that interpolates a set of N strictly convex data points (data points for which the piecewise linear interpolant on some triangulation is convex, and no four points are coplanar). The interpolant F is obtained by applying convo- lution smoothing to a piecewise linear Hermite interpolant H of the data values and a set of convexity-preserving nodal gradients. Usage: The program is distributed in the form of two source code files and a sample input data set: csrftest.f, csrfpack.f, and csrftest.dat. The driver, csrftest.f, prompts for the name of an input data set which consists of the number of data points N (read with format I5) followed by a sequence of N ordered triples of data point coordinates (x,y,z) read with format 3E23.15: the x, y, and z components are read from columns 1 to 23, 24 to 46, and 47 to 69, respecively, and each must include a decimal point (and optional expo- nent). The output consists of the following files. csrftest.prt: Print file with parameter values and error messages. csrftest.out: Data set (suitable for a surface plotting package) consisting of interpolated values on a triangulation of a uniform grid in the bounding box (the smallest rectangle with sides parallel to the axes that contains the nodes). csrftest.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing a contour plot of the interpolatory surface. tplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing a plot of the convexity-preserving triangulation of the nodes. gplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing a plot of the gradient feasibility diagram and nodal gradients. tgplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing a plot of the gradient triangulation. rplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing a plot of the cell diagram and nodes. Various options governing the behavior of the code are easily specified by altering PARAMETER and DATA statements in the driver. Computational procedure and code structure: The procedure consists of the following ten steps: 1) Construct a convexity-preserving triangulation T, if it exists, of the data points (nodes and data values): Subroutine TRMSHC. Remove extraneous boundary edges (nearly null triangles): Subroutine DELBE. 2) Construct a gradient feasibility diagram (the straight line dual of T): a set of N convex polygons that parti- tion the plane and such that, for any choice of nodal gradients, one from each polygon, the piecewise linear Hermite interpolant H of the nodal values and gradients is convex: Subroutine VLIST. 3) Select a set of nodal gradients by taking the centroids of the gradient feasibility regions or (in the case of boundary nodes) truncated regions: Subroutine GLIST. 4) Optionally, create level-2 Encapsulated PostScript files containing plots of T and/or the dual of T (along with the nodal gradients): Subroutines PLTTR and PLTGR. 5) Optionally, compute a scale factor EPS defining a quad- ratic function q(p) = EPS*, and adjust the data values and gradients by subtracting nodal values and gradients of q, where EPS is defined so that a strictly convex Hermite interpolant of the original data can be constructed from a convex Hermite interpolant of the adjusted data (Subroutine ADDQT). 6) Construct a convexity-preserving triangulation Tg of the (possibly adjusted) nodal gradients and negative z- intercepts of the affine nodal functions defined by the (adjusted) data values and nodal gradients: Subroutine TRMSHC. 7) Construct a cell diagram (the straight line dual of Tg): a set of N convex polygons R_i that partition the plane and such that the restriction of H to R_i is the i-th affine nodal function f_i, where f_i(p) = + z_i for nodes p_i, (adjusted) data values z_i and (adjusted) gradients g_i for i = 1 to N and H(p) = Max(i=1,N){f_i(p)}: Subroutine VLIST. 8) Optionally, create level-2 Encapsulated PostScript files containing plots of Tg and/or the dual of Tg (along with the nodes): Subroutines PLTTR and PLTGR. 9) Compute the distance D_i from each node p_i to the nearest boundary point of cell R_i: Subroutine DELTAI. 10) Compute weights W_i and quadrature points q_ij defining the quadrature rule Q(p) = Sum(i=1,NR) [ W_i*Sum(j=1,NA) H(p+q_ij) ] for approximating F(p) = Integral[ H(p+q)* Phi(q) ]dq, where the integral is over the disk D0 of radius Dmin = Min(i=1,N){D_i} centered at the origin, and Phi(q) = phi(Norm(q)/Dmin), normalized to have inte- gral 1, for phi(t) = 1 - 3*t**2 + 2*t**3 (t in [0,1]): Subroutine GETQW. Subprograms: The subprograms in csrfpack.f are alphabetically ordered except for Subroutine CSURF which appears at the beginning of the file. The header comments in CSURF duplicate much of the documentation provided here. The subprograms that are likely to be called directly by a driver program are as follows. CSURF: Subroutine which computes parameters defining the smooth interpolatory surface F, and optionally creates plots of the triangulations and their duals, by executing the 10-step procedure outlined above. FGRID: Subroutine which uses FVAL to evaluate F at the vertices of a rectangular grid. FVAL: Subroutine which, given a point p and the output parameters from Subroutine CSURF, returns the value and gradient of F at p. PLTCNT: Subroutine which, given a set of function values z = F(x,y) at the vertices of a rectangular grid, creates an Encapsulated PostScript file contain- ing a contour plot of the piecewise bilinear interpolant of the function values. PLTTR: Subroutine which creates an Encapsulated PostScript file containing a plot of a triangulation created by Subroutine TRMSHC. TRMSHC: Subroutine which constructs a convexity-preserving triangulation, if it exists, of a set of N data points. Additional high-level subprograms that are called by CSURF are the following. ADDQT: Subroutine which, given a set of strictly convex Hermite data (nodes, data values, and nodal gradi- ents such that there exists a convex Hermite interpolant of the data values and gradients, and no four data points are coplanar), adjusts the data values and gradients (using a quadratic correction term) such that a strictly convex Her- mite interpolant of the data can be constructed from a convex Hermite interpolant of the adjusted data. DELBE: Subroutine which removes extraneous boundary edges (nearly null triangles) to avoid large errors caused by steep gradients on the boundary. The calling program specifies a lower bound on the acceptable aspect ratio (ratio of the radius of the inscribed circle to that of the circumcircle) of boundary triangles. DELTAI: Subroutine which, given a set of nodes p_i, data values z_i, and a data structure representing a convexity-preserving gradient triangulation Tg (Subroutine TRMSHC), returns the perpendicular distances D_i from each node p_i to the boundary of R_i. GETQW: Subroutine which computes the weights and quadra- ture points defining the quadrature rule for approximating values of F. GLIST: Subroutine which, given a convexity-preserving triangulation and its straight-line dual computed by Subroutine VLIST, returns a set of nodal gradi- ents for which there exists a convex Hermite interpolant of the data values and gradients. The nodal gradients are taken to be the centroids of the gradient feasibility regions (or truncated regions). PLTGR: Subroutine which creates an Encapsulated PostScript file containing a plot of the straight-line dual of a triangulation along with the set of nodal gradients. VLIST: Subroutine which, given a convexity-preserving triangulation, computes its straight-line dual, returning the vertices and adjacency information defining the gradient feasibility regions or cell diagram. The header comments in Subroutine TRMSHC include a list of additional user-callable subprograms related to the triangu- lations. Many of these are, with the exception of minor changes in comments, identical to subprograms in TRIPACK (ACM TOMS Algorithm 751). The triangulation data structure is the same as that of TRIPACK, and the structure defining T is overwritten by the structure for Tg. SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check cd .. if test ! -d 'Fortran77' then mkdir 'Fortran77' fi cd 'Fortran77' if test ! -d 'Drivers' then mkdir 'Drivers' fi cd 'Drivers' if test -f 'Makefile' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'Makefile' include makefile.inc all: Res src.o: $(INCSRC)/src.f $(F77) $(F77OPTS) -c $(INCSRC)/src.f DRIVERS= driver1 RESULTS= Res Libs1= $(PORT) Objs1= driver.o src.o driver1: $(Objs1) $(F77LINK) $(F77LINKOPTS) -o driver1 $(Objs1) $(Libs1) Res: driver1 data ./driver1 Res diffres:Res res echo "Differences in results from driver" $(DIFF) Res res clean: rm -rf *.o $(DRIVERS) $(CLEANUP) $(RESULTS) SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'csrftest.eps' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'csrftest.eps'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'csrftest.eps' %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 198 288 414 504 %%Title: Contour Plot %%Creator: CSRFPACK %%EndComments 198 288 moveto 198 504 lineto 414 504 lineto 414 288 lineto closepath stroke 306.000000 396.000000 translate 108.000000 108.000000 scale 0.018519 setlinewidth -0.076923 -0.447278 moveto -0.025641 -0.458596 lineto 0.025641 -0.458596 lineto 0.076923 -0.447278 lineto 0.096731 -0.435897 lineto 0.128205 -0.404434 lineto 0.145212 -0.384615 lineto 0.179487 -0.340402 lineto 0.184421 -0.333333 lineto 0.215099 -0.282051 lineto 0.230769 -0.250617 lineto 0.239767 -0.230769 lineto 0.258365 -0.179487 lineto 0.272313 -0.128205 lineto 0.281612 -0.076923 lineto 0.282051 -0.072076 lineto 0.285911 -0.025641 lineto 0.285911 0.025641 lineto 0.282051 0.072076 lineto 0.281612 0.076923 lineto 0.272313 0.128205 lineto 0.258365 0.179487 lineto 0.239767 0.230769 lineto 0.230769 0.250617 lineto 0.215099 0.282051 lineto 0.184421 0.333333 lineto 0.179487 0.340402 lineto 0.145212 0.384615 lineto 0.128205 0.404434 lineto 0.096731 0.435897 lineto 0.076923 0.447278 lineto 0.025641 0.458596 lineto -0.025641 0.458596 lineto -0.076923 0.447278 lineto -0.096731 0.435897 lineto -0.128205 0.404434 lineto -0.145212 0.384615 lineto -0.179487 0.340402 lineto -0.184421 0.333333 lineto -0.215099 0.282051 lineto -0.230769 0.250617 lineto -0.239767 0.230769 lineto -0.258365 0.179487 lineto -0.272313 0.128205 lineto -0.281612 0.076923 lineto -0.282051 0.072076 lineto -0.285911 0.025641 lineto -0.285911 -0.025641 lineto -0.282051 -0.072076 lineto -0.281612 -0.076923 lineto -0.272313 -0.128205 lineto -0.258365 -0.179487 lineto -0.239767 -0.230769 lineto -0.230769 -0.250617 lineto -0.215099 -0.282051 lineto -0.184421 -0.333333 lineto -0.179487 -0.340402 lineto -0.145212 -0.384615 lineto -0.128205 -0.404434 lineto -0.096731 -0.435897 lineto -0.076923 -0.447278 lineto stroke -0.230769 -0.549960 moveto -0.179487 -0.570717 lineto -0.128205 -0.579400 lineto -0.076923 -0.584615 lineto -0.025641 -0.587274 lineto 0.025641 -0.587274 lineto 0.076923 -0.584615 lineto 0.128205 -0.579400 lineto 0.179487 -0.570717 lineto 0.230769 -0.549960 lineto 0.245673 -0.538462 lineto 0.282051 -0.498038 lineto 0.291078 -0.487179 lineto 0.329444 -0.435897 lineto 0.333333 -0.430049 lineto 0.361229 -0.384615 lineto 0.384615 -0.341084 lineto 0.388483 -0.333333 lineto 0.410414 -0.282051 lineto 0.428691 -0.230769 lineto 0.435897 -0.205491 lineto 0.442818 -0.179487 lineto 0.453054 -0.128205 lineto 0.459878 -0.076923 lineto 0.463291 -0.025641 lineto 0.463291 0.025641 lineto 0.459878 0.076923 lineto 0.453054 0.128205 lineto 0.442818 0.179487 lineto 0.435897 0.205491 lineto 0.428691 0.230769 lineto 0.410414 0.282051 lineto 0.388483 0.333333 lineto 0.384615 0.341084 lineto 0.361229 0.384615 lineto 0.333333 0.430049 lineto 0.329444 0.435897 lineto 0.291078 0.487179 lineto 0.282051 0.498038 lineto 0.245673 0.538462 lineto 0.230769 0.549960 lineto 0.179487 0.570717 lineto 0.128205 0.579400 lineto 0.076923 0.584615 lineto 0.025641 0.587274 lineto -0.025641 0.587274 lineto -0.076923 0.584615 lineto -0.128205 0.579400 lineto -0.179487 0.570717 lineto -0.230769 0.549960 lineto -0.245673 0.538462 lineto -0.282051 0.498038 lineto -0.291078 0.487179 lineto -0.329444 0.435897 lineto -0.333333 0.430049 lineto -0.361229 0.384615 lineto -0.384615 0.341084 lineto -0.388483 0.333333 lineto -0.410414 0.282051 lineto -0.428691 0.230769 lineto -0.435897 0.205491 lineto -0.442818 0.179487 lineto -0.453054 0.128205 lineto -0.459878 0.076923 lineto -0.463291 0.025641 lineto -0.463291 -0.025641 lineto -0.459878 -0.076923 lineto -0.453054 -0.128205 lineto -0.442818 -0.179487 lineto -0.435897 -0.205491 lineto -0.428691 -0.230769 lineto -0.410414 -0.282051 lineto -0.388483 -0.333333 lineto -0.384615 -0.341084 lineto -0.361229 -0.384615 lineto -0.333333 -0.430049 lineto -0.329444 -0.435897 lineto -0.291078 -0.487179 lineto -0.282051 -0.498038 lineto -0.245673 -0.538462 lineto -0.230769 -0.549960 lineto stroke -0.128205 -0.693948 moveto -0.076923 -0.698551 lineto -0.025641 -0.700852 lineto 0.025641 -0.700852 lineto 0.076923 -0.698551 lineto 0.128205 -0.693948 lineto 0.140392 -0.692308 lineto 0.179487 -0.686798 lineto 0.230769 -0.677160 lineto 0.282051 -0.665168 lineto 0.333333 -0.646961 lineto 0.343033 -0.641026 lineto 0.384615 -0.599515 lineto 0.392913 -0.589744 lineto 0.433120 -0.538462 lineto 0.435897 -0.534565 lineto 0.467426 -0.487179 lineto 0.487179 -0.454191 lineto 0.497451 -0.435897 lineto 0.523044 -0.384615 lineto 0.538462 -0.349310 lineto 0.545029 -0.333333 lineto 0.563097 -0.282051 lineto 0.578154 -0.230769 lineto 0.589744 -0.181425 lineto 0.590174 -0.179487 lineto 0.598707 -0.128205 lineto 0.604395 -0.076923 lineto 0.607239 -0.025641 lineto 0.607239 0.025641 lineto 0.604395 0.076923 lineto 0.598707 0.128205 lineto 0.590174 0.179487 lineto 0.589744 0.181425 lineto 0.578154 0.230769 lineto 0.563097 0.282051 lineto 0.545029 0.333333 lineto 0.538462 0.349310 lineto 0.523044 0.384615 lineto 0.497451 0.435897 lineto 0.487179 0.454191 lineto 0.467426 0.487179 lineto 0.435897 0.534565 lineto 0.433120 0.538462 lineto 0.392913 0.589744 lineto 0.384615 0.599515 lineto 0.343033 0.641026 lineto 0.333333 0.646961 lineto 0.282051 0.665168 lineto 0.230769 0.677160 lineto 0.179487 0.686798 lineto 0.140392 0.692308 lineto 0.128205 0.693948 lineto 0.076923 0.698551 lineto 0.025641 0.700852 lineto -0.025641 0.700852 lineto -0.076923 0.698551 lineto -0.128205 0.693948 lineto -0.140392 0.692308 lineto -0.179487 0.686798 lineto -0.230769 0.677160 lineto -0.282051 0.665168 lineto -0.333333 0.646961 lineto -0.343033 0.641026 lineto -0.384615 0.599515 lineto -0.392913 0.589744 lineto -0.433120 0.538462 lineto -0.435897 0.534565 lineto -0.467426 0.487179 lineto -0.487179 0.454191 lineto -0.497451 0.435897 lineto -0.523044 0.384615 lineto -0.538462 0.349310 lineto -0.545029 0.333333 lineto -0.563097 0.282051 lineto -0.578154 0.230769 lineto -0.589744 0.181425 lineto -0.590174 0.179487 lineto -0.598707 0.128205 lineto -0.604395 0.076923 lineto -0.607239 0.025641 lineto -0.607239 -0.025641 lineto -0.604395 -0.076923 lineto -0.598707 -0.128205 lineto -0.590174 -0.179487 lineto -0.589744 -0.181425 lineto -0.578154 -0.230769 lineto -0.563097 -0.282051 lineto -0.545029 -0.333333 lineto -0.538462 -0.349310 lineto -0.523044 -0.384615 lineto -0.497451 -0.435897 lineto -0.487179 -0.454191 lineto -0.467426 -0.487179 lineto -0.435897 -0.534565 lineto -0.433120 -0.538462 lineto -0.392913 -0.589744 lineto -0.384615 -0.599515 lineto -0.343033 -0.641026 lineto -0.333333 -0.646961 lineto -0.282051 -0.665168 lineto -0.230769 -0.677160 lineto -0.179487 -0.686798 lineto -0.140392 -0.692308 lineto -0.128205 -0.693948 lineto stroke -0.128205 -0.797732 moveto -0.076923 -0.801956 lineto -0.025641 -0.804067 lineto 0.025641 -0.804067 lineto 0.076923 -0.801956 lineto 0.128205 -0.797732 lineto 0.151361 -0.794872 lineto 0.179487 -0.791248 lineto 0.230769 -0.782439 lineto 0.282051 -0.771427 lineto 0.333333 -0.758213 lineto 0.382498 -0.743590 lineto 0.384615 -0.742906 lineto 0.435897 -0.719059 lineto 0.468160 -0.692308 lineto 0.487179 -0.670452 lineto 0.510925 -0.641026 lineto 0.538462 -0.604243 lineto 0.548678 -0.589744 lineto 0.581803 -0.538462 lineto 0.589744 -0.524939 lineto 0.610687 -0.487179 lineto 0.636285 -0.435897 lineto 0.641026 -0.425214 lineto 0.658093 -0.384615 lineto 0.676957 -0.333333 lineto 0.692308 -0.284647 lineto 0.693085 -0.282051 lineto 0.705887 -0.230769 lineto 0.716128 -0.179487 lineto 0.723809 -0.128205 lineto 0.728930 -0.076923 lineto 0.731490 -0.025641 lineto 0.731490 0.025641 lineto 0.728930 0.076923 lineto 0.723809 0.128205 lineto 0.716128 0.179487 lineto 0.705887 0.230769 lineto 0.693085 0.282051 lineto 0.692308 0.284647 lineto 0.676957 0.333333 lineto 0.658093 0.384615 lineto 0.641026 0.425214 lineto 0.636285 0.435897 lineto 0.610687 0.487179 lineto 0.589744 0.524939 lineto 0.581803 0.538462 lineto 0.548678 0.589744 lineto 0.538462 0.604243 lineto 0.510925 0.641026 lineto 0.487179 0.670452 lineto 0.468160 0.692308 lineto 0.435897 0.719059 lineto 0.384615 0.742906 lineto 0.382498 0.743590 lineto 0.333333 0.758213 lineto 0.282051 0.771427 lineto 0.230769 0.782439 lineto 0.179487 0.791248 lineto 0.151361 0.794872 lineto 0.128205 0.797732 lineto 0.076923 0.801956 lineto 0.025641 0.804067 lineto -0.025641 0.804067 lineto -0.076923 0.801956 lineto -0.128205 0.797732 lineto -0.151361 0.794872 lineto -0.179487 0.791248 lineto -0.230769 0.782439 lineto -0.282051 0.771427 lineto -0.333333 0.758213 lineto -0.382498 0.743590 lineto -0.384615 0.742906 lineto -0.435897 0.719059 lineto -0.468160 0.692308 lineto -0.487179 0.670452 lineto -0.510925 0.641026 lineto -0.538462 0.604243 lineto -0.548678 0.589744 lineto -0.581803 0.538462 lineto -0.589744 0.524939 lineto -0.610687 0.487179 lineto -0.636285 0.435897 lineto -0.641026 0.425214 lineto -0.658093 0.384615 lineto -0.676957 0.333333 lineto -0.692308 0.284647 lineto -0.693085 0.282051 lineto -0.705887 0.230769 lineto -0.716128 0.179487 lineto -0.723809 0.128205 lineto -0.728930 0.076923 lineto -0.731490 0.025641 lineto -0.731490 -0.025641 lineto -0.728930 -0.076923 lineto -0.723809 -0.128205 lineto -0.716128 -0.179487 lineto -0.705887 -0.230769 lineto -0.693085 -0.282051 lineto -0.692308 -0.284647 lineto -0.676957 -0.333333 lineto -0.658093 -0.384615 lineto -0.641026 -0.425214 lineto -0.636285 -0.435897 lineto -0.610687 -0.487179 lineto -0.589744 -0.524939 lineto -0.581803 -0.538462 lineto -0.548678 -0.589744 lineto -0.538462 -0.604243 lineto -0.510925 -0.641026 lineto -0.487179 -0.670452 lineto -0.468160 -0.692308 lineto -0.435897 -0.719059 lineto -0.384615 -0.742906 lineto -0.382498 -0.743590 lineto -0.333333 -0.758213 lineto -0.282051 -0.771427 lineto -0.230769 -0.782439 lineto -0.179487 -0.791248 lineto -0.151361 -0.794872 lineto -0.128205 -0.797732 lineto stroke -0.025641 -0.899380 moveto 0.025641 -0.899380 lineto 0.076736 -0.897436 lineto 0.076923 -0.897428 lineto 0.128205 -0.893372 lineto 0.179487 -0.887288 lineto 0.230769 -0.879175 lineto 0.282051 -0.869034 lineto 0.333333 -0.856865 lineto 0.372025 -0.846154 lineto 0.384615 -0.842525 lineto 0.435897 -0.825632 lineto 0.487179 -0.806595 lineto 0.512051 -0.794872 lineto 0.538462 -0.776596 lineto 0.570434 -0.743590 lineto 0.589744 -0.720055 lineto 0.611289 -0.692308 lineto 0.641026 -0.651066 lineto 0.647885 -0.641026 lineto 0.680223 -0.589744 lineto 0.692308 -0.568837 lineto 0.708990 -0.538462 lineto 0.734593 -0.487179 lineto 0.743590 -0.467156 lineto 0.756968 -0.435897 lineto 0.776476 -0.384615 lineto 0.793546 -0.333333 lineto 0.794872 -0.328686 lineto 0.807573 -0.282051 lineto 0.819213 -0.230769 lineto 0.828524 -0.179487 lineto 0.835508 -0.128205 lineto 0.840163 -0.076923 lineto 0.842491 -0.025641 lineto 0.842491 0.025641 lineto 0.840163 0.076923 lineto 0.835508 0.128205 lineto 0.828524 0.179487 lineto 0.819213 0.230769 lineto 0.807573 0.282051 lineto 0.794872 0.328686 lineto 0.793546 0.333333 lineto 0.776476 0.384615 lineto 0.756968 0.435897 lineto 0.743590 0.467156 lineto 0.734593 0.487179 lineto 0.708990 0.538462 lineto 0.692308 0.568837 lineto 0.680223 0.589744 lineto 0.647885 0.641026 lineto 0.641026 0.651066 lineto 0.611289 0.692308 lineto 0.589744 0.720055 lineto 0.570434 0.743590 lineto 0.538462 0.776596 lineto 0.512051 0.794872 lineto 0.487179 0.806595 lineto 0.435897 0.825632 lineto 0.384615 0.842525 lineto 0.372025 0.846154 lineto 0.333333 0.856865 lineto 0.282051 0.869034 lineto 0.230769 0.879175 lineto 0.179487 0.887288 lineto 0.128205 0.893372 lineto 0.076923 0.897428 lineto 0.076736 0.897436 lineto 0.025641 0.899380 lineto -0.025641 0.899380 lineto -0.076736 0.897436 lineto -0.076923 0.897428 lineto -0.128205 0.893372 lineto -0.179487 0.887288 lineto -0.230769 0.879175 lineto -0.282051 0.869034 lineto -0.333333 0.856865 lineto -0.372025 0.846154 lineto -0.384615 0.842525 lineto -0.435897 0.825632 lineto -0.487179 0.806595 lineto -0.512051 0.794872 lineto -0.538462 0.776596 lineto -0.570434 0.743590 lineto -0.589744 0.720055 lineto -0.611289 0.692308 lineto -0.641026 0.651066 lineto -0.647885 0.641026 lineto -0.680223 0.589744 lineto -0.692308 0.568837 lineto -0.708990 0.538462 lineto -0.734593 0.487179 lineto -0.743590 0.467156 lineto -0.756968 0.435897 lineto -0.776476 0.384615 lineto -0.793546 0.333333 lineto -0.794872 0.328686 lineto -0.807573 0.282051 lineto -0.819213 0.230769 lineto -0.828524 0.179487 lineto -0.835508 0.128205 lineto -0.840163 0.076923 lineto -0.842491 0.025641 lineto -0.842491 -0.025641 lineto -0.840163 -0.076923 lineto -0.835508 -0.128205 lineto -0.828524 -0.179487 lineto -0.819213 -0.230769 lineto -0.807573 -0.282051 lineto -0.794872 -0.328686 lineto -0.793546 -0.333333 lineto -0.776476 -0.384615 lineto -0.756968 -0.435897 lineto -0.743590 -0.467156 lineto -0.734593 -0.487179 lineto -0.708990 -0.538462 lineto -0.692308 -0.568837 lineto -0.680223 -0.589744 lineto -0.647885 -0.641026 lineto -0.641026 -0.651066 lineto -0.611289 -0.692308 lineto -0.589744 -0.720055 lineto -0.570434 -0.743590 lineto -0.538462 -0.776596 lineto -0.512051 -0.794872 lineto -0.487179 -0.806595 lineto -0.435897 -0.825632 lineto -0.384615 -0.842525 lineto -0.372025 -0.846154 lineto -0.333333 -0.856865 lineto -0.282051 -0.869034 lineto -0.230769 -0.879175 lineto -0.179487 -0.887288 lineto -0.128205 -0.893372 lineto -0.076923 -0.897428 lineto -0.076736 -0.897436 lineto -0.025641 -0.899380 lineto stroke -0.282051 -0.959850 moveto -0.230769 -0.969248 lineto -0.179487 -0.976766 lineto -0.128205 -0.982404 lineto -0.076923 -0.986163 lineto -0.025641 -0.988043 lineto 0.025641 -0.988043 lineto 0.076923 -0.986163 lineto 0.128205 -0.982404 lineto 0.179487 -0.976766 lineto 0.230769 -0.969248 lineto 0.282051 -0.959850 lineto 0.332676 -0.948718 lineto 0.333333 -0.948568 lineto 0.384615 -0.934911 lineto 0.435897 -0.919303 lineto 0.487179 -0.901732 lineto 0.498463 -0.897436 lineto 0.538462 -0.881581 lineto 0.589744 -0.858242 lineto 0.609219 -0.846154 lineto 0.641026 -0.816077 lineto 0.659235 -0.794872 lineto 0.692308 -0.752915 lineto 0.699291 -0.743590 lineto 0.735135 -0.692308 lineto 0.743590 -0.679281 lineto 0.767238 -0.641026 lineto 0.794872 -0.592599 lineto 0.796427 -0.589744 lineto 0.822034 -0.538462 lineto 0.845312 -0.487179 lineto 0.846154 -0.485120 lineto 0.865390 -0.435897 lineto 0.883204 -0.384615 lineto 0.897436 -0.337793 lineto 0.898735 -0.333333 lineto 0.911540 -0.282051 lineto 0.922210 -0.230769 lineto 0.930747 -0.179487 lineto 0.937149 -0.128205 lineto 0.941417 -0.076923 lineto 0.943551 -0.025641 lineto 0.943551 0.025641 lineto 0.941417 0.076923 lineto 0.937149 0.128205 lineto 0.930747 0.179487 lineto 0.922210 0.230769 lineto 0.911540 0.282051 lineto 0.898735 0.333333 lineto 0.897436 0.337793 lineto 0.883204 0.384615 lineto 0.865390 0.435897 lineto 0.846154 0.485120 lineto 0.845312 0.487179 lineto 0.822034 0.538462 lineto 0.796427 0.589744 lineto 0.794872 0.592599 lineto 0.767238 0.641026 lineto 0.743590 0.679281 lineto 0.735135 0.692308 lineto 0.699291 0.743590 lineto 0.692308 0.752915 lineto 0.659235 0.794872 lineto 0.641026 0.816077 lineto 0.609219 0.846154 lineto 0.589744 0.858242 lineto 0.538462 0.881581 lineto 0.498463 0.897436 lineto 0.487179 0.901732 lineto 0.435897 0.919303 lineto 0.384615 0.934911 lineto 0.333333 0.948568 lineto 0.332676 0.948718 lineto 0.282051 0.959850 lineto 0.230769 0.969248 lineto 0.179487 0.976766 lineto 0.128205 0.982404 lineto 0.076923 0.986163 lineto 0.025641 0.988043 lineto -0.025641 0.988043 lineto -0.076923 0.986163 lineto -0.128205 0.982404 lineto -0.179487 0.976766 lineto -0.230769 0.969248 lineto -0.282051 0.959850 lineto -0.332676 0.948718 lineto -0.333333 0.948568 lineto -0.384615 0.934911 lineto -0.435897 0.919303 lineto -0.487179 0.901732 lineto -0.498463 0.897436 lineto -0.538462 0.881581 lineto -0.589744 0.858242 lineto -0.609219 0.846154 lineto -0.641026 0.816077 lineto -0.659235 0.794872 lineto -0.692308 0.752915 lineto -0.699291 0.743590 lineto -0.735135 0.692308 lineto -0.743590 0.679281 lineto -0.767238 0.641026 lineto -0.794872 0.592599 lineto -0.796427 0.589744 lineto -0.822034 0.538462 lineto -0.845312 0.487179 lineto -0.846154 0.485120 lineto -0.865390 0.435897 lineto -0.883204 0.384615 lineto -0.897436 0.337793 lineto -0.898735 0.333333 lineto -0.911540 0.282051 lineto -0.922210 0.230769 lineto -0.930747 0.179487 lineto -0.937149 0.128205 lineto -0.941417 0.076923 lineto -0.943551 0.025641 lineto -0.943551 -0.025641 lineto -0.941417 -0.076923 lineto -0.937149 -0.128205 lineto -0.930747 -0.179487 lineto -0.922210 -0.230769 lineto -0.911540 -0.282051 lineto -0.898735 -0.333333 lineto -0.897436 -0.337793 lineto -0.883204 -0.384615 lineto -0.865390 -0.435897 lineto -0.846154 -0.485120 lineto -0.845312 -0.487179 lineto -0.822034 -0.538462 lineto -0.796427 -0.589744 lineto -0.794872 -0.592599 lineto -0.767238 -0.641026 lineto -0.743590 -0.679281 lineto -0.735135 -0.692308 lineto -0.699291 -0.743590 lineto -0.692308 -0.752915 lineto -0.659235 -0.794872 lineto -0.641026 -0.816077 lineto -0.609219 -0.846154 lineto -0.589744 -0.858242 lineto -0.538462 -0.881581 lineto -0.498463 -0.897436 lineto -0.487179 -0.901732 lineto -0.435897 -0.919303 lineto -0.384615 -0.934911 lineto -0.333333 -0.948568 lineto -0.332676 -0.948718 lineto -0.282051 -0.959850 lineto stroke -0.455156 -1.000000 moveto -0.487179 -0.988797 lineto -0.538462 -0.968220 lineto -0.583412 -0.948718 lineto -0.589744 -0.945812 lineto -0.641026 -0.920114 lineto -0.682160 -0.897436 lineto -0.692308 -0.889428 lineto -0.738061 -0.846154 lineto -0.743590 -0.839260 lineto -0.777509 -0.794872 lineto -0.794872 -0.770530 lineto -0.813215 -0.743590 lineto -0.845806 -0.692308 lineto -0.846154 -0.691717 lineto -0.874769 -0.641026 lineto -0.897436 -0.597524 lineto -0.901321 -0.589744 lineto -0.924797 -0.538462 lineto -0.946138 -0.487179 lineto -0.948718 -0.480291 lineto -0.964681 -0.435897 lineto -0.981071 -0.384615 lineto -0.995413 -0.333333 lineto -1.000000 -0.314199 lineto stroke 0.455156 -1.000000 moveto 0.487179 -0.988797 lineto 0.538462 -0.968220 lineto 0.583412 -0.948718 lineto 0.589744 -0.945812 lineto 0.641026 -0.920114 lineto 0.682160 -0.897436 lineto 0.692308 -0.889428 lineto 0.738061 -0.846154 lineto 0.743590 -0.839260 lineto 0.777509 -0.794872 lineto 0.794872 -0.770530 lineto 0.813215 -0.743590 lineto 0.845806 -0.692308 lineto 0.846154 -0.691717 lineto 0.874769 -0.641026 lineto 0.897436 -0.597524 lineto 0.901321 -0.589744 lineto 0.924797 -0.538462 lineto 0.946138 -0.487179 lineto 0.948718 -0.480291 lineto 0.964681 -0.435897 lineto 0.981071 -0.384615 lineto 0.995413 -0.333333 lineto 1.000000 -0.314199 lineto stroke 1.000000 0.314199 moveto 0.995413 0.333333 lineto 0.981071 0.384615 lineto 0.964681 0.435897 lineto 0.948718 0.480291 lineto 0.946138 0.487179 lineto 0.924797 0.538462 lineto 0.901321 0.589744 lineto 0.897436 0.597524 lineto 0.874769 0.641026 lineto 0.846154 0.691717 lineto 0.845806 0.692308 lineto 0.813215 0.743590 lineto 0.794872 0.770530 lineto 0.777509 0.794872 lineto 0.743590 0.839260 lineto 0.738061 0.846154 lineto 0.692308 0.889428 lineto 0.682160 0.897436 lineto 0.641026 0.920114 lineto 0.589744 0.945812 lineto 0.583412 0.948718 lineto 0.538462 0.968220 lineto 0.487179 0.988797 lineto 0.455156 1.000000 lineto stroke -0.455156 1.000000 moveto -0.487179 0.988797 lineto -0.538462 0.968220 lineto -0.583412 0.948718 lineto -0.589744 0.945812 lineto -0.641026 0.920114 lineto -0.682160 0.897436 lineto -0.692308 0.889428 lineto -0.738061 0.846154 lineto -0.743590 0.839260 lineto -0.777509 0.794872 lineto -0.794872 0.770530 lineto -0.813215 0.743590 lineto -0.845806 0.692308 lineto -0.846154 0.691717 lineto -0.874769 0.641026 lineto -0.897436 0.597524 lineto -0.901321 0.589744 lineto -0.924797 0.538462 lineto -0.946138 0.487179 lineto -0.948718 0.480291 lineto -0.964681 0.435897 lineto -0.981071 0.384615 lineto -0.995413 0.333333 lineto -1.000000 0.314199 lineto stroke -0.632914 -1.000000 moveto -0.641026 -0.996051 lineto -0.692308 -0.969465 lineto -0.730035 -0.948718 lineto -0.743590 -0.940615 lineto -0.794872 -0.906165 lineto -0.806332 -0.897436 lineto -0.846154 -0.849247 lineto -0.848519 -0.846154 lineto -0.884148 -0.794872 lineto -0.897436 -0.774470 lineto -0.916712 -0.743590 lineto -0.946590 -0.692308 lineto -0.948718 -0.688374 lineto -0.973310 -0.641026 lineto -0.997896 -0.589744 lineto -1.000000 -0.584957 lineto stroke 0.632914 -1.000000 moveto 0.641026 -0.996051 lineto 0.692308 -0.969465 lineto 0.730035 -0.948718 lineto 0.743590 -0.940615 lineto 0.794872 -0.906165 lineto 0.806332 -0.897436 lineto 0.846154 -0.849247 lineto 0.848519 -0.846154 lineto 0.884148 -0.794872 lineto 0.897436 -0.774470 lineto 0.916712 -0.743590 lineto 0.946590 -0.692308 lineto 0.948718 -0.688374 lineto 0.973310 -0.641026 lineto 0.997896 -0.589744 lineto 1.000000 -0.584957 lineto stroke 1.000000 0.584957 moveto 0.997896 0.589744 lineto 0.973310 0.641026 lineto 0.948718 0.688374 lineto 0.946590 0.692308 lineto 0.916712 0.743590 lineto 0.897436 0.774470 lineto 0.884148 0.794872 lineto 0.848519 0.846154 lineto 0.846154 0.849247 lineto 0.806332 0.897436 lineto 0.794872 0.906165 lineto 0.743590 0.940615 lineto 0.730035 0.948718 lineto 0.692308 0.969465 lineto 0.641026 0.996051 lineto 0.632914 1.000000 lineto stroke -0.632914 1.000000 moveto -0.641026 0.996051 lineto -0.692308 0.969465 lineto -0.730035 0.948718 lineto -0.743590 0.940615 lineto -0.794872 0.906165 lineto -0.806332 0.897436 lineto -0.846154 0.849247 lineto -0.848519 0.846154 lineto -0.884148 0.794872 lineto -0.897436 0.774470 lineto -0.916712 0.743590 lineto -0.946590 0.692308 lineto -0.948718 0.688374 lineto -0.973310 0.641026 lineto -0.997896 0.589744 lineto -1.000000 0.584957 lineto stroke -0.770975 -1.000000 moveto -0.794872 -0.986041 lineto -0.846154 -0.954389 lineto -0.854821 -0.948718 lineto -0.897436 -0.912235 lineto -0.912340 -0.897436 lineto -0.948718 -0.846795 lineto -0.949158 -0.846154 lineto -0.981940 -0.794872 lineto -1.000000 -0.764736 lineto stroke 0.770975 -1.000000 moveto 0.794872 -0.986041 lineto 0.846154 -0.954389 lineto 0.854821 -0.948718 lineto 0.897436 -0.912235 lineto 0.912340 -0.897436 lineto 0.948718 -0.846795 lineto 0.949158 -0.846154 lineto 0.981940 -0.794872 lineto 1.000000 -0.764736 lineto stroke 1.000000 0.764736 moveto 0.981940 0.794872 lineto 0.949158 0.846154 lineto 0.948718 0.846795 lineto 0.912340 0.897436 lineto 0.897436 0.912235 lineto 0.854821 0.948718 lineto 0.846154 0.954389 lineto 0.794872 0.986041 lineto 0.770975 1.000000 lineto stroke -0.770975 1.000000 moveto -0.794872 0.986041 lineto -0.846154 0.954389 lineto -0.854821 0.948718 lineto -0.897436 0.912235 lineto -0.912340 0.897436 lineto -0.948718 0.846795 lineto -0.949158 0.846154 lineto -0.981940 0.794872 lineto -1.000000 0.764736 lineto stroke -0.891669 -1.000000 moveto -0.897436 -0.996239 lineto -0.948718 -0.960571 lineto -0.964410 -0.948718 lineto -1.000000 -0.907983 lineto stroke 0.891669 -1.000000 moveto 0.897436 -0.996239 lineto 0.948718 -0.960571 lineto 0.964410 -0.948718 lineto 1.000000 -0.907983 lineto stroke 1.000000 0.907983 moveto 0.964410 0.948718 lineto 0.948718 0.960571 lineto 0.897436 0.996239 lineto 0.891669 1.000000 lineto stroke -0.891669 1.000000 moveto -0.897436 0.996239 lineto -0.948718 0.960571 lineto -0.964410 0.948718 lineto -1.000000 0.907983 lineto stroke showpage %%EOF  SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'csrftest.prt' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'csrftest.prt'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'csrftest.prt' CSRFTEST.PRT N = 8 XMIN = -0.100D+01 XMAX = 0.100D+01 YMIN = -0.100D+01 YMAX = 0.100D+01 TOLBE = 0.100D-01 STRICT = T NR = 8 NA = 24 Number of boundary edge deletions: ND = 0 Scale factor for quadratic term: EPS = 0.865D+00 Min. distance node to cell boundary: DMIN = 0.537D-01 SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'data' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'data'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'data' 8 -1.00 -1.00 2.0000 1.00 -1.00 2.0000 0.00 -0.60 0.1296 -0.40 0.00 0.0256 0.40 0.00 0.0256 0.00 0.60 0.1296 -1.00 1.00 2.0000 1.00 1.00 2.0000 SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'driver.f' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'driver.f'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'driver.f' C C C CSRFTEST C 06/25/02 C C This program is a test driver for the software package C CSRFPACK which constructs a convex once-continuously C differentiable bivariate function that interpolates a set C of data values at arbitrarily distributed nodes in the C plane. C C The user must provide an input data set consisting of C the number of data points N (Format I5) and a sequence of C N ordered triples (X,Y,Z) with nodal coordinates (X,Y) and C data values Z: Format 3E23.15. C C Provided the data defines a convex function, the output C consists of the following files: C C csrftest.prt: Print file with parameter values and error C messages. C csrftest.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing a C contour plot of the interpolatory surface. C csrftest.out: Data set suitable for a surface plotting C package consisting of interpolated values C on a triangulation of a uniform grid in the C bounding box (the smallest rectangle with C sides parallel to the axes that contains C the nodes). C tplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing the C convexity-preserving triangulation of the C nodes. C gplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing the C gradient feasibility diagram and nodal C gradients C tgplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing the C gradient triangulation. C rplot.eps: Encapsulated Postscript file containing the C cell diagram and nodes. C C Previously existing files with the above names are over- C written. C INTEGER LC, LWK, N2, N6, NA, NMAX, NR, NX, NY C C Maximum number of nodes NMAX: C PARAMETER (NMAX=300, N2=2*NMAX, N6=6*NMAX) C C Number of grid points NX (horizontally) and NY C (vertically) defining the uniform grid. C PARAMETER (NX=40, NY=40, LWK=NX*NY+(NX*NY)/2, . LC=NX*NY+LWK) C C Number of quadrature points in the radial and angular C directions: C PARAMETER (NR=8, NA=24) C CHARACTER*60 FNAME DOUBLE PRECISION C(NMAX), D(NMAX), DMIN, DX, DXL(N2), . DY, DYL(N2), EPS, F(NX,NY), GX(NMAX), . GY(NMAX), PLTSIZ, PX(NX), PY(NY), . QX(NR,NA), QY(NR,NA), TOLBE, W(NR), . X(NMAX), XC(LC), XMAX, XMIN, Y(NMAX), . YC(LC), YMAX, YMIN, Z(NMAX) INTEGER I, IER, IPLOT, IWK(LWK), J, K, LCON, . LEND(NMAX), LIN, LIST(N6), LISTV(N6), LOUT, . LPRT, LPTR(N6), LNEW, N, NCON, ND, NEAR(NMAX), . NEXT(NMAX), NV LOGICAL STRICT C C Data: C C Plot option in the range 0 to 15: IPLOT = (b3,b2,b1,b0), C with bits specifying which Postscript files are created: C C b0: tplot.eps C b1: gplot.eps C b2: tgplot.eps C b3: rplot.eps C DATA IPLOT/15/ C C Number of contour values in the contour plot. C DATA NCON/10/ C C PostScript plot size: 1.0 <= PLTSIZ <= 7.5. C DATA PLTSIZ/3.0/ C C Strict convexity option (quadratic correction term C requiring an O(N**2) algorithm). C DATA STRICT/.TRUE./ C C Positive tolerance for removing boundary triangles. C DATA TOLBE/1.D-2/ C C LIN,LOUT = Logical unit numbers for input and output. C DATA LCON/1/, LIN/5/, LOUT/6/, LPRT/4/ C C Input/output formats: C 300 FORMAT (I5) 310 FORMAT (3E23.15) 320 FORMAT (A60) 330 FORMAT (3I6) C C Get an input file name and open it. C C 1 WRITE (*,100) C 100 FORMAT (///13X,'CSRFTEST: CSRFPACK Test Program'// C . 5X,'Specify a data set file name (at most 60', C . ' characters):'/) C READ (*,320,ERR=1) FNAME C OPEN (LIN,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',ERR=1) C C Read N and the nodal coordinates and data values from C unit LIN. C READ (LIN,300) N IF (N .LT. 3 .OR. N .GT. NMAX) THEN WRITE (*,110) NMAX 110 FORMAT (//5X,'Invalid data. N must be in the ', . 'range 3 to ',I5,'.') STOP ENDIF READ (LIN,310) (X(I),Y(I),Z(I), I = 1,N) C C Compute the bounding box corner coordinates (XMIN,YMIN) C and (XMAX,YMAX) and the uniform grid points C (((PX(i),PY(j)), i = 1,NX), j = 1,NY). C XMIN = X(1) XMAX = X(1) YMIN = Y(1) YMAX = Y(1) DO 2 I = 2,N IF (X(I) .LT. XMIN) XMIN = X(I) IF (X(I) .GT. XMAX) XMAX = X(I) IF (Y(I) .LT. YMIN) YMIN = Y(I) IF (Y(I) .GT. YMAX) YMAX = Y(I) 2 CONTINUE DX = (XMAX-XMIN)/DBLE(NX-1) DY = (YMAX-YMIN)/DBLE(NY-1) DO 3 I = 1,NX PX(I) = XMIN + DBLE(I-1)*DX 3 CONTINUE DO 4 J = 1,NY PY(J) = YMIN + DBLE(J-1)*DY 4 CONTINUE C C Create a print file with parameter values. C OPEN (LPRT,FILE='csrftest.prt') WRITE (LPRT,120) N, XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX, TOLBE, . STRICT, NR, NA 120 FORMAT (///27X,'CSRFTEST.PRT'// . 10X,'N = ',I5/ . 10X,'XMIN = ',D10.3,3X,'XMAX = ',D10.3/ . 10X,'YMIN = ',D10.3,3X,'YMAX = ',D10.3/ . 10X,'TOLBE = ',D10.3/ . 10X,'STRICT = ',L1/ . 10X,'NR = ',I2/ . 10X,'NA = ',I2) C C Construct the interpolatory surface F. C CALL CSURF (N,X,Y,TOLBE,IPLOT,PLTSIZ,STRICT,NR,NA, ND, . Z,C,LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW,NEAR,NEXT,NV, . LISTV,DXL,DYL,GX,GY,EPS,D,DMIN,W,QX,QY, . IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) THEN IF (IER .NE. -11) GO TO 10 C C DMIN = 0. C WRITE (*,130) WRITE (LPRT,130) ENDIF 130 FORMAT (//10X,'*** The surface is not strictly ', . 'convex: DMIN = 0. ***'//) C C Output computed parameter values to the print file. C WRITE (LPRT,140) ND, EPS, DMIN WRITE (*,140) ND, EPS, DMIN 140 FORMAT (//10X,'Number of boundary edge deletions: ', . 'ND = ',I3/ . 10X,'Scale factor for quadratic term: ', . 'EPS = ',D10.3/ . 10X,'Min. distance node to cell boundary: ', . ' DMIN = ',D10.3) C C Compute interpolated values on the uniform grid. C CALL FGRID (NX,NY,PX,PY,EPS,GX,GY,C,LIST,LPTR, . LEND,DMIN,NR,NA,W,QX,QY, F,IER) C C Create a contour plot of the interpolatory surface on the C NX by NY uniform grid. C OPEN (LCON,FILE='csrftest.eps') CALL PLTCNT (LCON,PLTSIZ,NX,NY,PX,PY,F,NCON,IWK,XC, . YC, IER) C C Create the output data set using the natural ordering of C the rectangular grid points: left-to-right within C bottom-to-top. C C Write the number of vertices followed by the sequence of C vertex coordinate triples. C C OPEN (LOUT,FILE='csrftest.out') WRITE (LOUT,300) NX*NY DO 6 J = 1,NY DO 5 I = 1,NX WRITE (LOUT,310) PX(I), PY(J), F(I,J) 5 CONTINUE 6 CONTINUE C C Write the number of triangles followed by the sequence of C triangles (CCW-ordered vertex indices). For each of the C (NX-1)*(NY-1) cells, k is the vertex index of the upper C right corner, and the cell is partitioned by the C diagonal with slope 1. C WRITE (LOUT,300) 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1) DO 8 J = 2,NY DO 7 I = 2,NX K = NX*(J-1) + I WRITE (LOUT,330) K-NX-1, K-NX, K WRITE (LOUT,330) K-NX-1, K, K-1 7 CONTINUE 8 CONTINUE STOP C C Error in CSURF. C 10 WRITE (LPRT,400) IER WRITE (*,400) IER 400 FORMAT (///10X,'Error flag ',I4,' returned by CSURF.') IF (IER .EQ. -2) THEN WRITE (LPRT,410) WRITE (*,410) ENDIF 410 FORMAT (/10X,'The first three nodes are collinear.') IF (IER .EQ. -3) THEN WRITE (LPRT,420) WRITE (*,420) ENDIF 420 FORMAT (/10X,'A convex triangulation does not exist ', . '(ADDNDC error -3).') IF (IER .EQ. -4) THEN WRITE (LPRT,430) WRITE (*,430) ENDIF 430 FORMAT (/10X,'A convex triangulation does not exist ', . '(ADDNDC error -4).') IF (IER .GT. 0) THEN WRITE (LPRT,440) WRITE (*,440) ENDIF 440 FORMAT (/10X,'Duplicate nodes.') STOP END SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'gplot.eps' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'gplot.eps'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'gplot.eps' %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 237 288 375 504 %%Title: Triangulation Dual %%Creator: CSRFPACK %%EndComments 2.000000 setlinewidth 246 301 moveto 246 491 lineto 366 491 lineto 366 301 lineto closepath stroke 306.500000 396.000000 translate 9.216923 9.308722 scale 0.107958 setlinewidth gsave -6.564013 -10.205482 moveto 6.564013 -10.205482 lineto 6.564013 10.205482 lineto -6.564013 10.205482 lineto closepath clip newpath 0.000000 -4.676000 moveto -1.421895 -1.121263 lineto -1.421895 -1.121263 moveto -3.290667 0.000000 lineto -3.290667 0.000000 moveto -5.470011 0.000000 lineto stroke [ 0.431834 0.431834] 0 setdash -5.470011 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 -8.504569 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash -5.470011 0.000000 moveto -6.564013 0.000000 lineto stroke 3.290667 0.000000 moveto 1.421895 -1.121263 lineto 0.000000 -4.676000 moveto 0.000000 -8.504569 lineto stroke [ 0.431834 0.431834] 0 setdash 0.000000 -8.504569 moveto 5.470011 0.000000 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -8.504569 moveto 0.000000 -10.205482 lineto stroke 1.421895 -1.121263 moveto 0.000000 -0.173333 lineto 0.000000 -4.676000 moveto 1.421895 -1.121263 lineto -1.421895 -1.121263 moveto 0.000000 -0.173333 lineto 0.000000 -0.173333 moveto 0.000000 0.173333 lineto 0.000000 0.173333 moveto -1.421895 1.121263 lineto 3.290667 0.000000 moveto 1.421895 1.121263 lineto 1.421895 1.121263 moveto 0.000000 4.676000 lineto 0.000000 0.173333 moveto 1.421895 1.121263 lineto -3.290667 0.000000 moveto -1.421895 1.121263 lineto -1.421895 1.121263 moveto 0.000000 4.676000 lineto 0.000000 4.676000 moveto 0.000000 8.504569 lineto stroke [ 0.431834 0.431834] 0 setdash 0.000000 8.504569 moveto -5.470011 0.000000 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash 0.000000 8.504569 moveto 0.000000 10.205482 lineto stroke 3.290667 0.000000 moveto 5.470011 0.000000 lineto stroke [ 0.431834 0.431834] 0 setdash 5.470011 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 8.504569 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash 5.470011 0.000000 moveto 6.455517 0.000000 lineto stroke stroke grestore /Helvetica findfont 1.079585 scalefont setfont 0.431834 setlinewidth 1 setlinecap -2.036514 -2.860366 moveto -2.036514 -2.860366 lineto ( 1) show 2.036514 -2.860366 moveto 2.036514 -2.860366 lineto ( 2) show 0.000000 -1.772965 moveto 0.000000 -1.772965 lineto ( 3) show -1.226891 0.000000 moveto -1.226891 0.000000 lineto ( 4) show 1.226891 0.000000 moveto 1.226891 0.000000 lineto ( 5) show 0.000000 1.772965 moveto 0.000000 1.772965 lineto ( 6) show -2.036514 2.860366 moveto -2.036514 2.860366 lineto ( 7) show 2.036514 2.860366 moveto 2.036514 2.860366 lineto ( 8) show stroke /Helvetica findfont 1.727335 scalefont setfont () stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0.000000 add 15.387488 moveto () show -6.564013 -15.603405 moveto (Window: WX1 = -.656E+01, WX2 = 0.656E+01) show (Window: ) stringwidth pop -6.564013 add -19.058076 moveto ( WY1 = -.102E+02, WY2 = 0.102E+02) show stroke showpage %%EOF  SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'res' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'res'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'res' Number of boundary edge deletions: ND = 0 Scale factor for quadratic term: EPS = 0.865D+00 Min. distance node to cell boundary: DMIN = 0.537D-01 1600 -0.100000000000000E+01 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.200000000000000E+01 -0.948717948717949E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.189783809135176E+01 -0.897435897435897E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.180022563546293E+01 -0.846153846153846E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.170716263233351E+01 -0.794871794871795E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.161864908196349E+01 -0.743589743589744E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.153468498435289E+01 -0.692307692307692E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.145527033950169E+01 -0.641025641025641E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.138040514740989E+01 -0.589743589743590E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.131008940807751E+01 -0.538461538461539E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.124498771030370E+01 -0.487179487179487E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.118709592731142E+01 -0.435897435897436E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.114217396163629E+01 -0.384615384615385E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.110513367671179E+01 -0.333333333333333E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.107328750739594E+01 -0.282051282051282E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.104599079083950E+01 -0.230769230769231E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.102324352704246E+01 -0.179487179487180E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.100504571600483E+01 -0.128205128205128E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.991397357726606E+00 -0.769230769230770E-01 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.982298452207791E+00 -0.256410256410257E-01 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.977748999448383E+00 0.256410256410255E-01 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.977748999448383E+00 0.769230769230769E-01 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.982298452207791E+00 0.128205128205128E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.991397357726606E+00 0.179487179487180E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.100504571600483E+01 0.230769230769231E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.102324352704246E+01 0.282051282051282E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.104599079083950E+01 0.333333333333333E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.107328750739594E+01 0.384615384615385E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.110513367671179E+01 0.435897435897436E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.114217396163629E+01 0.487179487179487E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.118709592731142E+01 0.538461538461538E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.124498771030370E+01 0.589743589743590E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.131008940807751E+01 0.641025641025641E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.138040514740989E+01 0.692307692307692E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.145527033950169E+01 0.743589743589744E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.153468498435289E+01 0.794871794871795E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.161864908196349E+01 0.846153846153846E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.170716263233351E+01 0.897435897435897E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.180022563546293E+01 0.948717948717949E+00 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.189783809135176E+01 0.100000000000000E+01 -0.100000000000000E+01 0.200000000000000E+01 -0.100000000000000E+01 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.186344865502907E+01 -0.948717948717949E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.175727024113503E+01 -0.897435897435897E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.165754319997262E+01 -0.846153846153846E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.156365361037181E+01 -0.794871794871795E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.147490700285212E+01 -0.743589743589744E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.139027425528602E+01 -0.692307692307692E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.131085961043482E+01 -0.641025641025641E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.123599441834303E+01 -0.589743589743590E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.116647363619207E+01 -0.538461538461539E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.110630270073596E+01 -0.487179487179487E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.105869278425277E+01 -0.435897435897436E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.101739701609052E+01 -0.384615384615385E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.981001394015262E+00 -0.333333333333333E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.949155224699409E+00 -0.282051282051282E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.921858508142965E+00 -0.230769230769231E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.899111244345927E+00 -0.179487179487180E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.880913433308297E+00 -0.128205128205128E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.867265075030074E+00 -0.769230769230770E-01 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.858166169511259E+00 -0.256410256410257E-01 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.853616716751852E+00 0.256410256410255E-01 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.853616716751852E+00 0.769230769230769E-01 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.858166169511259E+00 0.128205128205128E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.867265075030074E+00 0.179487179487180E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.880913433308297E+00 0.230769230769231E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.899111244345927E+00 0.282051282051282E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.921858508142964E+00 0.333333333333333E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.949155224699409E+00 0.384615384615385E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.981001394015262E+00 0.435897435897436E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.101739701609052E+01 0.487179487179487E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.105869278425277E+01 0.538461538461538E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.110630270073596E+01 0.589743589743590E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.116647363619207E+01 0.641025641025641E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.123599441834303E+01 0.692307692307692E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.131085961043482E+01 0.743589743589744E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.139027425528602E+01 0.794871794871795E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.147490700285212E+01 0.846153846153846E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.156365361037181E+01 0.897435897435897E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.165754319997262E+01 0.948717948717949E+00 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.175727024113503E+01 0.100000000000000E+01 -0.948717948717949E+00 0.186344865502907E+01 -0.100000000000000E+01 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.177068302001030E+01 -0.948717948717949E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.165676988276991E+01 -0.897435897435897E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.154787330609002E+01 -0.846153846153846E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.144457528396239E+01 -0.794871794871795E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.134761592868233E+01 -0.743589743589744E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.125742653786910E+01 -0.692307692307692E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.117409408179471E+01 -0.641025641025641E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.109803771796443E+01 -0.589743589743590E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.103537280861387E+01 -0.538461538461539E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.984417586274985E+00 -0.487179487179487E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.938759260988066E+00 -0.435897435897436E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.897814186153399E+00 -0.384615384615385E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.861418564078138E+00 -0.333333333333333E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.829572394762286E+00 -0.282051282051282E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.802275678205841E+00 -0.230769230769231E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.779528414408803E+00 -0.179487179487180E+00 -0.897435897435897E+00 0.761330603371173E+00 -0.128205128205128E+00 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0.000000 moveto -0.400000 0.000000 lineto ( 4) show 0.400000 0.000000 moveto 0.400000 0.000000 lineto ( 5) show 0.000000 0.600000 moveto 0.000000 0.600000 lineto ( 6) show -1.000000 1.000000 moveto -1.000000 1.000000 lineto ( 7) show 1.000000 1.000000 moveto 1.000000 1.000000 lineto ( 8) show stroke /Helvetica findfont 0.443309 scalefont setfont () stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0.000000 add 3.964566 moveto () show -1.730038 -4.019980 moveto (Window: WX1 = -.173E+01, WX2 = 0.173E+01) show (Window: ) stringwidth pop -1.730038 add -4.906598 moveto ( WY1 = -.263E+01, WY2 = 0.263E+01) show stroke showpage %%EOF  SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'tgplot.eps' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'tgplot.eps'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'tgplot.eps' %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 255 288 357 504 %%Title: Triangulation %%Creator: CSRFPACK %%EndComments 2.000000 setlinewidth 261 301 moveto 261 491 lineto 351 491 lineto 351 301 lineto closepath stroke 306.000000 396.000000 translate 70.104011 70.031916 scale 0.014272 setlinewidth gsave -0.641903 -1.356524 moveto 0.641903 -1.356524 lineto 0.641903 1.356524 lineto -0.641903 1.356524 lineto closepath clip newpath -0.306585 -1.130437 moveto 0.306585 -1.130437 lineto -0.306585 -1.130437 moveto 0.000000 -0.735007 lineto -0.306585 -1.130437 moveto -0.534919 0.000000 lineto 0.306585 -1.130437 moveto 0.534919 0.000000 lineto 0.306585 -1.130437 moveto 0.000000 -0.735007 lineto 0.000000 -0.735007 moveto 0.534919 0.000000 lineto 0.000000 -0.735007 moveto -0.534919 0.000000 lineto -0.534919 0.000000 moveto 0.534919 0.000000 lineto -0.534919 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 0.735007 lineto -0.534919 0.000000 moveto -0.306585 1.130437 lineto 0.534919 0.000000 moveto 0.306585 1.130437 lineto 0.534919 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 0.735007 lineto 0.000000 0.735007 moveto 0.306585 1.130437 lineto 0.000000 0.735007 moveto -0.306585 1.130437 lineto -0.306585 1.130437 moveto 0.306585 1.130437 lineto stroke grestore /Helvetica findfont 0.142719 scalefont setfont -0.306585 -1.130437 moveto ( 1) show 0.306585 -1.130437 moveto ( 2) show 0.000000 -0.735007 moveto ( 3) show -0.534919 0.000000 moveto ( 4) show 0.534919 0.000000 moveto ( 5) show 0.000000 0.735007 moveto ( 6) show -0.306585 1.130437 moveto ( 7) show 0.306585 1.130437 moveto ( 8) show /Helvetica findfont 0.228350 scalefont setfont () stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0.000000 add 2.041574 moveto () show -0.641903 -2.070117 moveto (Window: WX1 = -.642E+00, WX2 = 0.642E+00) show (Window: ) stringwidth pop -0.641903 add -2.526817 moveto ( WY1 = -.136E+01, WY2 = 0.136E+01) show stroke showpage %%EOF  SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'tplot.eps' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'tplot.eps'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'tplot.eps' %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 198 288 414 504 %%Title: Triangulation %%Creator: CSRFPACK %%EndComments 2.000000 setlinewidth 211 301 moveto 211 491 lineto 401 491 lineto 401 301 lineto closepath stroke 306.000000 396.000000 translate 79.166667 79.166667 scale 0.012632 setlinewidth gsave -1.200000 -1.200000 moveto 1.200000 -1.200000 lineto 1.200000 1.200000 lineto -1.200000 1.200000 lineto closepath clip newpath -1.000000 -1.000000 moveto 1.000000 -1.000000 lineto -1.000000 -1.000000 moveto 0.000000 -0.600000 lineto -1.000000 -1.000000 moveto -0.400000 0.000000 lineto -1.000000 -1.000000 moveto -1.000000 1.000000 lineto 1.000000 -1.000000 moveto 1.000000 1.000000 lineto 1.000000 -1.000000 moveto 0.400000 0.000000 lineto 1.000000 -1.000000 moveto 0.000000 -0.600000 lineto 0.000000 -0.600000 moveto 0.400000 0.000000 lineto 0.000000 -0.600000 moveto -0.400000 0.000000 lineto -0.400000 0.000000 moveto -1.000000 1.000000 lineto -0.400000 0.000000 moveto 0.400000 0.000000 lineto -0.400000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 0.600000 lineto 0.400000 0.000000 moveto 1.000000 1.000000 lineto 0.400000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 0.600000 lineto 0.000000 0.600000 moveto 1.000000 1.000000 lineto 0.000000 0.600000 moveto -1.000000 1.000000 lineto -1.000000 1.000000 moveto 1.000000 1.000000 lineto stroke grestore /Helvetica findfont 0.126316 scalefont setfont -1.000000 -1.000000 moveto ( 1) show 1.000000 -1.000000 moveto ( 2) show 0.000000 -0.600000 moveto ( 3) show -0.400000 0.000000 moveto ( 4) show 0.400000 0.000000 moveto ( 5) show 0.000000 0.600000 moveto ( 6) show -1.000000 1.000000 moveto ( 7) show 1.000000 1.000000 moveto ( 8) show /Helvetica findfont 0.202105 scalefont setfont () stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0.000000 add 1.806316 moveto () show -1.200000 -1.831579 moveto (Window: WX1 = -.120E+01, WX2 = 0.120E+01) show (Window: ) stringwidth pop -1.200000 add -2.235789 moveto ( WY1 = -.120E+01, WY2 = 0.120E+01) show stroke showpage %%EOF  SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check cd .. if test ! -d 'Src' then mkdir 'Src' fi cd 'Src' if test -f 'src.f' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'src.f'" else cat << "SHAR_EOF" > 'src.f' SUBROUTINE CSURF (N,X,Y,TOLBE,IPLOT,PLTSIZ,STRICT,NR, . NA, ND,Z,C,LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW,NEAR, . NEXT,NV,LISTV,DXL,DYL,GX,GY,EPS,D, . DMIN,W,QX,QY,IER) INTEGER N, IPLOT, NR, NA, ND, LIST(*), LPTR(*), . LEND(N), LNEW, NEAR(N), NEXT(N), NV, LISTV(*), . IER LOGICAL STRICT DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), TOLBE, PLTSIZ, Z(N), . C(N), DXL(*), DYL(*), GX(N), GY(N), . EPS, D(N), DMIN, W(NR), QX(NR,NA), . QY(NR,NA) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/15/98 C C This subroutine constructs a once-continuously differ- C entiable convex bivariate function F that interpolates a C set of N strictly convex data points (data points for C which the piecewise linear interpolant on some triangula- C tion is convex, and no four points are coplanar). Refer C to Subroutines FVAL and FGRID for a means of evaluating F. C C The interpolant F is obtained by applying convolution C smoothing to a piecewise linear Hermite interpolant H of C the data values and a set of convexity-preserving nodal C gradients. The procedure consists of the following ten C steps: C C 1) Construct a convexity-preserving triangulation T, if C it exists, of the data points (nodes and data C values): Subroutine TRMSHC. Remove extraneous C boundary edges (nearly null triangles): Subroutine C DELBE. C 2) Construct a gradient feasibility diagram (the straight C line dual of T): a set of N convex polygons that C partition the plane and such that, for any choice of C nodal gradients, one from each polygon, the piece- C wise linear Hermite interpolant H of the nodal C values and gradients is convex: Subroutine VLIST. C 3) Select a set of nodal gradients by taking the cen- C troids of the gradient feasibility regions or (in C the case of boundary nodes) truncated regions: Sub- C routine GLIST. C 4) Optionally, create level-2 Encapsulated PostScript C files containing plots of T and/or the dual of T C (along with the nodal gradients): Subroutines PLTTR C and PLTGR. C 5) Optionally, compute a scale factor EPS defining a C quadratic function q(p) = EPS*, and adjust the C data values and gradients by subtracting nodal C values and gradients of q, where EPS is defined so C that a strictly convex Hermite interpolant of the C original data can be constructed from a convex Her- C mite interpolant of the adjusted data (Subroutine C ADDQT). C 6) Construct a convexity-preserving triangulation Tg of C the (possibly adjusted) nodal gradients and negative C z-intercepts of the affine nodal functions defined C by the (adjusted) data values and nodal gradients: C Subroutine TRMSHC. C 7) Construct a cell diagram (the straight line dual of C Tg): a set of N convex polygons R_i that partition C the plane and such that the restriction of H to R_i C is the i-th affine nodal function f_i, where f_i(p) C = + z_i for nodes p_i, (adjusted) data C values z_i and (adjusted) gradients g_i for i = 1 to C N and H(p) = Max(i=1,N){f_i(p)}: Subroutine VLIST. C 8) Optionally, create level-2 Encapsulated PostScript C files containing plots of Tg and/or the dual of Tg C (along with the nodes): Subroutines PLTTR and C PLTGR. C 9) Compute the distance D_i from each node p_i to the C nearest boundary point of cell R_i: Subroutine C DELTAI. C 10) Compute weights W_i and quadrature points q_ij de- C fining the quadrature rule C Q(p) = Sum(i=1,NR) [ W_i*Sum(j=1,NA) H(p+q_ij) ] C for approximating F(p) = Integral[H(p+q)*Phi(q)]dq, C where the integral is over the disk D0 of radius C Dmin = Min(i=1,N){D_i} centered at the origin, and C Phi(q) = phi(Norm(q)/Dmin), normalized to have C integral 1, for phi(t) = 1 - 3*t**2 + 2*t**3 (t in C [0,1]): Subroutine GETQW. C C The following is a list of related subprograms which a C user may wish to call directly: C C ADDQT - Given a set of strictly convex Hermite data C (nodes, data values, and nodal gradients such C that there exists a convex Hermite interpolant C of the data values and gradients, and no four C data points are coplanar), adjusts the data C values and gradients such that a strictly con- C vex Hermite interpolant of the data can be C constructed from a convex Hermite interpolant C of the adjusted data. C C PLTCNT - Given a set of function values Z = f(x,y) at the C vertices of a rectangular grid, creates a C level-2 Encapsulated PostScript plot contain- C ing a contour plot of the piecewise bilinear C interpolant of the function values. Refer to C Subroutine FGRID. C C DELTAI - Given a set of nodes p_i, data values z_i, and C nodal gradients g_i for which there exists a C convex Hermite interpolatory surface, let R_i C denote the set of points p such that f_i(p) >= C f_j(p) for all j, where f_i is the affine C nodal function that interpolates the Hermite C data: f_i(p) = + z_i. DELTAI C returns the perpendicular distance from each C node p_i to the boundary of R_i. C C FGRID - Evaluates F at the vertices of a rectangular C grid. C C FVAL - Given a point p and the output parameters from C Subroutine CSURF, returns the value and gradi- C ent of F at p. C C GETQW - Computes weights and quadrature points defining C a rule for approximating values of F. C C GLIST - Given a convexity-preserving triangulation and C its straight-line dual computed by VLIST, re- C turns a set of nodal gradients for which there C exists a convex Hermite interpolant of the C data values and gradients. The nodal gradi- C ents are taken to be the centroids of the C gradient feasibility regions (or truncated C regions). C C LGRAD - Computes the gradient of the linear interpolant C of data values at the vertices of a user- C specified triangle. C C PLTGR - Creates a level-2 Encapsulated PostScript plot C of the straight-line dual of a triangulation C along with a set of nodal gradients. C C PLTTR - Creates a level-2 Encapsulated PostScript plot C of a triangulation. C C TRMSHC - Constructs a convexity-preserving triangulation, C if it exists, of a set of N arbitrarily dis- C tributed points in the plane (referred to as C nodes) with associated data values. C C VLIST - Given a convexity-preserving triangulation, com- C putes its straight-line dual: the set of all C nodal gradients for which there exists a con- C vex Hermite interpolant of the data values and C gradients. C C Refer to the header comments in Subroutine TRMSHC for a C list of additional user-callable subprograms related to C the triangulations. The remaining subprograms in this C package appear in alphabetical order. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes and data values. N .GE. 3. C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian C coordinates of the nodes. (X(K),Y(K)) is re- C ferred to as node K, and K is referred to as C a nodal index. The first three nodes must not C be collinear. C C TOLBE = Positive tolerance used (in Subroutine C DELBE) as a lower bound on the acceptable C aspect ratio (ratio of the radius of the C inscribed circle to that of the circum- C circle) of boundary triangles. This should C be at least 1.E-6 in order to avoid failure C in LGRAD (called by VLIST) and should be C larger (1.E-2) to avoid large errors caused C by steep gradients on the boundary. A large C value, on the other hand, may lead to fail- C ure with IER = -7 or -8 if the data is C convex but not strictly convex. C C IPLOT = Plot option in the range 0 to 15. Denoting C the sequence of bits (high order to low C order) by (b3,b2,b1,b0), each bit specifies C an option as follows: C b0 = 1 iff the triangulation T is to be C plotted (tplot.eps), C b1 = 1 iff the gradient feasibility dia- C gram with the nodal gradients is to C be plotted (gplot.eps), C b2 = 1 iff the gradient triangulation Tg C is to be plotted (tgplot.eps), C b3 = 1 iff the cell diagram with the nodes C is to be plotted (rplot.eps). C The file names are shown in parentheses for C each option. If a requested plot is not C created (and no other error occurred) it is C because an error occurred in opening or C writing to the plot file. No error flag is C returned in this case. C C PLTSIZ = Plot size in inches (or dummy parameter if C IPLOT = 0). A window containing the data C is mapped, with aspect ratio preserved, to C a rectangular viewport with maximum side- C length equal to .88*PLTSIZ (leaving room C for labels outside the viewport). The C viewport is centered on the 8.5 by 11 inch C page, and its boundary is drawn. 1.0 .LE. C PLTSIZ .LE. 8.5. C C STRICT = Logical variable with value TRUE iff the C data is to be adjusted so that a strictly C convex interpolant can be computed. This C requires an O(N**2) algorithm to compute C EPS and dominates the cost of constructing C the interpolant. C C NR = Number of intervals in the radial direction C defining a partitioning of the disk D0, and C number of quadrature weights. NR = 8 should C be sufficient. NR > 0. C C NA = Number of intervals in the angular direction C defining the partitioning of D0. NA = 3*NR is C recommended. NA > 1. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C Z = Array of length N containing the data values. C C C = Array of length at least N. C C LIST,LPTR = Integer arrays of length at least 6N-12. C C LEND,NEAR,NEXT = Integer arrays of length at least C N. NEAR and NEXT are work space C arrays used by Subroutine TRMSHC. C C LISTV = Integer array of length at least 6*N-12. C C DXL,DYL = Arrays of length at least 2*N-2. C C GX,GY,D = Arrays of length at least N. C C W = Array of length at least NR. C C QX,QY = Arrays of length at least NR*NA. C C On output: C C ND = Number of boundary edges deleted by DELBE. C C Z = Array of data values or, if STRICT = TRUE, C adjusted data values. C C C = Array containing negative z-intercepts (constant C terms) of the affine nodal functions: C(i) = C - z_i for i = 1 to N. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure defining the C gradient triangulation Tg. C Refer to Subroutine TRMSHC. C C NEAR,NEXT = Garbage. C C NV = Number of cell diagram vertices, including a C pseudo-vertex on each boundary edge (used to C truncate the unbounded regions): NV = NT+NB = C 2*N-2, where NB is the number of boundary nodes C and NT = 2*N-NB-2 is the number of triangles. C C LISTV = Array containing vertex indexes (indexes to C DXL and DYL) stored in one-to-one corres- C pondence with LIST/LPTR entries. Refer to C Subroutine VLIST. C C DXL,DYL = Arrays of length NV containing the ver- C tices of the cell diagram in the first NT C positions and pseudo-vertices in the last C NB positions. C C GX,GY = Arrays containing the components of the C nodal gradients or, if STRICT = TRUE, the C adjusted nodal gradients. C C EPS = Scale factor defining the quadratic term (0 if C STRICT = FALSE). C C D = Array containing the distance from each node to C its cell boundary. C C DMIN = Smallest element of D. C C W = Array containing quadrature weights W_i. C C QX,QY = Arrays dimensioned NR by NA containing the C components of the quadrature points: q_ij = C (QX(i,j),QY(i,j)) for i = 1 to NR and j = 1 C to NA. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no error was encountered. C IER = -1 if N, IPLOT, PLTSIZ, NR, or NA is C outside its valid range on input. C IER = -2 if the first three nodes are C collinear. C IER = -3 if a convex triangulation does not C exist (and Subroutine ADDNDC returned C IER = -3). C IER = -4 if a convex triangulation does not C exist (and Subroutine ADDNDC returned C IER = -4). C IER = L if nodes L and M coincide for some C M > L. The linked list represents C a triangulation of nodes 1 to M-1 C in this case. C IER = -5 if a nonpositive triangle area was C returned by Subroutine LGRAD (called C by VLIST) implying an invalid triang- C ulation T. C IER = -6 if the first three nodal gradients C are collinear. C IER = -7 if a convex triangulation of the C nodal gradients does not exist (and C Subroutine ADDNDC returned IER = -3). C IER = -8 if a convex triangulation of the C nodal gradients does not exist (and C Subroutine ADDNDC returned IER = -4). C IER = -9 if a nonpositive triangle area was C returned by Subroutine LGRAD (called C by VLIST) implying an invalid triang- C ulation Tg. C IER = -10 if the Hermite data is not convex C (Subroutine DELTAI returned IER = C 3). C IER = -11 if the Hermite data is not strictly C convex (D includes a zero entry and C the domain D0 therefore has radius C 0). C C The error conditions are tested in the order specified. C Error flags -5, -6, ..., -10 are unlikely but could occur C as a result of floating-point inaccuracy. Error flag -11 C may occur if the data is convex but not strictly convex. C W, QX, and QY are not altered in this case, but F is well- C defined (it coincides with H) and may be evaluated by FVAL C or FGRID. Also, note the comments regarding error flags C -7 and -8 in the description of TOLBE above. C C Modules required by CSURF: ADDNDC, ADDQT, BDYADD, CIRCUM, C DELARC, DELBE, DELNB, C DELTAI, DSTORE, GETQW, C GLIST, INSERT, INTADD, C JRAND, LEFT, LGRAD, LSTPTR, C PLTGR, PLTTR, SWAP, SWPTC, C TRFIND, TRMSHC, VLIST C C*********************************************************** C CHARACTER*80 TITLE DOUBLE PRECISION DX, DY, WX1, WX2, WY1, WY2 INTEGER I, IERR, IPLT, LU0, LU1, LU2, LU3 LOGICAL NUMBR C C Local parameters: C C I = Nodal index C IERR = Error flag for calls to VLIST C IPLT = Local copy of IPLOT (right-shifted 0 to 3 C times) C LU0,..,LU3 = Logical unit numbers for PostScript plots C NUMBR = Logical variable with value TRUE iff nodal C indexes are to be displayed on the plots C WX1,WY1 = Lower left corner of a window against which C a plot is clipped C WX2,WY2 = Upper rigjt corner of a window against which C a plot is clipped C TITLE = Title for the PostScript plots -- must be C enclosed in parentheses C DATA LU0/70/, LU1/71/, LU2/72/, LU3/73/ NUMBR = N .LE. 100 C C Test for an invalid input parameter. C IER = -1 IF (N .LT. 3 .OR. IPLOT .LT. 0 .OR. IPLOT .GT. 15 . .OR. PLTSIZ .LT. 1.D0 .OR. PLTSIZ .GT. 8.5D0 . .OR. NR .LT. 1 .OR. NA .LT. 2) RETURN C C Construct the convexity-preserving triangulation T. C CALL TRMSHC (N,X,Y,Z, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW,NEAR,NEXT, . IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) RETURN C C Remove nearly null triangles from the boundary. These C could result in very innaccurate vertices in the C gradient feasibility diagram. C CALL DELBE (N,X,Y,TOLBE, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW, ND) C C Construct the gradient feasibility diagram (the straight C line dual of T). C CALL VLIST (N,X,Y,Z,LIST,LPTR,LEND, NV,LISTV,DXL,DYL, . IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) THEN IER = -5 RETURN ENDIF C C Select a set of nodal gradients by taking the centroids of C the gradient feasibility regions or (in the case of C boundary nodes) truncated regions. C CALL GLIST (N,LIST,LPTR,LEND,LISTV,DXL,DYL, GX,GY, . IERR) C C Plot T and/or its dual (along with the nodal gradients). C IPLT = IPLOT IF (IPLT .NE. 2*(IPLT/2)) THEN OPEN (LU0,FILE='tplot.eps') WX1 = X(1) WX2 = WX1 WY1 = Y(1) WY2 = WY1 DO 1 I = 2,N IF (X(I) .LT. WX1) WX1 = X(I) IF (X(I) .GT. WX2) WX2 = X(I) IF (Y(I) .LT. WY1) WY1 = Y(I) IF (Y(I) .GT. WY2) WY2 = Y(I) 1 CONTINUE DX = WX2-WX1 DY = WY2-WY1 WX1 = WX1 - 0.1D0*DX WX2 = WX2 + 0.1D0*DX WY1 = WY1 - 0.1D0*DY WY2 = WY2 + 0.1D0*DY TITLE = '()' CALL PLTTR (LU0,PLTSIZ,WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2,N,X,Y,LIST, . LPTR,LEND,TITLE,NUMBR, IERR) ENDIF IPLT = IPLT/2 IF (IPLT .NE. 2*(IPLT/2)) THEN OPEN (LU1,FILE='gplot.eps') WX1 = DXL(1) WX2 = WX1 WY1 = DYL(1) WY2 = WY1 DO 2 I = 2,NV IF (DXL(I) .LT. WX1) WX1 = DXL(I) IF (DXL(I) .GT. WX2) WX2 = DXL(I) IF (DYL(I) .LT. WY1) WY1 = DYL(I) IF (DYL(I) .GT. WY2) WY2 = DYL(I) 2 CONTINUE DX = WX2-WX1 DY = WY2-WY1 WX1 = WX1 - 0.1D0*DX WX2 = WX2 + 0.1D0*DX WY1 = WY1 - 0.1D0*DY WY2 = WY2 + 0.1D0*DY TITLE = '()' CALL PLTGR (LU1,PLTSIZ,WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2,N,LIST,LPTR, . LEND,NV,LISTV,DXL,DYL,GX,GY,TITLE, . NUMBR, IERR) ENDIF C C Compute the scale factor EPS for the quadratic function C q(p) = EPS*, and adjust the data values and C gradients if STRICT = TRUE. C IF (STRICT) THEN CALL ADDQT (N,X,Y, Z,GX,GY, EPS,IERR) ELSE EPS = 0. ENDIF C C Compute the negative z-intercepts (constant terms) C of the affine nodal functions: C(i) = - z_i C for i = 1 to N. C DO 3 I = 1,N C(I) = GX(I)*X(I) + GY(I)*Y(I) - Z(I) 3 CONTINUE C C Construct the convexity-preserving triangulation Tg of C the nodal gradients and negative z-intercepts. The C nodal triangulation data structure is overwritten. C CALL TRMSHC (N,GX,GY,C, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW,NEAR, . NEXT,IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) THEN IER = -12 IF (IERR .EQ. -2) IER = -6 IF (IERR .EQ. -3) IER = -7 IF (IERR .EQ. -4) IER = -8 RETURN ENDIF C C Construct the cell diagram (the straight line dual of Tg). C The data structure defining the dual of T is over- C written. C CALL VLIST (N,GX,GY,C,LIST,LPTR,LEND, NV,LISTV,DXL, . DYL,IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) THEN IER = -9 RETURN ENDIF C C Plot Tg and/or its dual (along with the nodes). C IPLT = IPLT/2 IF (IPLT .NE. 2*(IPLT/2)) THEN OPEN (LU2,FILE='tgplot.eps') WX1 = GX(1) WX2 = WX1 WY1 = GY(1) WY2 = WY1 DO 4 I = 2,N IF (GX(I) .LT. WX1) WX1 = GX(I) IF (GX(I) .GT. WX2) WX2 = GX(I) IF (GY(I) .LT. WY1) WY1 = GY(I) IF (GY(I) .GT. WY2) WY2 = GY(I) 4 CONTINUE DX = WX2-WX1 DY = WY2-WY1 WX1 = WX1 - 0.1D0*DX WX2 = WX2 + 0.1D0*DX WY1 = WY1 - 0.1D0*DY WY2 = WY2 + 0.1D0*DY TITLE = '()' CALL PLTTR (LU2,PLTSIZ,WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2,N,GX,GY, . LIST,LPTR,LEND,TITLE,NUMBR, IERR) ENDIF IPLT = IPLT/2 IF (IPLT .NE. 2*(IPLT/2)) THEN OPEN (LU3,FILE='rplot.eps') WX1 = DXL(1) WX2 = WX1 WY1 = DYL(1) WY2 = WY1 DO 5 I = 2,NV IF (DXL(I) .LT. WX1) WX1 = DXL(I) IF (DXL(I) .GT. WX2) WX2 = DXL(I) IF (DYL(I) .LT. WY1) WY1 = DYL(I) IF (DYL(I) .GT. WY2) WY2 = DYL(I) 5 CONTINUE DX = WX2-WX1 DY = WY2-WY1 WX1 = WX1 - 0.1D0*DX WX2 = WX2 + 0.1D0*DX WY1 = WY1 - 0.1D0*DY WY2 = WY2 + 0.1D0*DY TITLE = '()' CALL PLTGR (LU3,PLTSIZ,WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2,N,LIST,LPTR, . LEND,NV,LISTV,DXL,DYL,X,Y,TITLE, . NUMBR, IERR) ENDIF C C Compute the distance from each node to its cell boundary, C and compute DMIN. C CALL DELTAI (N,X,Y,Z,GX,GY,LIST,LPTR,LEND, D,IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) THEN IER = -10 RETURN ENDIF DMIN = 1.D20 DO 6 I = 1,N IF (D(I) .LT. DMIN) DMIN = D(I) 6 CONTINUE IF (DMIN .LE. 0.) THEN IER = -11 RETURN ENDIF C C Compute weights and quadrature points defining the rule C for approximating values of F. C CALL GETQW (NR,NA,DMIN, W,QX,QY,IERR) RETURN END SUBROUTINE ADDNDC (NST,K,X,Y,Z, LIST,LPTR,LEND, . LNEW, IER) INTEGER NST, K, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(K), LNEW, IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(K), Y(K), Z(K) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 06/27/98 C C This subroutine adds node K to a convex (data-dependent) C triangulation of nodes 1,...,K-1, producing a convex tri- C angulation, if it exists, of nodes 1,...,K. Refer to C Subroutine TRMSHC. C C The algorithm consists of the following steps: node K C is located relative to the triangulation (TRFIND), its C index is added to the data structure (INTADD or BDYADD), C and a sequence of swaps (SWPTC and SWAP) are applied to C the edges opposite K so that all edges incident on node K C and opposite node K are locally optimal (satisfy the con- C vexity test). C C C On input: C C NST = Index of a node at which TRFIND begins its C search. Search time depends on the proximity C of this node to K. If NST < 1, the search is C begun at node K-1. C C K = Nodal index (index for X, Y, Z, and LEND) of the C new node to be added. K .GE. 4. C C X,Y,Z = Arrays of length .GE. K containing Car- C tesian coordinates of the nodes and data C values. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure associated with C the triangulation of nodes 1 C to K-1. The array lengths are C assumed to be large enough to C add node K. Refer to Subrou- C tine TRMSHC. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure updated with C the addition of node K as the C last entry unless IER .NE. 0, C in which case the arrays are C not altered (except in the C case of IER = -4). C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = -1 if K is outside its valid range C on input. C IER = -2 if all nodes (including K) are col- C linear. C IER = -3 if node K is contained in a triangle C and data point K lies above the cor- C responding surface triangle. A C convex triangulation does not exist C in this case. C IER = -4 if, following the addition of node K C to the data structure, an error con- C dition was flagged by Function SWPTC C indicating that a convex triangula- C tion does not exist. C IER = L if nodes L and K coincide for some C L < K. C C Modules required by ADDNDC: BDYADD, DSTORE, INSERT, C INTADD, JRAND, LEFT, C LSTPTR, SWAP, SWPTC, TRFIND C C Intrinsic function called by ADDNDC: ABS C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DX1, DX2, DX3, DY1, DY2, DY3, DZ1, . DZ2, DZ3, XK, YK, ZK INTEGER LSTPTR INTEGER I1, I2, I3, IERR, IN1, IO1, IO2, IST, KK, KM1, . L, LP, LPF, LPO1 LOGICAL SWPTC C C Local parameters: C C DX1,..,DZ3 = Components of the vectors from surface C point K to the vertices of a surface C triangle C I1,I2,I3 = Vertex indexes of a triangle containing K C IERR = Error flag for calls to SWPTC C IN1 = Vertex opposite K: first neighbor of IO2 C that precedes IO1. IN1,IO1,IO2 are in C counterclockwise order. C IO1,IO2 = Adjacent neighbors of K defining an edge to C be tested for a swap C IST = Index of node at which TRFIND begins its C search C KK = Local copy of K C KM1 = K-1 C L = Vertex index (I1, I2, or I3) returned in IER C if node K coincides with a vertex C LP = LIST index (pointer) C LPF = LIST pointer to the first neighbor of K C LPO1 = LIST pointer to IO1 C XK,YK = Cartesian coordinates of node K C KK = K IF (KK .LT. 4) GO TO 3 C C Initialization: C KM1 = KK - 1 IST = NST IF (IST .LT. 1) IST = KM1 XK = X(KK) YK = Y(KK) ZK = Z(KK) C C Find a triangle (I1,I2,I3) containing K or the rightmost C (I1) and leftmost (I2) visible boundary nodes as viewed C from node K. C CALL TRFIND (IST,XK,YK,KM1,X,Y,LIST,LPTR,LEND, I1,I2, . I3) C C Test for collinear nodes. C IF (I1 .EQ. 0) GO TO 4 IF (I3 .NE. 0) THEN C C Node K is contained in triangle (I1,I2,I3). C C Test for duplicate nodes. C L = I1 IF (XK .EQ. X(L) .AND. YK .EQ. Y(L)) GO TO 5 L = I2 IF (XK .EQ. X(L) .AND. YK .EQ. Y(L)) GO TO 5 L = I3 IF (XK .EQ. X(L) .AND. YK .EQ. Y(L)) GO TO 5 C C Test for a nonconvex surface. C DX1 = X(I1) - XK DX2 = X(I2) - XK DX3 = X(I3) - XK C DY1 = Y(I1) - YK DY2 = Y(I2) - YK DY3 = Y(I3) - YK C DZ1 = Z(I1) - ZK DZ2 = Z(I2) - ZK DZ3 = Z(I3) - ZK C IF (DX1*(DY2*DZ3-DY3*DZ2) - DY1*(DX2*DZ3-DX3*DZ2) + . DZ1*(DX2*DY3-DX3*DY2) .LT. 0.) GO TO 6 C C Add node K to the data structure. C CALL INTADD (KK,I1,I2,I3, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW ) ELSE C C Node K is exterior to the triangulation. C CALL BDYADD (KK,I1,I2, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW ) ENDIF IER = 0 C C Initialize variables for optimization of the C triangulation. C LP = LEND(KK) LPF = LPTR(LP) IO2 = LIST(LPF) LPO1 = LPTR(LPF) IO1 = ABS(LIST(LPO1)) C C Begin loop: find the node opposite K. C 1 LP = LSTPTR(LEND(IO1),IO2,LIST,LPTR) IF (LIST(LP) .LT. 0) GO TO 2 LP = LPTR(LP) IN1 = ABS(LIST(LP)) C C Swap test: if a swap occurs, two new edges are C opposite K and must be tested. C IF ( SWPTC(IN1,KK,IO1,IO2,X,Y,Z, IERR) ) THEN CALL SWAP (IN1,KK,IO1,IO2, LIST,LPTR,LEND, LPO1) IO1 = IN1 GO TO 1 ELSE C C Test for a nonconvex triangulation. C IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 7 ENDIF C C No swap occurred. Test for termination and reset C IO2 and IO1. C 2 IF (LPO1 .EQ. LPF .OR. LIST(LPO1) .LT. 0) RETURN IO2 = IO1 LPO1 = LPTR(LPO1) IO1 = ABS(LIST(LPO1)) GO TO 1 C C KK < 4. C 3 IER = -1 RETURN C C All nodes are collinear. C 4 IER = -2 RETURN C C Nodes L and K coincide. C 5 IER = L RETURN C C Nonconvex triangulation. C 6 IER = -3 RETURN C C Error flag returned by SWPTC. C 7 IER = -4 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ADDQT (N,X,Y, Z,GX,GY, EPS,IER) INTEGER N, IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), Z(N), GX(N), GY(N), EPS C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/27/96 C C Given a set of strictly convex Hermite data (nodes p_i, C data values z_i, and nodal gradients g_i, i = 1 to N, such C that there exists a convex Hermite interpolant of the data C values and gradients, and no four data points are co- C planar), this subroutine adjusts the data values and C gradients such that a strictly convex Hermite interpolant C of the data can be constructed from a convex Hermite C interpolant of the adjusted data. The adjusted data val- C ues and gradients are defined as follows: C C Z_i = z_i - eps* and G_i = g_i - 2*eps*p_i C C for eps < min {(z_j-z_i-)/}, C C where the minimum is over all distinct values of i and j C in the range 1 to N. By convexity of the data, eps > 0, C and it follows from the definition of eps that Z_j - Z_i - C > 0, and the adjusted data is therefore also C strictly convex. Letting h denote a convex interpolant of C the adjusted data, the function F(p) = h(p) + eps* is C a strictly convex interpolant of the original data since C eps* is strictly convex. C C The value of eps is arbitrarily chosen to be 0.95 times C its upper bound. Computation of the bound requires O(N*N) C operations. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes, data values, and gradients. C N .GE. 3. C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian C coordinates of a set of distinct nodes. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C Z = Array of length N containing the data values. C C GX,GY = Arrays of length N containing the components C of the nodal gradients. C C On output: C C Z = Adjusted data values unless IER > 0. C C GX,GY = Adjusted nodal gradients unless IER > 0. C C EPS = Scale factor for the quadratic term unless C IER > 0. EPS = 0 if the data is not strictly C convex. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if N < 3. C IER = 2 if a pair of nodes coincide. C C Modules required by ADDQT: None C C Intrinsic function called by ADDQT: MIN C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DS, DX, DY, DZ, S, T1, T2, TMIN INTEGER I, J DATA S/0.95D0/ C C Local parameters: C C DS = C DX,DY = Components of p_j-p_i C DZ = z_j-z_i C I,J = Nodal indexes and DO-loop indexes C S = Scale factor for the upper bound on EPS C T1 = Term associated with i,j in the bound on EPS C T2 = Term associated with j,i in the bound on EPS C TMIN = Bound on EPS C IF (N .LT. 3) GO TO 11 TMIN = 1.D20 C C Loop on pairs of nodal indexes I,J in the upper triangle. C DO 2 I = 1,N-1 DO 1 J = I+1,N DX = X(J)-X(I) DY = Y(J)-Y(I) DS = DX*DX + DY*DY IF (DS .EQ. 0.) GO TO 12 DZ = Z(J)-Z(I) T1 = ( DZ - GX(I)*DX-GY(I)*DY )/DS T2 = -( DZ - GX(J)*DX-GY(J)*DY )/DS IF (T1 .LE. 0. .OR. T2 .LE. 0.) GO TO 4 TMIN = MIN(TMIN,T1,T2) 1 CONTINUE 2 CONTINUE EPS = S*TMIN C C Adjust the data values and nodal gradients. C DO 3 I = 1,N Z(I) = Z(I) - EPS*(X(I)**2 + Y(I)**2) GX(I) = GX(I) - 2.D0*EPS*X(I) GY(I) = GY(I) - 2.D0*EPS*Y(I) 3 CONTINUE GO TO 5 C C The data is not strictly convex. C 4 EPS = 0. C C No error encountered. C 5 IER = 0 RETURN C C N < 3. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C Nodes I and J coincide. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION AREAP (X,Y,NB,NODES) INTEGER NB, NODES(NB) DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), Y(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/21/90 C C Given a sequence of NB points in the plane, this func- C tion computes the signed area bounded by the closed poly- C gonal curve which passes through the points in the C specified order. Each simple closed curve is positively C oriented (bounds positive area) if and only if the points C are specified in counterclockwise order. The last point C of the curve is taken to be the first point specified, and C this point should therefore not be specified twice. C C The area of a triangulation may be computed by calling C AREAP with values of NB and NODES determined by Subroutine C BNODES. C C C On input: C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian C coordinates of a set of points in the plane C for some N .GE. NB. C C NB = Length of NODES. C C NODES = Array of length NB containing the ordered C sequence of nodal indexes (in the range C 1 to N) which define the polygonal curve. C C Input parameters are not altered by this function. C C On output: C C AREAP = Signed area bounded by the polygonal curve, C or zero if NB < 3. C C Modules required by AREAP: None C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION A INTEGER I, ND1, ND2, NNB C C Local parameters: C C A = Partial sum of signed (and doubled) trapezoid C areas C I = DO-loop and NODES index C ND1,ND2 = Elements of NODES C NNB = Local copy of NB C NNB = NB A = 0. IF (NNB .LT. 3) GO TO 2 ND2 = NODES(NNB) C C Loop on line segments NODES(I-1) -> NODES(I), where C NODES(0) = NODES(NB), adding twice the signed trapezoid C areas (integrals of the linear interpolants) to A. C DO 1 I = 1,NNB ND1 = ND2 ND2 = NODES(I) A = A + (X(ND2)-X(ND1))*(Y(ND1)+Y(ND2)) 1 CONTINUE C C A contains twice the negative signed area of the region. C 2 AREAP = -A/2.D0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE BDYADD (KK,I1,I2, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW ) INTEGER KK, I1, I2, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), LNEW C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 02/22/91 C C This subroutine adds a boundary node to a triangulation C of a set of points in the plane. The data structure is C updated with the insertion of node KK, but no optimization C is performed. C C C On input: C C KK = Index of a node to be connected to the sequence C of all visible boundary nodes. KK .GE. 1 and C KK must not be equal to I1 or I2. C C I1 = First (rightmost as viewed from KK) boundary C node in the triangulation which is visible from C node KK (the line segment KK-I1 intersects no C edges. C C I2 = Last (leftmost) boundary node which is visible C from node KK. I1 and I2 may be determined by C Subroutine TRFIND. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Triangulation data structure. C Nodes I1 and I2 must be in- C cluded in the triangulation. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure updated with C the addition of node KK. Node C KK is connected to I1, I2, and C all boundary nodes in between. C C Module required by BDYADD: INSERT C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER K, LP, LSAV, N1, N2, NEXT, NSAV C C Local parameters: C C K = Local copy of KK C LP = LIST pointer C LSAV = LIST pointer C N1,N2 = Local copies of I1 and I2, respectively C NEXT = Boundary node visible from K C NSAV = Boundary node visible from K C K = KK N1 = I1 N2 = I2 C C Add K as the last neighbor of N1. C LP = LEND(N1) LSAV = LPTR(LP) LPTR(LP) = LNEW LIST(LNEW) = -K LPTR(LNEW) = LSAV LEND(N1) = LNEW LNEW = LNEW + 1 NEXT = -LIST(LP) LIST(LP) = NEXT NSAV = NEXT C C Loop on the remaining boundary nodes between N1 and N2, C adding K as the first neighbor. C 1 LP = LEND(NEXT) CALL INSERT (K,LP,LIST,LPTR,LNEW) IF (NEXT .EQ. N2) GO TO 2 NEXT = -LIST(LP) LIST(LP) = NEXT GO TO 1 C C Add the boundary nodes between N1 and N2 as neighbors C of node K. C 2 LSAV = LNEW LIST(LNEW) = N1 LPTR(LNEW) = LNEW + 1 LNEW = LNEW + 1 NEXT = NSAV C 3 IF (NEXT .EQ. N2) GO TO 4 LIST(LNEW) = NEXT LPTR(LNEW) = LNEW + 1 LNEW = LNEW + 1 LP = LEND(NEXT) NEXT = LIST(LP) GO TO 3 C 4 LIST(LNEW) = -N2 LPTR(LNEW) = LSAV LEND(K) = LNEW LNEW = LNEW + 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE BNODES (N,LIST,LPTR,LEND, NODES,NB,NE,NT) INTEGER N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), NODES(*), NB, . NE, NT C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/01/88 C C Given a triangulation of N points in the plane, this C subroutine returns an array containing the indexes, in C counterclockwise order, of the nodes on the boundary of C the convex hull of the set of points. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C NODES = Integer array of length at least NB C (NB .LE. N). C C On output: C C NODES = Ordered sequence of boundary node indexes C in the range 1 to N. C C NB = Number of boundary nodes. C C NE,NT = Number of edges and triangles, respectively, C in the triangulation. C C Modules required by BNODES: None C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER K, LP, N0, NST C C Local parameters: C C K = NODES index C LP = LIST pointer C N0 = Boundary node to be added to NODES C NST = First element of nodes (arbitrarily chosen to be C the one with smallest index) C NST = 1 1 LP = LEND(NST) IF (LIST(LP) .LT. 0) GO TO 2 NST = NST + 1 GO TO 1 C C Initialization. C 2 NODES(1) = NST K = 1 N0 = NST C C Traverse the boundary in counterclockwise order. C 3 LP = LEND(N0) LP = LPTR(LP) N0 = LIST(LP) IF (N0 .EQ. NST) GO TO 4 K = K + 1 NODES(K) = N0 GO TO 3 C C Termination. C 4 NB = K NT = 2*N - NB - 2 NE = NT + N - 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE CIRCUM (X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,RATIO, XC,YC,CR, . SA,AR) LOGICAL RATIO DOUBLE PRECISION X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, XC, YC, CR, . SA, AR C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 12/10/96 C C Given three vertices defining a triangle, this subrou- C tine returns the circumcenter, circumradius, signed C triangle area, and, optionally, the aspect ratio of the C triangle. C C C On input: C C X1,...,Y3 = Cartesian coordinates of the vertices. C C RATIO = Logical variable with value TRUE if and only C if the aspect ratio is to be computed. C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C XC,YC = Cartesian coordinates of the circumcenter C (center of the circle defined by the three C points) unless SA = 0, in which XC and YC C are not altered. C C CR = Circumradius (radius of the circle defined by C the three points) unless SA = 0 (infinite C radius), in which case CR is not altered. C C SA = Signed triangle area with positive value if C and only if the vertices are specified in C counterclockwise order: (X3,Y3) is strictly C to the left of the directed line from (X1,Y1) C toward (X2,Y2). C C AR = Aspect ratio r/CR, where r is the radius of the C inscribed circle, unless RATIO = FALSE, in C which case AR is not altered. AR is in the C range 0 to .5, with value 0 iff SA = 0 and C value .5 iff the vertices define an equilateral C triangle. C C Modules required by CIRCUM: None C C Intrinsic functions called by CIRCUM: ABS, SQRT C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DS(3), FX, FY, U(3), V(3) INTEGER I C C Set U(K) and V(K) to the x and y components, respectively, C of the directed edge opposite vertex K. C U(1) = X3 - X2 U(2) = X1 - X3 U(3) = X2 - X1 V(1) = Y3 - Y2 V(2) = Y1 - Y3 V(3) = Y2 - Y1 C C Set SA to the signed triangle area. C SA = (U(1)*V(2) - U(2)*V(1))/2.D0 IF (SA .EQ. 0.) THEN IF (RATIO) AR = 0. RETURN ENDIF C C Set DS(K) to the squared distance from the origin to C vertex K. C DS(1) = X1*X1 + Y1*Y1 DS(2) = X2*X2 + Y2*Y2 DS(3) = X3*X3 + Y3*Y3 C C Compute factors of XC and YC. C FX = 0. FY = 0. DO 1 I = 1,3 FX = FX - DS(I)*V(I) FY = FY + DS(I)*U(I) 1 CONTINUE XC = FX/(4.D0*SA) YC = FY/(4.D0*SA) CR = SQRT( (XC-X1)**2 + (YC-Y1)**2 ) IF (.NOT. RATIO) RETURN C C Compute the squared edge lengths and aspect ratio. C DO 2 I = 1,3 DS(I) = U(I)*U(I) + V(I)*V(I) 2 CONTINUE AR = 2.D0*ABS(SA)/ . ( (SQRT(DS(1)) + SQRT(DS(2)) + SQRT(DS(3)))*CR ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE CNTOUR (NX,NY,X,Y,Z,CVAL,LC,NCMAX,IWK, XC, . YC,ILC,NC,IER) INTEGER NX, NY, LC, NCMAX, IWK(NX,*), ILC(NCMAX), NC, . IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(NX), Y(NY), Z(NX,NY), CVAL, XC(LC), . YC(LC) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 04/28/90 C C Given a set of function values Z = F(X,Y) at the verti- C ces of an NX by NY rectangular grid, this subroutine de- C termines a set of contour lines associated with F = CVAL. C A contour line is specified by an ordered sequence of C points (XC,YC), each lying on a grid edge and computed C from the linear interpolant of the function values at the C endpoints of the edge. The accuracy of the contour lines C is thus directly related to the number of grid points. If C a contour line forms a closed curve, the first point coin- C cides with the last point. Otherwise, the first and last C points lie on the grid boundary. C C Note that the problem is ill-conditioned in the vicinity C of a double zero of F-CVAL. Thus, if a grid cell is C crossed by two contour lines (all four sides intersected), C three different configurations are possible, corresponding C to a local minimum, a local maximum, or a saddle point. C It is arbitrarily assumed in this case that the contour C lines intersect, representing a saddle point. Also, in C order to treat the case of F = CVAL at a vertex in a con- C sistent manner, this case is always treated as F > CVAL. C Hence, if F takes on the same value at both ends of an C edge, it is assumed that no contour line intersects that C edge. In particular, a constant function, including C F = CVAL, results in no contour lines. C C On input: C C NX = Number of grid points in the x direction. C NX .GE. 2. C C NY = Number of grid points in the y direction. C NY .GE. 2. C C X = Array of length NX containing a strictly in- C creasing sequence of values. C C Y = Array of length NY containing a strictly in- C creasing sequence of values. C C Z = Array of function values at the vertices of the C rectangular grid. Z(I,J) = F(X(I),Y(J)) for C I = 1,...,NX and J = 1,...,NY. C C CVAL = Constant function value defining a contour C line as the set of points (X,Y) such that C F(X,Y) = CVAL. C C LC = Length of arrays XC and YC, and maximum allow- C able number of points defining contour lines. C LC = 2(NX-1)(NY-1) + (NX*NY+1)/2 is (probably C more than) sufficient. LC .GE. 2. C C NCMAX = Length of array ILC, and maximum allowable C number of contour lines. NCMAX = (NX*NY+1)/ C 2 is sufficient. NCMAX .GE. 1. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C IWK = Integer array of length .GE. NX*(NY-1) to be C used as work space. C C XC,YC = Arrays of length LC. C C ILC = Integer array of length NCMAX. C C On output: C C XC,YC = Arrays containing the coordinates of NC con- C tour lines. For K = 1,...,NC, contour line C K is defined by the sequence of points with C indexes ILC(K-1)+1,...,ILC(K) where ILC(0) = C 0. C C ILC = Array containing the indexes (to XC and YC) C associated with the terminal point of contour C line K in position K for K = 1,...,NC (if NC C .GT. 0). C C NC = Number of contour lines whose points are stored C in XC and YC. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered and all C contour lines were found. C IER = 1 if NX, NY, LC, or NCMAX is outside its C valid range. NC = 0 and XC, YC, and C ILC are not altered in this case. C IER = 2 if X or Y is not strictly increasing. C NC = 0 and XC, YC, and ILC are not C altered in this case. C IER = K for K > LC, where K is the required C length of XC and YC, if more storage C space is required to complete the C specification of contour line NC and/ C or additional contour lines up to a C total of NCMAX. NC .GE. 1 and ILC(NC) C = LC in this case. C IER = -1 if more than NCMAX contour lines are C present (more space is required in C ILC). NC = NCMAX, and LC may or may C not be sufficient for the additional C contour lines in this case. (This is C not determined.) C C In the unlikely event of an internal failure, a message C is printed on logical unit LUN (specified in the DATA C statement below). IER may be 0 in this case. C C Modules required by CNTOUR: None C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION CV, W, XF, XN, XP, YF, YN, YP, Z1, Z2 INTEGER I, I1, I2, IB, IN, IND, ISID, ISIDB, ISIDN, . J, J1, J2, JB, JN, K, LCON, LMX, LUN, NCMX, . NCON, NI, NIM1, NJ, NJM1 LOGICAL BDRY DATA LUN/0/ C C Store parameters in local variables. C NI = NX NJ = NY NIM1 = NI - 1 NJM1 = NJ - 1 CV = CVAL LMX = LC NCMX = NCMAX NC = 0 C C Test for invalid input parameters. C IER = 1 IF (NI .LT. 2 .OR. NJ .LT. 2 .OR. LMX .LT. 2 .OR. . NCMX .LT. 1) RETURN C C Test for nonincreasing values of X or Y. C IER = 2 DO 1 I = 2,NI IF (X(I) .LE. X(I-1)) RETURN 1 CONTINUE DO 2 J = 2,NJ IF (Y(J) .LE. Y(J-1)) RETURN 2 CONTINUE C C Loop on grid cells, initializing edge indicators (stored C in IWK) to zeros. For each cell, the indicator IND is a C 4-bit integer with each bit corresponding to an edge of C the cell, and having value 1 iff the edge has been pro- C cessed. Note that two IND values must be adjusted when C an interior edge is processed. The cell sides (edges) C are numbered (1,2,4,8) in counterclockwise order start- C ing from the bottom. This corresponds to an ordering of C the weighted IND bits from low order to high order. C Grid cells are identified with their lower left corners. C DO 4 J = 1,NJM1 DO 3 I = 1,NIM1 IWK(I,J) = 0 3 CONTINUE 4 CONTINUE C C First determine open contours by looping on boundary edges C in counterclockwise order starting from the lower left. C For each unprocessed boundary edge intersected by a con- C tour line, the contour line is determined and IWK is up- C dated to reflect the edges intersected. The boundary C cell (lower left corner) is indexed by (IB,JB) and the C boundary edge is specified by ISIDB. NCON and LCON are C local variables containing the number of contour lines C encountered and the current length of XC and YC. C NCON = 0 LCON = 0 ISIDB = 1 IB = 1 JB = 1 C C Top of loop on boundary edges. The edge has been C processed iff IND/ISIDB is odd. C 5 IND = IWK(IB,JB) IF (IND/ISIDB .NE. 2*((IND/ISIDB)/2)) GO TO 9 C C Update the edge indicator and store the vertex indexes of C the endpoints of the edge. C IWK(IB,JB) = IND + ISIDB IF (ISIDB .EQ. 1) THEN I1 = IB J1 = JB I2 = IB + 1 J2 = JB ELSEIF (ISIDB .EQ. 2) THEN I1 = IB + 1 J1 = JB I2 = IB + 1 J2 = JB + 1 ELSEIF (ISIDB .EQ. 4) THEN I1 = IB + 1 J1 = JB + 1 I2 = IB J2 = JB + 1 ELSE I1 = IB J1 = JB + 1 I2 = IB J2 = JB ENDIF C C Proceed to the next edge if there is no intersection. C Z1 = Z(I1,J1) Z2 = Z(I2,J2) IF ((Z1 .LT. CV .AND. Z2 .LT. CV) .OR. . (Z1 .GE. CV .AND. Z2 .GE. CV)) GO TO 9 C C Store the zero of the linear interpolant of Z1-CV and C Z2-CV as the first point of an open contour unless C NCMAX contour lines have been found or there is in- C sufficient space reserved for XC and YC. C IF (NCON .EQ. NCMX) THEN IER = -1 GO TO 16 ENDIF NCON = NCON + 1 LCON = LCON + 1 W = (CV-Z1)/(Z2-Z1) XP = X(I1) + W*(X(I2)-X(I1)) YP = Y(J1) + W*(Y(J2)-Y(J1)) IF (LCON .LE. LMX) THEN XC(LCON) = XP YC(LCON) = YP ENDIF C C Initialize for loop on cells intersected by the open C contour line. C I = IB J = JB ISID = ISIDB C C Traverse the contour line. Cell (I,J) was entered on side C ISID = (I1,J1)->(I2,J2). Find an exit edge E (unproces- C sed edge intersected by the contour) by looping on the C remaining three sides, starting with the side opposite C ISID. C 6 IND = IWK(I,J) DO 7 K = 1,3 ISID = 2*ISID IF (K .NE. 2) ISID = 2*ISID IF (ISID .GT. 15) ISID = ISID/16 IF (ISID .EQ. 1) THEN I1 = I J1 = J I2 = I + 1 J2 = J ELSEIF (ISID .EQ. 2) THEN I1 = I + 1 J1 = J I2 = I + 1 J2 = J + 1 ELSEIF (ISID .EQ. 4) THEN I1 = I + 1 J1 = J + 1 I2 = I J2 = J + 1 ELSE I1 = I J1 = J + 1 I2 = I J2 = J ENDIF C C Test for a 1 in bit position ISID of cell (I,J) and bypass C the edge if it has been previously encountered. C IF (IND/ISID .NE. 2*((IND/ISID)/2)) GO TO 7 C C Update IWK for edge E = (I1,J1)->(I2,J2). (IN,JN) indexes C the cell which shares E with cell (I,J), and ISIDN is C the side number of E in (IN,JN). BDRY is true iff E is C a boundary edge (with no neighboring cell). C IWK(I,J) = IWK(I,J) + ISID IF (ISID .LE. 2) THEN IN = I1 JN = J2 - 1 ISIDN = 4*ISID ELSE IN = I1 - 1 JN = J2 ISIDN = ISID/4 ENDIF BDRY = IN .EQ. 0 .OR. IN .EQ. NI .OR. . JN .EQ. 0 .OR. JN .EQ. NJ IF (.NOT. BDRY) IWK(IN,JN) = IWK(IN,JN) + ISIDN C C Exit the loop on sides if E is intersected by the contour. C Z1 = Z(I1,J1) Z2 = Z(I2,J2) IF ((Z1 .LT. CV .AND. Z2 .GE. CV) .OR. . (Z1 .GE. CV .AND. Z2 .LT. CV)) GO TO 8 7 CONTINUE C* C Error -- No exit point found. Print a message and exit C the contour traversal loop. C WRITE (LUN,100) NCON 100 FORMAT (///5X,'Error in CNTOUR: Contour line L ', . 'begins on the boundary'/5X,'and terminates ', . 'in the interior for L =',I4/) ILC(NCON) = LCON GO TO 9 C* C Add the intersection point (XN,YN) to the list unless it C coincides with the previous point (XP,YP) or there is C not enough space in XC and YC. C 8 W = (CV-Z1)/(Z2-Z1) XN = X(I1) + W*(X(I2)-X(I1)) YN = Y(J1) + W*(Y(J2)-Y(J1)) IF (XN .NE. XP .OR. YN .NE. YP) THEN LCON = LCON + 1 XP = XN YP = YN IF (LCON .LE. LMX) THEN XC(LCON) = XN YC(LCON) = YN ENDIF ENDIF C C Bottom of contour traversal loop. If E is not a boundary C edge, reverse the edge direction (endpoint indexes) and C update the cell index and side number. C IF (.NOT. BDRY) THEN I = I1 J = J1 I1 = I2 J1 = J2 I2 = I J2 = J I = IN J = JN ISID = ISIDN GO TO 6 ENDIF C C Update ILC with a pointer to the end of the contour line. C ILC(NCON) = LCON C C Bottom of loop on boundary edges. Update the boundary C cell index and side number, and test for termination. C 9 IF (ISIDB .EQ. 1) THEN IF (IB .LT. NIM1) THEN IB = IB + 1 ELSE ISIDB = 2 ENDIF ELSEIF (ISIDB .EQ. 2) THEN IF (JB .LT. NJM1) THEN JB = JB + 1 ELSE ISIDB = 4 ENDIF ELSEIF (ISIDB .EQ. 4) THEN IF (IB .GT. 1) THEN IB = IB - 1 ELSE ISIDB = 8 ENDIF ELSE IF (JB .GT. 1) THEN JB = JB - 1 ELSE ISIDB = 16 ENDIF ENDIF IF (ISIDB .LT. 16) GO TO 5 C C Determine closed contours by looping on interior edges -- C the first two sides (bottom and right) of each cell, C excluding boundary edges. The beginning cell is indexed C by (IB,JB), and the beginning side number is ISIDB. C DO 15 JB = 1,NJM1 DO 14 IB = 1,NIM1 DO 13 ISIDB = 1,2 IF (JB .EQ. 1 .AND. ISIDB .EQ. 1) GO TO 13 IF (IB .EQ. NIM1 .AND. ISIDB .EQ. 2) GO TO 13 C C Bypass the edge if it was previously encountered C (IND/ISIDB odd). C IND = IWK(IB,JB) IF (IND/ISIDB .NE. 2*((IND/ISIDB)/2)) GO TO 13 C C Determine the endpoint indexes of the beginning edge E = C (I1,J1)->(I2,J2), find the index (I,J) and side number C ISID of the cell which shares E with (IB,JB), and up- C date IWK. C IF (ISIDB .EQ. 1) THEN I1 = IB J1 = JB I2 = IB + 1 J2 = JB I = IB J = JB - 1 ISID = 4 ELSE I1 = IB + 1 J1 = JB I2 = IB + 1 J2 = JB + 1 I = I1 J = J1 ISID = 8 ENDIF IWK(IB,JB) = IND + ISIDB IWK(I,J) = IWK(I,J) + ISID C C Proceed to the next interior edge if there is no C intersection. C Z1 = Z(I1,J1) Z2 = Z(I2,J2) IF ((Z1 .LT. CV .AND. Z2 .LT. CV) .OR. . (Z1 .GE. CV .AND. Z2 .GE. CV)) GO TO 13 C C Store the intersection point as the first point of a C closed contour unless NCMAX contour lines have been C found or there is insufficient space in XC and YC. C IF (NCON .EQ. NCMX) THEN IER = -1 GO TO 16 ENDIF NCON = NCON + 1 LCON = LCON + 1 W = (CV-Z1)/(Z2-Z1) XP = X(I1) + W*(X(I2)-X(I1)) YP = Y(J1) + W*(Y(J2)-Y(J1)) IF (LCON .LE. LMX) THEN XC(LCON) = XP YC(LCON) = YP ENDIF XF = XP YF = YP C C Traverse the contour line. Cell (I,J) was entered on side C ISID = edge (I2,J2)->(I1,J1). Reverse the edge direc- C tion. C 10 IN = I1 JN = J1 I1 = I2 J1 = J2 I2 = IN J2 = JN IND = IWK(I,J) C C Find an exit edge E by looping on the remaining three C sides, starting with the side opposite ISID. C DO 11 K = 1,3 ISID = 2*ISID IF (K .NE. 2) ISID = 2*ISID IF (ISID .GT. 15) ISID = ISID/16 IF (ISID .EQ. 1) THEN I1 = I J1 = J I2 = I + 1 J2 = J ELSEIF (ISID .EQ. 2) THEN I1 = I + 1 J1 = J I2 = I + 1 J2 = J + 1 ELSEIF (ISID .EQ. 4) THEN I1 = I + 1 J1 = J + 1 I2 = I J2 = J + 1 ELSE I1 = I J1 = J + 1 I2 = I J2 = J ENDIF C C Bypass the edge if it has been previously encountered. C IF (IND/ISID .NE. 2*((IND/ISID)/2)) GO TO 11 C C Determine the index (IN,JN) and side number ISIDN of the C cell which shares edge E = (I1,J1)->(I2,J2) with cell C (I,J), and update IWK. C IF (ISID .LE. 2) THEN IN = I1 JN = J2 - 1 ISIDN = 4*ISID ELSE IN = I1 - 1 JN = J2 ISIDN = ISID/4 ENDIF IWK(I,J) = IWK(I,J) + ISID IWK(IN,JN) = IWK(IN,JN) + ISIDN C C Exit the loop on sides if E is intersected. C Z1 = Z(I1,J1) Z2 = Z(I2,J2) IF ((Z1 .LT. CV .AND. Z2 .GE. CV) .OR. . (Z1 .GE. CV .AND. Z2 .LT. CV)) GO TO 12 11 CONTINUE C* C Error -- No exit point found. Print a message and exit C the contour traversal loop. C WRITE (LUN,110) NCON 110 FORMAT (///5X,'Error in CNTOUR: Contour line L ', . 'is open but'/5X,'does not intersect the ', . 'boundary for L =',I4/) ILC(NCON) = LCON GO TO 13 C* C Add the intersection point to the list unless it coincides C with the previous point or there is not enough space in C XC and YC. C 12 W = (CV-Z1)/(Z2-Z1) XN = X(I1) + W*(X(I2)-X(I1)) YN = Y(J1) + W*(Y(J2)-Y(J1)) IF (XN .NE. XP .OR. YN .NE. YP) THEN LCON = LCON + 1 XP = XN YP = YN IF (LCON .LE. LMX) THEN XC(LCON) = XN YC(LCON) = YN ENDIF ENDIF C C Bottom of contour traversal loop. If the next cell is not C the beginning cell, update the cell index and side num- C ber. C IF (IN .NE. IB .OR. JN .NE. JB) THEN I = IN J = JN ISID = ISIDN GO TO 10 ENDIF C C Add the first point as the last point (unless the first C and last points already coincide), and update ILC. C IF (XP .NE. XF .OR. YP .NE. YF) THEN LCON = LCON + 1 IF (LCON .LE. LMX) THEN XC(LCON) = XF YC(LCON) = YF ENDIF ENDIF ILC(NCON) = LCON C C Bottom of loop on interior edges. C 13 CONTINUE 14 CONTINUE 15 CONTINUE IER = 0 C C Test for insufficient storage reserved for XC and YC. C 16 IF (LCON .GT. LMX) IER = LCON NC = NCON RETURN END SUBROUTINE DELARC (N,IO1,IO2, LIST,LPTR,LEND, . LNEW, IER) INTEGER N, IO1, IO2, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), LNEW, . IER C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 11/12/94 C C This subroutine deletes a boundary arc from a triangula- C tion. It may be used to remove a null triangle from the C convex hull boundary. Note, however, that if the union of C triangles is rendered nonconvex, Subroutines DELNDC and C TRFIND may fail. Thus, Subroutines ADDNDC and DELNDC C should not be called following an arc deletion. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 4. C C IO1,IO2 = Indexes (in the range 1 to N) of a pair of C adjacent boundary nodes defining the arc C to be removed. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Triangulation data structure C created by Subroutine TRMSHC. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure updated with C the removal of arc IO1-IO2 C unless IER > 0. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if N, IO1, or IO2 is outside its valid C range, or IO1 = IO2. C IER = 2 if IO1-IO2 is not a boundary arc. C IER = 3 if the node opposite IO1-IO2 is al- C ready a boundary node, and thus IO1 C or IO2 has only two neighbors or a C deletion would result in two triangu- C lations sharing a single node. C IER = 4 if one of the nodes is a neighbor of C the other, but not vice versa, imply- C ing an invalid triangulation data C structure. C C Modules required by DELARC: DELNB, LSTPTR C C Intrinsic function called by DELARC: ABS C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER LSTPTR INTEGER LP, LPH, LPL, N1, N2, N3 C C Local parameters: C C LP = LIST index (pointer) C LPH = Pointer (or flag) returned by DELNB C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of N1, N2, or N3 C N1,N2 = Local copies of IO1 and IO2 ordered so that N1-N2 C is a (directed) edge C N3 = Node opposite N1->N2 C N1 = IO1 N2 = IO2 C C Test for errors, and set N1->N2 to the directed boundary C edge associated with IO1-IO2: (N1,N2,N3) is a triangle C for some N3. C IF (N .LT. 4 .OR. N1 .LT. 1 .OR. N1 .GT. N .OR. . N2 .LT. 1 .OR. N2 .GT. N .OR. N1 .EQ. N2) THEN IER = 1 RETURN ENDIF C LPL = LEND(N2) IF (-LIST(LPL) .NE. N1) THEN N1 = N2 N2 = IO1 LPL = LEND(N2) IF (-LIST(LPL) .NE. N1) THEN IER = 2 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF C C Set N3 to the node opposite N1->N2 (the second neighbor C of N1), and test for error 3 (N3 already a boundary C node). C LPL = LEND(N1) LP = LPTR(LPL) LP = LPTR(LP) N3 = ABS(LIST(LP)) LPL = LEND(N3) IF (LIST(LPL) .LE. 0) THEN IER = 3 RETURN ENDIF C C Delete N2 as a neighbor of N1, making N3 the first C neighbor, and test for error 4 (N2 not a neighbor C of N1). Note that previously computed pointers may C no longer be valid following the call to DELNB. C CALL DELNB (N1,N2,N, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW, LPH) IF (LPH .LT. 0) THEN IER = 4 RETURN ENDIF C C Delete N1 as a neighbor of N2, making N3 the new last C neighbor. C CALL DELNB (N2,N1,N, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW, LPH) C C Make N3 a boundary node with first neighbor N2 and last C neighbor N1. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(N3),N1,LIST,LPTR) LEND(N3) = LP LIST(LP) = -N1 C C No errors encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE DELBE (N,X,Y,TOL, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW, ND) INTEGER N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), LNEW, ND DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), TOL C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/27/96 C C This subroutine deletes extraneous boundary edges from a C triangulation. For each triangle (N1,N2,N3) such that C N1->N2 is a boundary edge and N3 is an interior node, if C the aspect ratio (ratio of the radius of the inscribed C circle to that of the circumcircle) falls below tolerance C TOL, edge N1->N2 (and triangle (N1,N2,N3)) is removed. C (Following the removal, N1->N3 and N3->N2 become candi- C dates for removal.) C Triangles with aspect ratio zero (signed area zero) lead C to failure in Subroutine LGRAD (and hence VLIST), and tri- C angles with small aspect ratio lead to inaccuracy in C triangle gradients (vertices of the gradient feasibility C diagram computed by VLIST). On the other hand, if the C triangulation is rendered nonconvex by removing a boundary C edge, Subroutines DELNDC and TRFIND (and hence ADDNDC) may C fail. Thus, if it is necessary to add or delete a node C following a call to this routine, the tolerance should be C very small. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. No comp- C utation takes place if N < 4 or TOL <= 0. C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian C coordinates of the nodes. C C TOL = Positive tolerance used as a lower bound on C the acceptable aspect ratio of boundary tri- C angles. A reasonable value is 1.E-5. c C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure defining the C triangulation. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure updated with ND C boundary edge removals. C C ND = Number of boundary edges removed, or -1 if an C error flag was returned by DELARC indicating C an invalid triangulation data structure. C C Modules required by DELBE: CIRCUM, DELARC, DELNB, LSTPTR C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION AR, CR, SA, XC, YC INTEGER IER, LP, LPL, N0, N1, N2, N3 C C Local parameters: C C AR = Aspect ratio of triangle (N1,N2,N3) C CR = Circumradius of triangle (N1,N2,N3) C IER = Error flag for calls to DELARC C LP = LIST index of (pointer to) the first or second C neighbor of N1 C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of N0 or N1 C N0 = Nodal index of the first boundary node (the one C with smallest index) C N1,N2 = Indexes of the endpoints of a boundary edge C N3 = Index of the node opposite N1->N2 C SA = Signed area of triangle (N1,N2,N3) C XC,YC = Components of the circumcenter of triangle C (N1,N2,N3) C ND = 0 C C Test for invalid input. C IF (N .LT. 4 .OR. TOL .LE. 0.) RETURN C C Set N0 and N2 to the first boundary node encountered. C N0 = 0 1 N0 = N0 + 1 LPL = LEND(N0) IF (LIST(LPL) .GT. 0) GO TO 1 N2 = N0 C C CCW loop on boundary edges N1->N2. C 2 N1 = N2 LPL = LEND(N1) LP = LPTR(LPL) N2 = LIST(LP) C C Set N3 to the node opposite N1->N2 -- the second neighbor C of N1. C LP = LPTR(LP) N3 = LIST(LP) C C Bypass triangles for which N3 is a boundary node. C IF (N3 .LT. 0) GO TO 3 IF (LIST(LEND(N3)) .LT. 0) GO TO 3 C C Compute the aspect ratio AR of triangle (N1,N2,N3). C CALL CIRCUM (X(N1),Y(N1),X(N2),Y(N2),X(N3),Y(N3), . .TRUE., XC,YC,CR,SA,AR) IF (AR .LT. TOL) THEN C C Remove edge N1-N2 and test for an invalid data structure. C CALL DELARC (N,N1,N2, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW, IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) THEN ND = -1 RETURN ENDIF C C Update ND and process edge N1->N3 next. C ND = ND + 1 N2 = N1 GO TO 2 ENDIF C C Bottom of loop on boundary edges. C 3 IF (N2 .NE. N0) GO TO 2 C C No error encountered. C RETURN END SUBROUTINE DELNB (N0,NB,N, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW, LPH) INTEGER N0, NB, N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), LNEW, . LPH C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/30/98 C C This subroutine deletes a neighbor NB from the adjacency C list of node N0 (but N0 is not deleted from the adjacency C list of NB) and, if NB is a boundary node, makes N0 a C boundary node. For pointer (LIST index) LPH to NB as a C neighbor of N0, the empty LIST,LPTR location LPH is filled C in with the values at LNEW-1, pointer LNEW-1 (in LPTR and C possibly in LEND) is changed to LPH, and LNEW is decremen- C ted. This requires a search of LEND and LPTR entailing an C expected operation count of O(N). C C C On input: C C N0,NB = Indexes, in the range 1 to N, of a pair of C nodes such that NB is a neighbor of N0. C (N0 need not be a neighbor of NB.) C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure defining the C triangulation. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure updated with C the removal of NB from the ad- C jacency list of N0 unless C LPH < 0. C C LPH = List pointer to the hole (NB as a neighbor of C N0) filled in by the values at LNEW-1 or error C indicator: C LPH > 0 if no errors were encountered. C LPH = -1 if N0, NB, or N is outside its valid C range. C LPH = -2 if NB is not a neighbor of N0. C C Modules required by DELNB: None C C Intrinsic function called by DELNB: ABS C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER I, LNW, LP, LPB, LPL, LPP, NN C C Local parameters: C C I = DO-loop index C LNW = LNEW-1 (output value of LNEW) C LP = LIST pointer of the last neighbor of NB C LPB = Pointer to NB as a neighbor of N0 C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of N0 C LPP = Pointer to the neighbor of N0 that precedes NB C NN = Local copy of N C NN = N C C Test for error 1. C IF (N0 .LT. 1 .OR. N0 .GT. NN .OR. NB .LT. 1 .OR. . NB .GT. NN .OR. NN .LT. 3) THEN LPH = -1 RETURN ENDIF C C Find pointers to neighbors of N0: C C LPL points to the last neighbor, C LPP points to the neighbor NP preceding NB, and C LPB points to NB. C LPL = LEND(N0) LPP = LPL LPB = LPTR(LPP) 1 IF (LIST(LPB) .EQ. NB) GO TO 2 LPP = LPB LPB = LPTR(LPP) IF (LPB .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 C C Test for error 2 (NB not found). C IF (ABS(LIST(LPB)) .NE. NB) THEN LPH = -2 RETURN ENDIF C C NB is the last neighbor of N0. Make NP the new last C neighbor and, if NB is a boundary node, then make N0 C a boundary node. C LEND(N0) = LPP LP = LEND(NB) IF (LIST(LP) .LT. 0) LIST(LPP) = -LIST(LPP) GO TO 3 C C NB is not the last neighbor of N0. If NB is a boundary C node and N0 is not, then make N0 a boundary node with C last neighbor NP. C 2 LP = LEND(NB) IF (LIST(LP) .LT. 0 .AND. LIST(LPL) .GT. 0) THEN LEND(N0) = LPP LIST(LPP) = -LIST(LPP) ENDIF C C Update LPTR so that the neighbor following NB now fol- C lows NP, and fill in the hole at location LPB. C 3 LPTR(LPP) = LPTR(LPB) LNW = LNEW-1 LIST(LPB) = LIST(LNW) LPTR(LPB) = LPTR(LNW) DO 4 I = NN,1,-1 IF (LEND(I) .EQ. LNW) THEN LEND(I) = LPB GO TO 5 ENDIF 4 CONTINUE C 5 DO 6 I = 1,LNW-1 IF (LPTR(I) .EQ. LNW) THEN LPTR(I) = LPB ENDIF 6 CONTINUE C C No errors encountered. C LNEW = LNW LPH = LPB RETURN END SUBROUTINE DELNDC (K, N,X,Y,Z,LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW,LWK, . IWK, IER) INTEGER K, N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), LNEW, LWK, . IWK(2,*), IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), Y(*), Z(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 06/29/98 C C This subroutine deletes node K (along with all edges C incident on node K) from a convex triangulation of N C nodes, and inserts edges as necessary to produce a tri- C angulation of the remaining N-1 nodes. If a convex C triangulation is input, a convex triangulation will re- C sult, and thus, DELNDC reverses the effect of a call to C Subroutine ADDNDC. C C C On input: C C K = Index (for X, Y, and Z) of the node to be C deleted. 1 .LE. K .LE. N. C C K is not altered by this routine. C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation on input. C N .GE. 4. Note that N will be decremented C following the deletion. C C X,Y,Z = Arrays of length N containing the coordi- C nates of the nodes and data values. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure defining the C triangulation. Refer to Sub- C routine TRMSHC. C C LWK = Number of columns reserved for IWK. LWK must C be at least NNB-3, where NNB is the number of C neighbors of node K, including an extra C pseudo-node if K is a boundary node. C C IWK = Integer work array dimensioned 2 by LWK (or C array of length .GE. 2*LWK). C C On output: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation on output. C The input value is decremented unless 1 .LE. IER C .LE. 4. C C X,Y,Z = Updated arrays (with elements K+1,...,N+1 C shifted up one position, thus overwriting C element K) unless 1 .LE. IER .LE. 4. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Updated triangulation data C structure reflecting the dele- C tion unless IER > 0. Note C that the data structure may C have been altered if IER C .GE. 3. C C LWK = Number of IWK columns required unless IER = 1 C or IER = 3. C C IWK = Indexes of the endpoints of the new edges C added unless LWK = 0 or 1 .LE. IER .LE. 4. C (Edges are associated with columns, or pairs C of adjacent elements if IWK is declared as a C singly-subscripted array.) C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if K or N is outside its valid range C or LWK < 0 on input. C IER = 2 if more space is required in IWK. C Refer to LWK. C IER = 3 if the triangulation data structure is C invalid on input. C IER = 4 if K is an interior node with four or C more neighbors, and the number of C neighbors could not be reduced to C three by swaps. This could be caused C by floating point errors with collin- C ear nodes or by an invalid data C structure. C IER = 5 if an error flag was returned by C OPTIM. An error message is written to C the standard output unit in this event. C C Note that the deletion may result in all remaining nodes C being collinear. This situation is not flagged. C C Modules required by DELNDC: DELNB, LEFT, LSTPTR, NBCNT, C OPTIM, SWAP, SWPTC C C Intrinsic function called by DELNDC: ABS C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION X1, X2, XL, XR, Y1, Y2, YL, YR INTEGER LSTPTR, NBCNT LOGICAL LEFT INTEGER I, IERR, IWL, J, LNW, LP, LP21, LPF, LPH, LPL, . LPL2, LPN, LWKL, N1, N2, NFRST, NIT, NL, NN, . NNB, NR LOGICAL BDRY C C Local parameters: C C BDRY = Logical variable with value TRUE iff N1 is a C boundary node C I,J = DO-loop indexes C IERR = Error flag returned by OPTIM C IWL = Number of IWK columns containing edges C LNW = Local copy of LNEW C LP = LIST pointer C LP21 = LIST pointer returned by SWAP C LPF,LPL = Pointers to the first and last neighbors of N1 C LPH = Pointer (or flag) returned by DELNB C LPL2 = Pointer to the last neighbor of N2 C LPN = Pointer to a neighbor of N1 C LWKL = Input value of LWK C N1 = Local copy of K C N2 = Neighbor of N1 C NFRST = First neighbor of N1: LIST(LPF) C NIT = Number of iterations in OPTIM C NR,NL = Neighbors of N1 preceding (to the right of) and C following (to the left of) N2, respectively C NN = Number of nodes in the triangulation C NNB = Number of neighbors of N1 (including a pseudo- C node representing the boundary if N1 is a C boundary node) C X1,Y1 = Coordinates of N1 C X2,Y2 = Coordinates of N2 C XL,YL = Coordinates of NL C XR,YR = Coordinates of NR C C C Set N1 to K and NNB to the number of neighbors of N1 (plus C one if N1 is a boundary node), and test for errors. LPF C and LPL are LIST indexes of the first and last neighbors C of N1, IWL is the number of IWK columns containing C edges, and BDRY is TRUE iff N1 is a boundary node. C N1 = K NN = N IF (N1 .LT. 1 .OR. N1 .GT. NN .OR. NN .LT. 4 .OR. . LWK .LT. 0) GO TO 21 LPL = LEND(N1) LPF = LPTR(LPL) NNB = NBCNT(LPL,LPTR) BDRY = LIST(LPL) .LT. 0 IF (BDRY) NNB = NNB + 1 IF (NNB .LT. 3) GO TO 23 LWKL = LWK LWK = NNB - 3 IF (LWKL .LT. LWK) GO TO 22 IWL = 0 IF (NNB .EQ. 3) GO TO 5 C C Initialize for loop on edges N1-N2 for neighbors N2 of N1, C beginning with the second neighbor. NR and NL are the C neighbors preceding and following N2, respectively, and C LP indexes NL. The loop is exited when all possible C swaps have been applied to edges incident on N1. If N1 C is interior, the number of neighbors will be reduced C to 3. C X1 = X(N1) Y1 = Y(N1) NFRST = LIST(LPF) NR = NFRST XR = X(NR) YR = Y(NR) LP = LPTR(LPF) N2 = LIST(LP) X2 = X(N2) Y2 = Y(N2) LP = LPTR(LP) C C Top of loop: set NL to the neighbor following N2. C 2 NL = ABS(LIST(LP)) IF (NL .EQ. NFRST .AND. BDRY) GO TO 5 XL = X(NL) YL = Y(NL) C C Test for a convex quadrilateral. To avoid an incorrect C test caused by collinearity, use the fact that if N1 C is a boundary node, then N1 LEFT NR->NL and if N2 is C a boundary node, then N2 LEFT NL->NR. C LPL2 = LEND(N2) IF ( (BDRY .OR. LEFT(XR,YR,XL,YL,X1,Y1)) .AND. . (LIST(LPL2) .LT. 0 .OR. . LEFT(XL,YL,XR,YR,X2,Y2)) ) GO TO 3 C C Nonconvex quadrilateral -- no swap is possible. C NR = N2 XR = X2 YR = Y2 GO TO 4 C C The quadrilateral defined by adjacent triangles C (N1,N2,NL) and (N2,N1,NR) is convex. Swap in C NL-NR and store it in IWK. Indexes larger than N1 C must be decremented since N1 will be deleted from C X and Y. C 3 CALL SWAP (NL,NR,N1,N2, LIST,LPTR,LEND, LP21) IWL = IWL + 1 IF (NL .LE. N1) THEN IWK(1,IWL) = NL ELSE IWK(1,IWL) = NL - 1 ENDIF IF (NR .LE. N1) THEN IWK(2,IWL) = NR ELSE IWK(2,IWL) = NR - 1 ENDIF C C Recompute the LIST indexes LPL,LP and decrement NNB. C LPL = LEND(N1) NNB = NNB - 1 IF (NNB .EQ. 3) GO TO 5 LP = LSTPTR(LPL,NL,LIST,LPTR) IF (NR .EQ. NFRST) GO TO 4 C C NR is not the first neighbor of N1. C Back up and test N1-NR for a swap again: Set N2 to C NR and NR to the previous neighbor of N1 -- the C neighbor of NR which follows N1. LP21 points to NL C as a neighbor of NR. C N2 = NR X2 = XR Y2 = YR LP21 = LPTR(LP21) LP21 = LPTR(LP21) NR = ABS(LIST(LP21)) XR = X(NR) YR = Y(NR) GO TO 2 C C Bottom of loop -- test for invalid termination. C 4 IF (N2 .EQ. NFRST) GO TO 24 N2 = NL X2 = XL Y2 = YL LP = LPTR(LP) GO TO 2 C C Delete N1 from the adjacency list of N2 for all neighbors C N2 of N1. LPL points to the last neighbor of N1. C LNEW is stored in local variable LNW. C 5 LP = LPL LNW = LNEW C C Loop on neighbors N2 of N1, beginning with the first. C 6 LP = LPTR(LP) N2 = ABS(LIST(LP)) CALL DELNB (N2,N1,N, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNW, LPH) IF (LPH .LT. 0) GO TO 23 C C LP and LPL may require alteration. C IF (LPL .EQ. LNW) LPL = LPH IF (LP .EQ. LNW) LP = LPH IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 6 C C Delete N1 from X, Y, Z, and LEND, and remove its adjacency C list from LIST and LPTR. LIST entries (nodal indexes) C which are larger than N1 must be decremented. C NN = NN - 1 IF (N1 .GT. NN) GO TO 9 DO 7 I = N1,NN X(I) = X(I+1) Y(I) = Y(I+1) Z(I) = Z(I+1) LEND(I) = LEND(I+1) 7 CONTINUE C DO 8 I = 1,LNW-1 IF (LIST(I) .GT. N1) LIST(I) = LIST(I) - 1 IF (LIST(I) .LT. -N1) LIST(I) = LIST(I) + 1 8 CONTINUE C C For LPN = first to last neighbors of N1, delete the C preceding neighbor (indexed by LP). C C Each empty LIST,LPTR location LP is filled in with the C values at LNW-1, and LNW is decremented. All pointers C (including those in LPTR and LEND) with value LNW-1 C must be changed to LP. C C LPL points to the last neighbor of N1. C 9 IF (BDRY) NNB = NNB - 1 LPN = LPL DO 13 J = 1,NNB LNW = LNW - 1 LP = LPN LPN = LPTR(LP) LIST(LP) = LIST(LNW) LPTR(LP) = LPTR(LNW) IF (LPTR(LPN) .EQ. LNW) LPTR(LPN) = LP IF (LPN .EQ. LNW) LPN = LP DO 10 I = NN,1,-1 IF (LEND(I) .EQ. LNW) THEN LEND(I) = LP GO TO 11 ENDIF 10 CONTINUE C 11 DO 12 I = LNW-1,1,-1 IF (LPTR(I) .EQ. LNW) LPTR(I) = LP 12 CONTINUE 13 CONTINUE C C Update N and LNEW, and optimize the patch of triangles C containing K (on input) by applying swaps to the edges C in IWK. C N = NN LNEW = LNW IF (IWL .GT. 0) THEN NIT = 4*IWL CALL OPTIM (X,Y,Z,IWL, LIST,LPTR,LEND,NIT,IWK, IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 25 ENDIF C C Successful termination. C IER = 0 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 21 IER = 1 RETURN C C Insufficient space reserved for IWK. C 22 IER = 2 RETURN C C Invalid triangulation data structure. NNB < 3 on input or C N2 is a neighbor of N1 but N1 is not a neighbor of N2. C 23 IER = 3 RETURN C C K is an interior node with 4 or more neighbors, but the C number of neighbors could not be reduced. C 24 IER = 4 RETURN C C Error flag returned by OPTIM. C 25 IER = 5 WRITE (*,100) NIT, IERR RETURN 100 FORMAT (//5X,'*** DELNDC: Error flag returned by ', . 'OPTIM: NIT = ',I4,', IER = ',I1,' ***'/) END SUBROUTINE DELTAI (N,X,Y,Z,GX,GY,LIST,LPTR,LEND, D, . IER) INTEGER N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), Z(N), GX(N), GY(N), D(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/27/96 C C Given a set of nodes p_i, data values z_i, and nodal C gradients g_i, i = 1 to N, for which there exists a convex C Hermite interpolatory surface, the affine nodal function C f_i(p) = + z_i defines a tangent plane at C (p_i,z_i), and H(p) = max (over i = 1 to N) {f_i(p)} is a C convex piecewise linear interpolant of the Hermite data. C Let R_i denote the set of points p such that f_i(p) >= C f_j(p) for j = 1 to N. Then f_i is the restriction of H C to R_i. For strictly convex data, R_i is a convex region C containing a neighborhood of p_i. The set of such regions C partitions the plane into a cell diagram. C C Remarkably, it can be shown that the cell diagram is the C straight-line dual of a convexity-preserving triangulation C of the nodal gradients and negative z-intercepts (constant C terms) of the affine nodal functions. C C This subroutine returns a set of radii d_i such that C H(p) = f_i(p) for all p in a disk of radius d_i centered C at p_i; i.e., d_i is the perpendicular distance from p_i C to the boundary of R_i. The algorithm has complexity C O(N). C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes, data values, and gradients. C N .GE. 3. C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian C coordinates of the nodes. C C Z = Array of length N containing the data values. C C GX,GY = Arrays of length N containing the components C of the nodal gradients. These must be dis- C tinct. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the gradi- C ent triangulation. Refer to C Subroutine TRMSHC. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C D = Array of length at least N. C C On output: C C D = Array containing the distance from each node to C its cell boundary unless IER > 0. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if N < 3. C IER = 2 if a pair of nodal gradients coincide. C IER = 3 if the Hermite data is not convex. C C Modules required by DELTAI: None C C Intrinsic functions called by DELTAI: ABS, SQRT C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DGS, DGX, DGY, DI, DIJ, TOL INTEGER I, J, LP, LPL C C Local parameters: C C DGS = Euclidean norm squared of g_j - g_i C DGX, DGY = Components of g_j - g_i C DI = Local copy of D(I) -- minimum over J of the C DIJ values C DIJ = Perpendicular distance from node p_i to cell C edge e_ij C I,J = Indexes of a pair of adjacent nodal gradients C corresponding to cell edge e_ij C LP = LIST index of J as a neighbor of I C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of vertex I C TOL = Tolerance for distinguishing between a zero C distance and a negative value (error 3) C DATA TOL/1.D-6/ C C Test for error 1. C IF (N .LT. 3) GO TO 11 C C Loop on nodal indexes I. C DO 2 I = 1,N DI = 1.D20 C C Loop on indexes J of neighbors of I in the gradient trian- C gulation. The triangulation edge corresponds to the C cell edge e_ij shared by cells I and J. LPL points to C the last neighbor of I. C LPL = LEND(I) LP = LPL 1 LP = LPTR(LP) J = ABS(LIST(LP)) C C Compute the perpendicular distance DIJ from p_i to edge C e_ij: C DIJ = |L(p_i)|/|grad(L)| = C (z_i - f_j(p_i))/|g_j - g_i| = C (z_i - z_j - )/|g_j - g_i|, C C where L(p) = f_i(p) - f_j(p) is a linear function with C zeros on e_ij. C DGX = GX(J)-GX(I) DGY = GY(J)-GY(I) DGS = DGX*DGX + DGY*DGY IF (DGS .EQ. 0.) GO TO 12 DIJ = ( Z(I)-Z(J) - GX(J)*(X(I)-X(J)) . - GY(J)*(Y(I)-Y(J)) )/SQRT(DGS) IF (DIJ .LT. 0.) THEN C C Treat DIJ as 0 if it is in [-TOL,0]. C IF (DIJ .LT. -TOL) GO TO 13 DIJ = 0. ENDIF IF (DIJ .LT. DI) DI = DIJ IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 C C Store DI. C D(I) = DI 2 CONTINUE C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C N < 3. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C Nodal gradients I and J coincide. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN C C f_j(p_i) > z_i, and the Hermite data is therefore not C convex. C 13 IER = 3 RETURN END DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DSTORE (X) DOUBLE PRECISION X C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 02/25/96 C C This function forces its argument X to be stored in a C memory location, thus providing a means of determining C floating point number characteristics (such as the machine C precision) when it is necessary to avoid computation in C high precision registers. C C On input: C C X = Double precision value to be stored. C C X is not altered by this function. C C On output: C C DSTORE = Value of X after it has been stored and C possibly truncated or rounded to the double C precision word length. C C Modules required by DSTORE: None C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION Y COMMON/STCOM/Y Y = X DSTORE = Y RETURN END SUBROUTINE FGRID (NX,NY,PX,PY,EPS,GX,GY,C,LIST,LPTR, . LEND,DMIN,NR,NA,W,QX,QY, F,IER) INTEGER NX, NY, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), NR, NA, IER DOUBLE PRECISION PX(NX), PY(NY), EPS, GX(*), GY(*), . C(*), DMIN, W(NR), QX(NR,NA), . QY(NR,NA), F(NX,NY) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/27/96 C C This subroutine returns the values of the convex bivar- C iate function F (defined in Subroutine CSURF) at the C vertices of an NX by NY rectangular grid. C C C On input: C C NX = Number of grid points in the x direction. C NX .GE. 2. C C NY = Number of grid points in the y direction. C NY .GE. 2. C C PX = Array of length NX containing a strictly in- C creasing sequence of values. C C PY = Array of length NY containing a strictly in- C creasing sequence of values. C C EPS,...,QY = Parameters defining the interpolant F. C These should be input unaltered from a C call to Subroutine CSURF (with IER = 0 C or IER = -11 on output). C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C F = Array of length at least NX*NY. C C On output: C C F = Array of function values at the vertices of the C rectangular grid. F(I,J) = F(X(I),Y(J)) for C I = 1,...,NX and J = 1,...,NY. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if NX < 2, NY < 2, EPS < 0, DMIN < 0, C NR < 1, or NA < 2. C IER = 2 if PX or PY is not strictly C increasing. C C Module required by FGRID: FVAL C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION FX, FY INTEGER I, J, KST C C Local parameters: C C FX,FY = Components of the gradient of F -- not saved C I,J = Indexes for PX and PY, respectively C KST = Nodal index used as the starting point for the C search in Subroutine FVAL C KST = 1 C C Test for invalid input parameters. C IF (NX .LT. 2 .OR. NY .LT. 2 .OR. EPS .LT. 0. . .OR. DMIN .LT. 0. .OR. NR .LT. 1 .OR. . NA .LT. 2) GO TO 11 C C Test for nonincreasing values of PX or PY. C DO 1 I = 2,NX IF (PX(I) .LE. PX(I-1)) GO TO 12 1 CONTINUE DO 2 J = 2,NY IF (PY(J) .LE. PY(J-1)) GO TO 12 2 CONTINUE C C Loop on grid points. C DO 4 J = 1,NY DO 3 I = 1,NX CALL FVAL (PX(I),PY(J),EPS,GX,GY,C,LIST,LPTR,LEND, . DMIN,NR,NA,W,QX,QY, KST, F(I,J),FX,FY) 3 CONTINUE 4 CONTINUE C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C PX or PY is not strictly increasing. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN END SUBROUTINE FVAL (PX,PY,EPS,GX,GY,C,LIST,LPTR,LEND, . DMIN,NR,NA,W,QX,QY, KST, F,FX,FY) INTEGER LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), NR, NA, KST DOUBLE PRECISION PX, PY, EPS, GX(*), GY(*), C(*), . DMIN, W(NR), QX(NR,NA), QY(NR,NA), F, . FX, FY C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/20/96 C C This subroutine returns the value and gradient of F at a C point p, where F is defined in Subroutine CSURF. Evalua- C tion of the gradient adds relatively little to the cost of C evaluating F. C C C On input: C C PX,PY = Components of the evaluation point p. C C EPS,...,QY = Parameters defining the interpolant F. C These should be input unaltered from a C call to Subroutine CSURF (with IER = 0 C on output). C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C KST = Nodal index in the range 1 to N defining a C cell R_k, k = KST, at which a search for p C is started. If F is evaluated at the elements C of an ordered sequence of points, the value of C KST returned by a previous call to FVAL is C a good choice. C C It is assumed without a test that all input parameters C are within their valid ranges. C C On output: C C KST = Index of the cell R_k that contains p. C C F = Value of the interpolant at p. C C FX,FY = Components of the gradient of F at p. C C Modules required by FVAL: None C C Intrinsic functions called by FVAL: ABS, SQRT C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION FK, FL, FS, FXS, FYS, QXIJ, QYIJ INTEGER I, J, K, L, LP, LPL C C Local parameters: C C FK = Value of the affine nodal function f_k at p or C at p+q_ij for quadrature point q_ij C FL = Value of the affine nodal function f_l at p or C at p+q_ij for quadrature point q_ij C FS = Sum(j=1,NA){H(p+q_ij)} for some i (1 to NR) C FXS,FYS = Components of the gradient of FS C I = Index for W and row index for QX and QY C J = Column index for QX and QY C K,L = Nodal (cell) indexes, where L is a neighbor of C K in the gradient triangulation C LP = Pointer (LIST index) to L as a neighbor of K C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of K in the C gradient triangulation C QXIJ,QYIJ = Components of p+q_ij C K = KST C C Find k such that p is in R_k: f_k(p) GE f_l(p) for all C neighbors l of k, where f_k(p) = - c_k. C FK = GX(K)*PX + GY(K)*PY - C(K) 1 LPL = LEND(K) LP = LPL 2 LP = LPTR(LP) L = ABS(LIST(LP)) FL = GX(L)*PX + GY(L)*PY - C(L) IF (FK .LT. FL) THEN K = L FK = FL GO TO 1 ENDIF IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 2 C C Update KST, and initialize F and (FX,FY) to the quadratic C function q(p) = EPS* and its gradient 2*EPS*p, C respectively. (Refer to Subroutine ADDQT.) The inter- C polated value and gradient will be added. C KST = K F = EPS*(PX*PX + PY*PY) FX = 2.D0*EPS*PX FY = 2.D0*EPS*PY C C F(p) = H(p) = f_k(p) if the disk of radius DMIN centered C at p is contained in R_k; i.e., the distance from p to C each edge e_kl of R_k is at least DMIN; i.e., for each C neighbor l of k, L(p)/abs(grad(L)) >= DMIN, where L(p) = C f_k(p)-f_l(p) and grad(L) denotes the gradient of L (a C linear function with zeros on e_kl). C 3 LP = LPTR(LP) L = ABS(LIST(LP)) FL = GX(L)*PX + GY(L)*PY - C(L) IF (FK-FL .LT. DMIN*SQRT((GX(K)-GX(L))**2 + . (GY(K)-GY(L))**2)) GO TO 4 IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 3 C C F(p) = H(p). C F = F + FK FX = FX + GX(K) FY = FY + GY(K) RETURN C C F(p) must be approximated by the quadrature rule C C Sum(i=1,NR){ W_i*Sum(j=1,NA){H(p+q_ij)} } C C (Refer to Subroutine GETQW.) C 4 DO 7 I = 1,NR C C Accumulate Sum(j=1,NA){H(p+q_ij)} and its gradient in C FS, FXS, and FYS. C FS = 0. FXS = 0. FYS = 0. DO 6 J = 1,NA C C Store the translated quadrature point p+q_ij. C QXIJ = PX + QX(I,J) QYIJ = PY + QY(I,J) C C Find k such that p+q_ij is in R_k. The search begins with C the index of the cell containing the previous quadrature C point (or p if I = J = 1). C FK = GX(K)*QXIJ + GY(K)*QYIJ - C(K) LP = LPL 5 LP = LPTR(LP) L = ABS(LIST(LP)) FL = GX(L)*QXIJ + GY(L)*QYIJ - C(L) IF (FK .LT. FL) THEN K = L FK = FL LPL = LEND(K) LP = LPL GO TO 5 ENDIF IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 5 C C Update FS and (FXS,FYS) with the value and gradient of f_k C at (p+q_ij). C FS = FS + FK FXS = FXS + GX(K) FYS = FYS + GY(K) 6 CONTINUE C C Update F and (FX,FY). C F = F + W(I)*FS FX = FX + W(I)*FXS FY = FY + W(I)*FYS 7 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE GETQW (NR,NA,D, W,QX,QY,IER) INTEGER NR, NA, IER DOUBLE PRECISION D, W(NR), QX(NR,NA), QY(NR,NA) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/29/96 C C This subroutine computes weights and abscissae defining C a quadrature rule for approximating C C F(p) = Integral [H(p+q)*Phi(q)]dq, C C where the integral is over the disk D0 of radius D center- C ed at the origin, and Phi(q) = phi(Norm(q)/D), normalized C to have integral 1, for phi(t) = 1 - 3*t**2 + 2*t**3 (t in C [0,1]). The disk D0 is partitioned uniformly by radius C and angle resulting in Nr*Na subregions, where region C (i,j) is defined by polar coordinates r in [(i-1)*D/Nr, C i*D/Nr] and angle a in [(j-1)*(2*pi)/Na,j*(2*pi)/Na]. The C quadrature points (abscissae) are the centroids of the C subregions, and the weights are the centroid values of Phi C scaled by the subregion areas. The rule is thus C C Sum(i = 1 to Nr) [W_i*Sum(j = 1 to Na) H(p+q_ij) ], C C where W_i = (10/3)*[(2*i-1)/(Nr**2*Na)]*phi((2*i-1)/(2*Nr)) C and q_ij = [(2*i-1)/(2*Nr)]*D*(cos(a_j),sin(a_j)) for C a_j = [(2*j-1)/(2*Na)]*(2*pi). C C If the radius D of D0 depends on the evaluation point p, C it is still only necessary to call this routine once with C D = 1, and then to scale the quadrature points appropri- C ately for each evaluation of F; i.e., the approximation to C F(p) is C C Sum(i = 1 to Nr) [W_i*Sum(j = 1 to Na) H(p+D*q_ij) ]. C C C On input: C C NR = Number of intervals Nr in the radial direction C defining the partitioning of D0. NR = 8 should C be sufficient. NR > 0. C C NA = Number of intervals Na in the angular direction C defining the partitioning of D0. NA = 3*NR is C recommended. NA > 1. C C D = Radius of the disk D0 -- the domain of integra- C tion and support of Phi. D > 0. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C W = Array of length at least NR. C C QX,QY = Arrays of length at least NR*NA. C C On output: C C W = Array containing quadrature weights W_i unless C IER > 0. C C QX,QY = Arrays dimensioned NR by NA containing the C components of the quadrature points: q_ij = C (QX(i,j),QY(i,j)) for i = 1 to NR and j = 1 C to NA, unless IER > 0. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if NR .LE. 0, NA .LE. 1, or D .LE. 0. C C Modules required by GETQW: None C C Intrinsic functions called by GETQW: ATAN, COS, DBLE, SIN C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION AJ, PHIT, PIDNA, RI, S, T, TWONR INTEGER I, J C C Local parameters: C C AJ = Angular coordinate of a quadrature point: C ((2*j-1)/NA)*pi C I,J = Indexes for W, QX, and QY C PHIT = phi(T) C PIDNA = pi/NA C RI = Radial coordinate of a quadrature point: T*D C S = Scale factor for weight W(I): (10/3)/(NR**2*NA) C T = Evaluation point for phi: (2*i-1)/(2*NR) C TWONR = 2*NR C IF (NR .LE. 0 .OR. NA .LE. 1 .OR. D .LE. 0.) . GO TO 11 C C Compute constants. C PIDNA = 4.D0*ATAN(1.D0)/DBLE(NA) S = 10.D0/(3.D0*DBLE(NR*NR*NA)) TWONR = 2*NR C C Outer loop on radial index I. C DO 2 I = 1,NR T = DBLE(2*I-1)/TWONR RI = T*D PHIT = (2.D0*T-3.D0)*T*T + 1.D0 W(I) = S*DBLE(2*I-1)*PHIT C C Inner loop on angular coordinate J. C DO 1 J = 1,NA AJ = DBLE(2*J-1)*PIDNA QX(I,J) = RI*COS(AJ) QY(I,J) = RI*SIN(AJ) 1 CONTINUE 2 CONTINUE C C No errors encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE GLIST (N,LIST,LPTR,LEND,LISTV,DXL,DYL, GX, . GY,IER) INTEGER N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), LISTV(*), IER DOUBLE PRECISION DXL(*), DYL(*), GX(N), GY(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/13/96 C C Given a convexity-preserving triangulation of a set of C nodes and data values, along with its dual, the gradient C feasibility diagram, this subroutine returns a set of C nodal gradients for which there exists a convex Hermite C interpolant of the data values and gradients. C C The nodal gradients are taken to be the centroids of C the feasibility regions or truncated feasibility regions. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C Note that, if N = 3, the three truncated feasi- C bility regions degenerate to the same point (the C gradient of the linear interpolant) which is C returned as the gradient of all three nodes. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMSHC. C C The above parameters should be unaltered from the values C input to Subroutine VLIST (which should be called to ob- C tain LISTV, DXL, and DYL). C C LISTV = Integer array containing feasibility region C vertex indexes (indexes to DXL and DYL) C stored in one-to-one correspondence with C LIST/LPTR entries. Refer to Subroutine C VLIST. C C DXL,DYL = Arrays of length NV = 2*N-2 containing C the vertices (components of the gradients C associated with triangles) and pseudo- C vertices. Refer to Subroutine VLIST. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C GX,GY = Arrays of length at least N. C C On output: C C GX,GY = Arrays of length N containing the components C of the nodal gradients (centroids of the C gradient feasibility regions or truncated C regions) unless IER > 0. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if N < 3. C C Modules required by GLIST: None C C Intrinsic function called by GLIST: DBLE C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION SX, SY INTEGER KV, LP, LP1L, LP2L, N1, N2, NN, NNB C C Local parameters: C C KV = Index of a vertex of N1's gradient feasibility C region C LP = LIST index (pointer) C LP2L = Pointer to the last neighbor of N2 C LP1L = Pointer to the last neighbor of N1 C N1,N2 = Nodal indexes C NN = Local copy of N C NNB = Number of vertices in the feasibility region C associated with node N1 C SX,SY = Components of the sum of vertices in the C feasibility region associated with N1 C NN = N IF (NN .LT. 3) GO TO 11 C C Compute the centroids of the gradient feasibility regions. C C Loop on nodes N1, accumulating the sums SX and SY of the C components of the NNB vertices of the associated C feasibility region. C DO 2 N1 = 1,NN NNB = 0 SX = 0. SY = 0. LP1L = LEND(N1) LP = LP1L C C Loop on neighbors of N1. C 1 LP = LPTR(LP) KV = LISTV(LP) NNB = NNB + 1 SX = SX + DXL(KV) SY = SY + DYL(KV) IF (LP .NE. LP1L) GO TO 1 IF (LIST(LP1L) .LT. 0) THEN C C N1 is a boundary node. Add in the contributions from C the pseudo-vertex associated with its first neighbor C N2. C LP = LPTR(LP1L) N2 = LIST(LP) LP2L = LEND(N2) KV = LISTV(LP2L) NNB = NNB + 1 SX = SX + DXL(KV) SY = SY + DYL(KV) ENDIF C C Compute and store the centroid. C GX(N1) = SX/DBLE(NNB) GY(N1) = SY/DBLE(NNB) 2 CONTINUE C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C N < 3. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE INSERT (K,LP, LIST,LPTR,LNEW ) INTEGER K, LP, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LNEW C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/01/88 C C This subroutine inserts K as a neighbor of N1 following C N2, where LP is the LIST pointer of N2 as a neighbor of C N1. Note that, if N2 is the last neighbor of N1, K will C become the first neighbor (even if N1 is a boundary node). C C C On input: C C K = Index of the node to be inserted. C C LP = LIST pointer of N2 as a neighbor of N1. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LNEW = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LNEW = Data structure updated with the C addition of node K. C C Modules required by INSERT: None C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER LSAV C LSAV = LPTR(LP) LPTR(LP) = LNEW LIST(LNEW) = K LPTR(LNEW) = LSAV LNEW = LNEW + 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE INTADD (KK,I1,I2,I3, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW ) INTEGER KK, I1, I2, I3, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), . LNEW C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 02/22/91 C C This subroutine adds an interior node to a triangulation C of a set of points in the plane. The data structure is C updated with the insertion of node KK into the triangle C whose vertices are I1, I2, and I3. No optimization of the C triangulation is performed. C C C On input: C C KK = Index of the node to be inserted. KK .GE. 1 C and KK must not be equal to I1, I2, or I3. C C I1,I2,I3 = Indexes of the counterclockwise-ordered C sequence of vertices of a triangle which C contains node KK. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure defining the C triangulation. Triangle C (I1,I2,I3) must be included C in the triangulation. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW = Data structure updated with C the addition of node KK. KK C will be connected to nodes I1, C I2, and I3. C C Modules required by INTADD: INSERT, LSTPTR C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER LSTPTR INTEGER K, LP, N1, N2, N3 C C Local parameters: C C K = Local copy of KK C LP = LIST pointer C N1,N2,N3 = Local copies of I1, I2, and I3 C K = KK C C Initialization. C N1 = I1 N2 = I2 N3 = I3 C C Add K as a neighbor of I1, I2, and I3. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(N1),N2,LIST,LPTR) CALL INSERT (K,LP, LIST,LPTR,LNEW ) LP = LSTPTR(LEND(N2),N3,LIST,LPTR) CALL INSERT (K,LP, LIST,LPTR,LNEW ) LP = LSTPTR(LEND(N3),N1,LIST,LPTR) CALL INSERT (K,LP, LIST,LPTR,LNEW ) C C Add I1, I2, and I3 as neighbors of K. C LIST(LNEW) = N1 LIST(LNEW+1) = N2 LIST(LNEW+2) = N3 LPTR(LNEW) = LNEW + 1 LPTR(LNEW+1) = LNEW + 2 LPTR(LNEW+2) = LNEW LEND(K) = LNEW + 2 LNEW = LNEW + 3 RETURN END INTEGER FUNCTION JRAND (N, IX,IY,IZ ) INTEGER N, IX, IY, IZ C C*********************************************************** C C From STRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/28/98 C C This function returns a uniformly distributed pseudo- C random integer in the range 1 to N. C C C On input: C C N = Maximum value to be returned. C C N is not altered by this function. C C IX,IY,IZ = Integer seeds initialized to values in C the range 1 to 30,000 before the first C call to JRAND, and not altered between C subsequent calls (unless a sequence of C random numbers is to be repeated by C reinitializing the seeds). C C On output: C C IX,IY,IZ = Updated integer seeds. C C JRAND = Random integer in the range 1 to N. C C Reference: B. A. Wichmann and I. D. Hill, "An Efficient C and Portable Pseudo-random Number Generator", C Applied Statistics, Vol. 31, No. 2, 1982, C pp. 188-190. C C Modules required by JRAND: None C C Intrinsic functions called by JRAND: INT, MOD, REAL C C*********************************************************** C REAL U, X C C Local parameters: C C U = Pseudo-random number uniformly distributed in the C interval (0,1). C X = Pseudo-random number in the range 0 to 3 whose frac- C tional part is U. C IX = MOD(171*IX,30269) IY = MOD(172*IY,30307) IZ = MOD(170*IZ,30323) X = (REAL(IX)/30269.) + (REAL(IY)/30307.) + . (REAL(IZ)/30323.) U = X - INT(X) JRAND = REAL(N)*U + 1. RETURN END LOGICAL FUNCTION LEFT (X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X0,Y0) DOUBLE PRECISION X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X0, Y0 C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/01/88 C C This function determines whether node N0 is to the left C or to the right of the line through N1-N2 as viewed by an C observer at N1 facing N2. C C C On input: C C X1,Y1 = Coordinates of N1. C C X2,Y2 = Coordinates of N2. C C X0,Y0 = Coordinates of N0. C C Input parameters are not altered by this function. C C On output: C C LEFT = TRUE if and only if (X0,Y0) is on or to the C left of the directed line N1->N2. C C Modules required by LEFT: None C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DX1, DY1, DX2, DY2 C C Local parameters: C C DX1,DY1 = X,Y components of the vector N1->N2 C DX2,DY2 = X,Y components of the vector N1->N0 C DX1 = X2-X1 DY1 = Y2-Y1 DX2 = X0-X1 DY2 = Y0-Y1 C C If the sign of the vector cross product of N1->N2 and C N1->N0 is positive, then sin(A) > 0, where A is the C angle between the vectors, and thus A is in the range C (0,180) degrees. C LEFT = DX1*DY2 .GE. DX2*DY1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE LGRAD (X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3, FX,FY, . SA) DOUBLE PRECISION X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, . FX, FY, SA C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/13/96 C C Given three points defining a non-vertical plane, and C hence a bivariate linear function F, this subroutine re- C turns the gradient of F and the signed area of the C triangle obtained by projecting the points onto the x-y C plane. C C C On input: C C X1,Y1,Z1 = Cartesian coordinates of the first vertex C (X1,Y1) and associated function value C Z1 = F(X1,Y1). C C X2,Y2,Z2 = Cartesian coordinates of the second ver- C tex (X2,Y2) and associated function value C Z2 = F(X2,Y2). C C X3,Y3,Z3 = Cartesian coordinates of the third vertex C (X3,Y3) and associated function value C Z3 = F(X3,Y3). C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C FX,FY = Components of the gradient of F -- partial C derivatives with respect to x and y, respec- C tively, unless SA = 0, in which case the C gradient is not defined. C C SA = Signed area of the triangle with vertices C (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), and (X3,Y3). SA > 0 if and C only if the vertices are in counterclockwise C order: (X3,Y3) is strictly to the left of the C directed line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2). C C Modules required by LGRAD: None C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION A, DX1, DX2, DY1, DY2, DZ1, DZ2 C C Local parameters: C C A = Twice the signed triangle area: z-component of C (V1-V3) X (V2-V3) for vertices V1, V2, and V3 C DX1,DY1 = Components of V1-V3 C DX2,DY2 = Components of V2-V3 C DZ1,DZ2 = Z1-Z3 and Z2-Z3, respectively C DX1 = X1-X3 DY1 = Y1-Y3 DX2 = X2-X3 DY2 = Y2-Y3 C A = DX1*DY2 - DX2*DY1 SA = A/2.D0 IF (A .EQ. 0.) RETURN C DZ1 = Z1-Z3 DZ2 = Z2-Z3 FX = (DZ1*DY2 - DZ2*DY1)/A FY = (DX1*DZ2 - DX2*DZ1)/A RETURN END INTEGER FUNCTION LSTPTR (LPL,NB,LIST,LPTR) INTEGER LPL, NB, LIST(*), LPTR(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/01/88 C C This function returns the index (LIST pointer) of NB in C the adjacency list for N0, where LPL = LEND(N0). C C C On input: C C LPL = LEND(N0) C C NB = Index of the node whose pointer is to be re- C turned. NB must be connected to N0. C C LIST,LPTR = Data structure defining the triangula- C tion. C C Input parameters are not altered by this function. C C On output: C C LSTPTR = Pointer such that LIST(LSTPTR) = NB or C LIST(LSTPTR) = -NB, unless NB is not a C neighbor of N0, in which case LSTPTR = LPL. C C Modules required by LSTPTR: None C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER LP, ND C C Local parameters: C C LP = LIST pointer C ND = Nodal index C LP = LPTR(LPL) 1 ND = LIST(LP) IF (ND .EQ. NB) GO TO 2 LP = LPTR(LP) IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 C 2 LSTPTR = LP RETURN END INTEGER FUNCTION NBCNT (LPL,LPTR) INTEGER LPL, LPTR(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/01/88 C C This function returns the number of neighbors of a node C N0 in a triangulation. C C C On input: C C LPL = LIST pointer to the last neighbor of N0 -- C LPL = LEND(N0). C C LPTR = Array of pointers associated with LIST. C C Input parameters are not altered by this function. C C On output: C C NBCNT = Number of neighbors of N0. C C Modules required by NBCNT: None C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER K, LP C C Local parameters: C C K = Counter for computing the number of neighbors C LP = LIST pointer C LP = LPL K = 1 C 1 LP = LPTR(LP) IF (LP .EQ. LPL) GO TO 2 K = K + 1 GO TO 1 C 2 NBCNT = K RETURN END SUBROUTINE OPTIM (X,Y,Z,NE, LIST,LPTR,LEND,NIT, . IWK, IER) INTEGER NE, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), NIT, IWK(2,NE), . IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), Y(*), Z(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/12/96 C C Given a set of NE triangulation edges, this subroutine C optimizes the portion of the triangulation consisting of C the quadrilaterals (pairs of adjacent triangles) which C have the edges as diagonals by applying the swap test C and appropriate swaps to the edges. C C An iteration consists of applying the swap test and C swaps to all NE edges in the order in which they are C stored. The iteration is repeated until no swap occurs C or NIT iterations have been performed. The bound on the C number of iterations may be necessary to prevent an C infinite loop caused by cycling (reversing the effect of a C previous swap) due to floating point inaccuracy when four C or more data points are nearly coplanar. C C C On input: C C X,Y,Z = Arrays containing the nodal coordinates and C data values. C C NE = Number of edges in the set. NE .GE. 0. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMSHC. C C NIT = Maximum number of iterations to be performed. C A reasonable value is 3*NE. NIT .GE. 1. C C IWK = Integer array dimensioned 2 by NE containing C the nodal indexes of the edge endpoints (pairs C of endpoints are stored in columns). C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Updated triangulation data struc- C ture reflecting the swaps. C C NIT = Number of iterations performed. C C IWK = Endpoint indexes of the new set of edges C reflecting the swaps. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if a swap occurred on the last of C MAXIT iterations, where MAXIT is the C value of NIT on input. The new set C of edges in not necessarily optimal C in this case. C IER = 2 if NE < 0 or NIT < 1 on input. C IER = 3 if IWK(2,I) is not a neighbor of C IWK(1,I) for some I in the range 1 C to NE. A swap may have occurred in C this case. C IER = 4 if an error flag was returned by C Function SWPTC: the triangulation C is not convex. C C Modules required by OPTIM: LSTPTR, SWAP, SWPTC C C Intrinsic function called by OPTIM: ABS C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER I, IERR, IO1, IO2, ITER, LP, LP21, LPL, LPP, . MAXIT, N1, N2, NNE LOGICAL SWPTC LOGICAL SWP C C Local parameters: C C I = Column index for IWK C IERR = Error flag for calls to SWPTC C IO1,IO2 = Nodal indexes of the endpoints of an edge in IWK C ITER = Iteration count C LP = LIST pointer C LP21 = Parameter returned by SWAP (not used) C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of IO1 C LPP = Pointer to the node preceding IO2 as a neighbor C of IO1 C MAXIT = Input value of NIT C N1,N2 = Nodes opposite IO1->IO2 and IO2->IO1, C respectively C NNE = Local copy of NE C SWP = Flag set to TRUE iff a swap occurs in the C optimization loop C NNE = NE MAXIT = NIT IF (NNE .LT. 0 .OR. MAXIT .LT. 1) GO TO 7 C C Initialize iteration count ITER and test for NE = 0. C ITER = 0 IF (NNE .EQ. 0) GO TO 5 C C Top of loop -- C SWP = TRUE iff a swap occurred in the current iteration. C 1 IF (ITER .EQ. MAXIT) GO TO 6 ITER = ITER + 1 SWP = .FALSE. C C Inner loop on edges IO1-IO2 -- C DO 4 I = 1,NNE IO1 = IWK(1,I) IO2 = IWK(2,I) C C Set N1 and N2 to the nodes opposite IO1->IO2 and C IO2->IO1, respectively. Determine the following: C C LPL = pointer to the last neighbor of IO1, C LP = pointer to IO2 as a neighbor of IO1, and C LPP = pointer to the node N2 preceding IO2. C LPL = LEND(IO1) LPP = LPL LP = LPTR(LPP) 2 IF (LIST(LP) .EQ. IO2) GO TO 3 LPP = LP LP = LPTR(LPP) IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 2 C C IO2 should be the last neighbor of IO1. Test for no C edge and bypass the swap test if IO1 is a boundary C node. C IF (ABS(LIST(LP)) .NE. IO2) GO TO 8 IF (LIST(LP) .LT. 0) GO TO 4 C C Store N1 and N2, or bypass the swap test if IO1 is a C boundary node and IO2 is its first neighbor. C 3 N2 = LIST(LPP) IF (N2 .LT. 0) GO TO 4 LP = LPTR(LP) N1 = ABS(LIST(LP)) C C Test IO1-IO2 for a swap, and update IWK if necessary. C IF ( SWPTC(N1,N2,IO1,IO2,X,Y,Z, IERR) ) THEN SWP = .TRUE. CALL SWAP (N1,N2,IO1,IO2, LIST,LPTR,LEND, LP21) IWK(1,I) = N1 IWK(2,I) = N2 ENDIF IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 9 4 CONTINUE IF (SWP) GO TO 1 C C Successful termination. C 5 NIT = ITER IER = 0 RETURN C C MAXIT iterations performed without convergence. C 6 NIT = MAXIT IER = 1 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 7 NIT = 0 IER = 2 RETURN C C IO2 is not a neighbor of IO1. C 8 NIT = ITER IER = 3 RETURN C C Non-convex triangulation. C 9 NIT = ITER IER = 4 RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLTCNT (LUN,PLTSIZ,NX,NY,PX,PY,PZ,NCON,IWK, . XC,YC, IER) INTEGER LUN, NX, NY, NCON, IWK(*), IER DOUBLE PRECISION PLTSIZ, PX(NX), PY(NY), PZ(NX,NY), . XC(*), YC(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 04/12/97 C C Given a set of function values PZ = F(X,Y) at the ver- C tices of an NX by NY rectangular grid, this subroutine C creates a level-2 Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file C containing a contour plot of the piecewise bilinear inter- C polant of the function values. C C The accuracy of the contour lines increases with the C number of grid points. Refer to Subroutine CNTOUR for C further details. C C C On input: C C LUN = Logical unit number in the range 0 to 99. C The unit should be opened with an appropriate C file name before the call to this routine. C C PLTSIZ = Plot size in inches. A window containing C the plot is mapped, with aspect ratio C preserved, to a rectangular viewport with C maximum side-length PLTSIZ. The viewport C is centered on the 8.5 by 11 inch page, and C its boundary is drawn. 1.0 .LE. PLTSIZ C .LE. 7.5. C C NX = Number of grid points in the x direction. C NX .GE. 2. C C NY = Number of grid points in the y direction. C NY .GE. 2. C C PX = Array of length NX containing a strictly in- C creasing sequence of values. C C PY = Array of length NY containing a strictly in- C creasing sequence of values. C C PZ = Array of function values at the vertices of the C rectangular grid. PZ(I,J) = F(PX(I),PY(J)) for C I = 1,...,NX and J = 1,...,NY. C C NCON = Number of contour values. The contour values C are uniformly distributed over the range of C PZ values. NCON .GE. 1. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C IWK = Integer array of length at least 1.5*NX*NY to C be used as work space. C C XC,YC = Arrays of length at least 2.5*NX*NY to C be used as work space. C C On output: C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if LUN, PLTSIZ, NX, NY, or NCON is C outside its valid range. C IER = 2 if PX or PY is not strictly C increasing. C IER = 3 if the range of PZ values has zero C width (F is constant). C IER = 4 if an error was encountered in writing C to unit LUN. C IER = 5 if an unexpected error flag was re- C turned by Subroutine CNTOUR. This C should not occur. C C In the unlikely event of an internal failure, a message C is printed on the standard output device. IER may be 0 C in this case. C C Module required by PLTCNT: CNTOUR C C Intrinsic functions called by PLTCNT: CHAR, DBLE C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION CVAL, DX, DY, DZ, PZIJ, R, SFX, SFY, . T, TX, TY, ZMAX, ZMIN INTEGER I, IC, IERR, IH, IPX1, IPX2, IPY1, IPY2, IW, . J, K, KV, LC, NC, NCMAX C C Local parameters: C C CVAL = Contour value between ZMIN and ZMAX C DX = Window width PX(NX)-PX(1)N C DY = Window height PY(NY)-PY(1) C DZ = Interval between contour values: C (ZMAX-ZMIN)/(NCON+1) C I,J = Row and column indexes for PZ C IC = Index (for IWK) of a contour line associated C with contour value CVAL: 1 to NC C IERR = Error flag for calls to CNTOUR C IH = Height of the bounding box (viewport) in C points C IPX1,IPY1 = X and y coordinates (in points) of the lower C left corner of the bounding box C IPX2,IPY2 = X and y coordinates (in points) of the upper C right corner of the bounding box C IW = Width of the bounding box in points C K = Index (for XC and YC) of a point on a contour C line C KV = DO-loop index for loop on contour values C LC = Length of arrays XC and YC C NC = Number of contour lines associated with C contour value CVAL C NCMAX = Maximum allowable value of NC C PZIJ = PZ(I,J) C R = Aspect ratio DX/DY C SFX,SFY = Scale factors for mapping window coordinates C to viewport coordinates C T = Temporary variable C TX,TY = Translation vector for mapping window coordi- C nates to viewport coordinates C ZMIN,ZMAX = Minimum and maximum of the PZ values C C C Test for error 1. C IF (LUN .LT. 0 .OR. LUN .GT. 99 .OR. . PLTSIZ .LT. 1.D0 .OR. PLTSIZ .GT. 7.5D0 .OR. . NX .LT. 2 .OR. NY .LT. 2 .OR. NCON .LT. 1) . GO TO 11 C C Compute the aspect ratio of the window. C DX = PX(NX) - PX(1) DY = PY(NY) - PY(1) IF (DX .EQ. 0. .OR. DY .EQ. 0.) GO TO 12 R = DX/DY C C Compute the range of PZ values and the interval between C contour values. C ZMIN = PZ(1,1) ZMAX = ZMIN DO 2 J = 1,NY DO 1 I = 1,NX PZIJ = PZ(I,J) IF (PZIJ .LT. ZMIN) ZMIN = PZIJ IF (PZIJ .GT. ZMAX) ZMAX = PZIJ 1 CONTINUE 2 CONTINUE DZ = (ZMAX-ZMIN)/DBLE(NCON+1) IF (DZ .LE. 0.) GO TO 13 C C Compute the lower left (IPX1,IPY1) and upper right C (IPX2,IPY2) corner coordinates of the bounding box C (the viewport). The coordinates, specified in default C user space units (points, at 72 points/inch with origin C at the lower left corner of the page), are chosen to C preserve the aspect ratio R, and to center the plot on C the 8.5 by 11 inch page. The center of the page is C (306,396), and T = PLTSIZ/2 in points. C T = 36.D0*PLTSIZ IF (R .GE. 1.D0) THEN IPX1 = 306 - NINT(T) IPX2 = 306 + NINT(T) IPY1 = 396 - NINT(T/R) IPY2 = 396 + NINT(T/R) ELSE IPX1 = 306 - NINT(T*R) IPX2 = 306 + NINT(T*R) IPY1 = 396 - NINT(T) IPY2 = 396 + NINT(T) ENDIF C C Output header comments. C WRITE (LUN,100,ERR=14) IPX1, IPY1, IPX2, IPY2 100 FORMAT ('%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0'/ . '%%BoundingBox:',4I4/ . '%%Title: Contour Plot'/ . '%%Creator: CSRFPACK'/ . '%%EndComments') C C Draw the bounding box. C WRITE (LUN,110,ERR=14) IPX1, IPY1 WRITE (LUN,120,ERR=14) IPX1, IPY2 WRITE (LUN,120,ERR=14) IPX2, IPY2 WRITE (LUN,120,ERR=14) IPX2, IPY1 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=14) WRITE (LUN,140,ERR=14) 110 FORMAT (2I4,' moveto') 120 FORMAT (2I4,' lineto') 130 FORMAT ('closepath') 140 FORMAT ('stroke') C C Set up a mapping from the window to the viewport. C IW = IPX2 - IPX1 IH = IPY2 - IPY1 SFX = DBLE(IW)/DX SFY = DBLE(IH)/DY TX = IPX1 - SFX*PX(1) TY = IPY1 - SFY*PY(1) WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=14) TX, TY, SFX, SFY 150 FORMAT (2F12.6,' translate'/ . 2F12.6,' scale') C C Set the line thickness to 2 points. (Since the scale C factors are applied to everything, the width must be C specified in world coordinates.) C T = 4.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,160,ERR=14) T 160 FORMAT (F12.6,' setlinewidth') C C Compute parameters for CNTOUR: C C NCMAX = Maximum allowable number of contour lines C associated with each contour value. C LC = Length of arrays XC and YC and maximum allowable C number of points defining all the contour lines C associated with a contour value. C NCMAX = (NX*NY+1)/2 LC = 2*(NX-1)*(NY-1) + NCMAX C C Loop on contour values CVAL uniformly spaced in the open C interval (ZMIN,ZMAX). C CVAL = ZMIN DO 5 KV = 1,NCON CVAL = CVAL + DZ C C Compute a sequence of NC contour lines associated with C F = CVAL. For IC = 1 to NC, IWK(IC) is the index (for C XC and YC) of the last point of contour IC. C CALL CNTOUR (NX,NY,PX,PY,PZ,CVAL,LC,NCMAX, . IWK(NCMAX+1), XC,YC,IWK,NC,IERR) IF (IERR .EQ. 2) GO TO 12 IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 15 C C Draw the NC contours. C IC = 0 K = 0 3 IC = IC + 1 K = K + 1 C C Create a path consisting of contour IC. C WRITE (LUN,170,ERR=14) XC(K), YC(K) 170 FORMAT (2F12.6,' moveto') 4 K = K + 1 WRITE (LUN,180,ERR=14) XC(K), YC(K) 180 FORMAT (2F12.6,' lineto') IF (K .NE. IWK(IC)) GO TO 4 C C Paint the path. C WRITE (LUN,140,ERR=14) IF (IC .NE. NC) GO TO 3 5 CONTINUE C C Output the showpage command and end-of-file indicator. C WRITE (LUN,200,ERR=14) 200 FORMAT ('showpage'/ . '%%EOF') C C HP's interpreters require a one-byte End-of-PostScript-Job C indicator (to eliminate a timeout error message): C ASCII 4. C WRITE (LUN,210,ERR=14) CHAR(4) 210 FORMAT (A1) C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C PX or PY is not strictly increasing. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN C C DZ = 0. C 13 IER = 3 RETURN C C Error writing to unit LUN. C 14 IER = 4 RETURN C C Error flag returned by CNTOUR. C 15 IER = 5 RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLTGR (LUN,PLTSIZ,WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2,N,LIST, . LPTR,LEND,NV,LISTV,DXL,DYL,GX,GY, . TITLE,NUMBR, IER) CHARACTER*(*) TITLE INTEGER LUN, N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), NV, . LISTV(*), IER LOGICAL NUMBR DOUBLE PRECISION PLTSIZ, WX1, WX2, WY1, WY2, DXL(NV), . DYL(NV), GX(N), GY(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/15/98 C C Given a convexity-preserving triangulation of a set of C nodes and data values, along with its straight-line dual, C the gradient feasibility diagram, and a set of nodal grad- C ients, this subroutine creates a level-2 Encapsulated C PostScript (EPS) file containing a plot of the feasibility C diagram and nodal gradients. C C C On input: C C LUN = Logical unit number in the range 0 to 99. C The unit should be opened with an appropriate C file name before the call to this routine. C C PLTSIZ = Plot size in inches. The window is mapped, C with aspect ratio preserved, to a rectangu- C lar viewport with maximum side-length equal C to .88*PLTSIZ (leaving room for labels out- C side the viewport). The viewport is C centered on the 8.5 by 11 inch page, and C its boundary is drawn. 1.0 .LE. PLTSIZ C .LE. 8.5. C C WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2 = Parameters defining a rectangular C window against which the feasibil- C ity diagram is clipped. Only the C portion of the diagram that lies C in the window is drawn. (WX1,WY1) C and (WX2,WY2) are the lower left C and upper right corners, respec- C tively. WX1 < WX2 and WY1 < WY2. C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMSHC. C C NV = Number of feasibility region vertices, includ- C ing pseudo-vertices associated with boundary C edges: NV = NT+NB = 2*N-2, where NT = 2*N-NB-2 C is the number of triangles. C C LISTV = Integer array containing feasibility region C vertex indexes (indexes to DXL and DYL) C stored in one-to-one correspondence with C LIST/LPTR entries. Refer to Subroutine C VLIST. C C DXL,DYL = Arrays of length NV containing the C vertices (components of the gradients C associated with triangles) and pseudo- C vertices. Refer to Subroutine VLIST. C C GX,GY = Arrays of length N containing the components C of the nodal gradients (centroids of the C gradient feasibility regions or truncated C regions). Refer to Subroutine GLIST. C C TITLE = Type CHARACTER variable or constant contain- C ing a string to be centered above the plot. C The string must be enclosed in parentheses; C i.e., the first and last characters must be C '(' and ')', respectively, but these are not C displayed. TITLE may have at most 80 char- C acters including the parentheses. C C NUMBR = Option indicator: If NUMBR = TRUE, the C nodal indexes are plotted next to the nodal C gradients. C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if LUN, PLTSIZ, N, or NV is outside C its valid range. C IER = 2 if WX1 >= WX2 or WY1 >= WY2. C IER = 3 if an error was encountered in writing C to unit LUN. C C Various plotting options can be controlled by altering C the data statement below. C C Modules required by PLTGR: None C C Intrinsic functions called by PLTGR: CHAR, DBLE, NINT C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DASHL, DX, DY, FSIZN, FSIZT, R, SFX, . SFY, T, TX, TY, X1, X2, XB1, XB2, XP, . Y1, Y2, YB1, YB2, YP INTEGER IH, IPX1, IPX2, IPY1, IPY2, IW, KV0, KV1, KV2, . LP, LP1L, LPL, N0, N1 LOGICAL ANNOT C DATA ANNOT/.TRUE./, DASHL/4.D0/, FSIZN/10.D0/, . FSIZT/16.D0/ C C Local parameters: C C ANNOT = Logical variable with value TRUE iff the plot C is to be annotated with the values of WX1, C WX2, WY1, and WY2 C DASHL = Length (in points, at 72 points per inch) of C dashes and spaces in a dashed line pattern C used for connecting pseudo-vertices C DX = Window width WX2-WX1 C DY = Window height WY2-WY1 C FSIZN = Font size in points for labeling nodal gradi- C ents with their indexes if NUMBR = TRUE C FSIZT = Font size in points for the title (and C annotation if ANNOT = TRUE) C IH = Height of the viewport in points C IPX1,IPY1 = X and y coordinates (in points) of the lower C left corner of the bounding box or viewport C IPX2,IPY2 = X and y coordinates (in points) of the upper C right corner of the bounding box or viewport C IW = Width of the viewport in points C KV0 = Index of the first vertex of an unbounded C feasibility region C KV1,KV2 = Endpoint indexes of a feasibility region edge C LP = LIST index (pointer) of a neighbor of N0 C LP1L = Pointer to the last neighbor of N1 C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of N0 C N0 = Nodal index and DO-loop index C N1 = Index of the first neighbor of N0 C R = Aspect ratio DX/DY C SFX,SFY = Scale factors for mapping world coordinates C (window coordinates in [WX1,WX2] X [WY1,WY2]) C to viewport coordinates in [IPX1,IPX2] X C [IPY1,IPY2] C T = Temporary variable C TX,TY = Translation vector for mapping world coordi- C nates to viewport coordinates C X1,Y1 = Components of vertex KV1: DXL(KV1), DYL(KV1) C X2,Y2 = Components of vertex KV2: DXL(KV2), DYL(KV2) C XB1,YB1 = Components of the lower left corner of the C viewport in world coordinates C XB2,YB2 = Components of the upper right corner of the C viewport in world coordinates C XP,YP = Components of the point at which an edge C of an unbounded region intersects the C viewport, or components of a nodal gradient C and/or label location C C C Test for error 1. C IF (LUN .LT. 0 .OR. LUN .GT. 99 .OR. . PLTSIZ .LT. 1.D0 .OR. PLTSIZ .GT. 7.5D0 .OR. . N .LT. 3 .OR. NV .NE. 2*N-2) GO TO 11 C C Compute the aspect ratio of the window. C DX = WX2 - WX1 DY = WY2 - WY1 IF (DX .LE. 0. .OR. DY .LE. 0.) GO TO 12 R = DX/DY C C Compute the lower left (IPX1,IPY1) and upper right C (IPX2,IPY2) corner coordinates of the bounding box. C The coordinates, specified in default user space units C (points, at 72 points/inch with origin at the lower C left corner of the page), are chosen to preserve the C aspect ratio R, and to center the plot on the 8.5 by 11 C inch page. The center of the page is (306,396), and C T = PLTSIZ/2 in points. C T = 36.D0*PLTSIZ IF (R .GE. 1.D0) THEN IPX1 = 306 - NINT(T) IPX2 = 306 + NINT(T) IPY1 = 396 - NINT(T/R) IPY2 = 396 + NINT(T/R) ELSE IPX1 = 306 - NINT(T*R) IPX2 = 306 + NINT(T*R) IPY1 = 396 - NINT(T) IPY2 = 396 + NINT(T) ENDIF C C Output header comments. C WRITE (LUN,100,ERR=13) IPX1, IPY1, IPX2, IPY2 100 FORMAT ('%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0'/ . '%%BoundingBox:',4I4/ . '%%Title: Triangulation Dual'/ . '%%Creator: CSRFPACK'/ . '%%EndComments') C C Set (IPX1,IPY1) and (IPX2,IPY2) to the corner coordinates C of a viewport obtained by shrinking the bounding box by C 12% in each dimension. C IW = NINT(0.88D0*DBLE(IPX2-IPX1)) IH = NINT(0.88D0*DBLE(IPY2-IPY1)) IPX1 = 306 - IW/2 IPX2 = 306 + IW/2 IPY1 = 396 - IH/2 IPY2 = 396 + IH/2 C C Set the line thickness to 2 points, and draw the C viewport boundary. C T = 2.D0 WRITE (LUN,110,ERR=13) T WRITE (LUN,120,ERR=13) IPX1, IPY1 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=13) IPX1, IPY2 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=13) IPX2, IPY2 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=13) IPX2, IPY1 WRITE (LUN,140,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) 110 FORMAT (F12.6,' setlinewidth') 120 FORMAT (2I4,' moveto') 130 FORMAT (2I4,' lineto') 140 FORMAT ('closepath') 150 FORMAT ('stroke') C C Set up a mapping from the window to the viewport. C SFX = DBLE(IW)/DX SFY = DBLE(IH)/DY TX = IPX1 - SFX*WX1 TY = IPY1 - SFY*WY1 WRITE (LUN,160,ERR=13) TX, TY, SFX, SFY 160 FORMAT (2F12.6,' translate'/ . 2F12.6,' scale') C C Compute the viewport corners (XB1,YB1) and (XB2,YB2) C in world coordinates (by applying the inverse window- C to-viewport mapping to (IPX1,IPY1) and (IPX2,IPY2)). C XB1 = (IPX1-TX)/SFX XB2 = (IPX2-TX)/SFX YB1 = (IPY1-TY)/SFY YB2 = (IPY2-TY)/SFY C C Set the line thickness to 1 point. (Since the scale C factors are applied to everything, the width must be C specified in world coordinates.) C T = 2.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,110,ERR=13) T C C Save the current graphics state, and set the clip path to C the boundary of the window. C WRITE (LUN,170,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,180,ERR=13) WX1, WY1 WRITE (LUN,190,ERR=13) WX2, WY1 WRITE (LUN,190,ERR=13) WX2, WY2 WRITE (LUN,190,ERR=13) WX1, WY2 WRITE (LUN,200,ERR=13) 170 FORMAT ('gsave') 180 FORMAT (2F12.6,' moveto') 190 FORMAT (2F12.6,' lineto') 200 FORMAT ('closepath clip newpath') C C Set T to the world-coordinate equivalent of DASHL C (for drawing the boundary of the truncated feasibility C diagram). C T = 2.D0*DASHL/(SFX+SFY) C C Loop on nodes N0 corresponding to feasibility regions. C LPL indexes the last neighbor of N0. C DO 3 N0 = 1,N LPL = LEND(N0) C C Set KV2 to the first vertex index. C IF (LIST(LPL) .GT. 0) THEN C C N0 is an interior node. The first vertex coincides with C the last. C KV2 = LISTV(LPL) ELSE C C N0 is a boundary node. The first vertex is the last C vertex of the first neighbor N1 of N0. A copy of KV2 C is saved in KV0. C LP = LPTR(LPL) N1 = LIST(LP) LP1L = LEND(N1) KV2 = LISTV(LP1L) KV0 = KV2 ENDIF C C Loop on neighbors NB of N0. For each triangulation edge C N0-NB, set KV1-KV2 to the corresponding feasibility C region edge. C LP = LPL 1 LP = LPTR(LP) KV1 = KV2 KV2 = LISTV(LP) C C Add edge KV1-KV2 to the path iff KV2 > KV1. C IF (KV2 .GT. KV1) WRITE (LUN,210,ERR=13) DXL(KV1), . DYL(KV1), DXL(KV2), DYL(KV2) 210 FORMAT (2F12.6,' moveto',2F12.6,' lineto') IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 IF (LIST(LPL) .LT. 0) THEN C C N0 is a boundary node. Paint the current path, draw a C dashed line between KV2 and KV0, and restore the solid C line attribute. C WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,220,ERR=13) T, T, DXL(KV2), DYL(KV2), . DXL(KV0), DYL(KV0) 220 FORMAT ('[',2F12.6,'] 0 setdash'/ . 2F12.6,' moveto',2F12.6,' lineto'/ . ' stroke'/ . ' [] 0 setdash') C C Extend KV1->KV2 to the boundary of the viewport. C X1 = DXL(KV1) Y1 = DYL(KV1) X2 = DXL(KV2) Y2 = DYL(KV2) IF (X1 .NE. X2) THEN C C Find the intersection (XP,YP) with the left or right C boundary. C IF (X1 .LT. X2) THEN XP = XB2 ELSE XP = XB1 ENDIF YP = Y1 + ((XP-X1)/(X2-X1))*(Y2-Y1) C C Test for the point of intersection inside the viewport. C IF (YP .GE. YB1 .AND. YP .LE. YB2) GO TO 2 ENDIF C C Find the intersection with the top or bottom boundary. C IF (Y1 .LT. Y2) THEN YP = YB2 ELSE YP = YB1 ENDIF XP = X1 + ((YP-Y1)/(Y2-Y1))*(X2-X1) C C Draw the line segment from KV2 to (XP,YP). C 2 WRITE (LUN,210,ERR=13) X2, Y2, XP, YP WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) ENDIF 3 CONTINUE C C Paint the path and restore the saved graphics state (with C no clip path). C WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,230,ERR=13) 230 FORMAT ('grestore') IF (NUMBR) THEN C C Nodal gradients in the window are to be labeled with their C indexes. Convert FSIZN from points to world coordinates C and output the commands to select a font and scale it. C T = FSIZN*2.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,240,ERR=13) T 240 FORMAT ('/Helvetica findfont'/ . F12.6,' scalefont setfont') ENDIF C C Draw dots (degenerate paths with a rounded line cap) C corresponding to the nodal gradients (XP,YP). C T = 8.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,250,ERR=13) T 250 FORMAT (F12.6,' setlinewidth'/ . '1 setlinecap') DO 4 N0 = 1,N XP = GX(N0) YP = GY(N0) IF (XP .LT. WX1 .OR. XP .GT. WX2 .OR. . YP .LT. WY1 .OR. YP .GT. WY2) GO TO 4 WRITE (LUN,210,ERR=13) XP, YP, XP, YP IF (NUMBR) THEN C C Draw the label N0. The first character will have its C lower left corner about one character width to the C right of the nodal position. C WRITE (LUN,260,ERR=13) N0 260 FORMAT ('(',I3,') show') ENDIF 4 CONTINUE C C Paint the path. C WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) C C Convert FSIZT from points to world coordinates, and output C the commands to select a font and scale it. C T = FSIZT*2.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,240,ERR=13) T C C Display TITLE centered above the plot: C YP = WY2 + 3.D0*T WRITE (LUN,270,ERR=13) TITLE, (WX1+WX2)/2.D0, YP 270 FORMAT (A80/' stringwidth pop 2 div neg ',F12.6, . ' add ',F12.6,' moveto') WRITE (LUN,280,ERR=13) TITLE 280 FORMAT (A80/' show') IF (ANNOT) THEN C C Display the window extrema below the plot. C XP = WX1 YP = WY1 - 100.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,180,ERR=13) XP, YP WRITE (LUN,290,ERR=13) WX1, WX2 YP = YP - 2.D0*T WRITE (LUN,300,ERR=13) XP, YP, WY1, WY2 290 FORMAT ('(Window: WX1 = ',E9.3,', WX2 = ',E9.3, . ') show') 300 FORMAT ('(Window: ) stringwidth pop ',F12.6,' add', . F12.6,' moveto'/ . '( WY1 = ',E9.3,', WY2 = ',E9.3,') show') ENDIF C C Paint the path and output the showpage command and C end-of-file indicator. C WRITE (LUN,310,ERR=13) 310 FORMAT ('stroke'/ . 'showpage'/ . '%%EOF') C C HP's interpreters require a one-byte End-of-PostScript-Job C indicator (to eliminate a timeout error message): C ASCII 4. C WRITE (LUN,320,ERR=13) CHAR(4) 320 FORMAT (A1) C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C DX or DY is not positive. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN C C Error writing to unit LUN. C 13 IER = 3 RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLTTR (LUN,PLTSIZ,WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2,N,X,Y, . LIST,LPTR,LEND,TITLE,NUMBR, IER) CHARACTER*(*) TITLE INTEGER LUN, N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), IER LOGICAL NUMBR DOUBLE PRECISION PLTSIZ, WX1, WX2, WY1, WY2, X(N), . Y(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/15/98 C C This subroutine creates a level-2 Encapsulated Post- C Script (EPS) file containing a triangulation plot. C C C On input: C C LUN = Logical unit number in the range 0 to 99. C The unit should be opened with an appropriate C file name before the call to this routine. C C PLTSIZ = Plot size in inches. The window is mapped, C with aspect ratio preserved, to a rectangu- C lar viewport with maximum side-length equal C to .88*PLTSIZ (leaving room for labels out- C side the viewport). The viewport is C centered on the 8.5 by 11 inch page, and C its boundary is drawn. 1.0 .LE. PLTSIZ C .LE. 8.5. C C WX1,WX2,WY1,WY2 = Parameters defining a rectangular C window against which the triangu- C lation is clipped. (Only the C portion of the triangulation that C lies in the window is drawn.) C (WX1,WY1) and (WX2,WY2) are the C lower left and upper right cor- C ners, respectively. WX1 < WX2 and C WY1 < WY2. C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the nodal coor- C dinates. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMSHC. C C TITLE = Type CHARACTER variable or constant contain- C ing a string to be centered above the plot. C The string must be enclosed in parentheses; C i.e., the first and last characters must be C '(' and ')', respectively, but these are not C displayed. TITLE may have at most 80 char- C acters including the parentheses. C C NUMBR = Option indicator: If NUMBR = TRUE, the C nodal indexes are plotted next to the nodes. C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if LUN, PLTSIZ, or N is outside its C valid range. C IER = 2 if WX1 >= WX2 or WY1 >= WY2. C IER = 3 if an error was encountered in writing C to unit LUN. C C Various plotting options can be controlled by altering C the data statement below. C C Modules required by PLTTR: None C C Intrinsic functions called by PLTTR: ABS, CHAR, DBLE, C NINT C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DX, DY, FSIZN, FSIZT, R, SFX, SFY, T, . TX, TY, X0, Y0 INTEGER IH, IPX1, IPX2, IPY1, IPY2, IW, LP, LPL, N0, . N1 LOGICAL ANNOT C DATA ANNOT/.TRUE./, FSIZN/10.D0/, FSIZT/16.D0/ C C Local parameters: C C ANNOT = Logical variable with value TRUE iff the plot C is to be annotated with the values of WX1, C WX2, WY1, and WY2 C DX = Window width XMAX-XMIN C DY = Window height YMAX-YMIN C FSIZN = Font size in points for labeling nodes with C their indexes if NUMBR = TRUE C FSIZT = Font size in points for the title (and C annotation if ANNOT = TRUE) C IH = Height of the viewport in points C IPX1,IPY1 = X and y coordinates (in points) of the lower C left corner of the bounding box or viewport C IPX2,IPY2 = X and y coordinates (in points) of the upper C right corner of the bounding box or viewport C IW = Width of the viewport in points C LP = LIST index (pointer) C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of N0 C N0 = Nodal index and DO-loop index C N1 = Index of a neighbor of N0 C R = Aspect ratio DX/DY C SFX,SFY = Scale factors for mapping world coordinates C (window coordinates in [WX1,WX2] X [WY1,WY2]) C to viewport coordinates in [IPX1,IPX2] X C [IPY1,IPY2] C T = Temporary variable C TX,TY = Translation vector for mapping world coordi- C nates to viewport coordinates C X0,Y0 = X(N0),Y(N0) or label location C C C Test for error 1. C IF (LUN .LT. 0 .OR. LUN .GT. 99 .OR. . PLTSIZ .LT. 1.D0 .OR. PLTSIZ .GT. 7.5D0 .OR. . N .LT. 3) GO TO 11 C C Compute the aspect ratio of the window. C DX = WX2 - WX1 DY = WY2 - WY1 IF (DX .LE. 0. .OR. DY .LE. 0.) GO TO 12 R = DX/DY C C Compute the lower left (IPX1,IPY1) and upper right C (IPX2,IPY2) corner coordinates of the bounding box. C The coordinates, specified in default user space units C (points, at 72 points/inch with origin at the lower C left corner of the page), are chosen to preserve the C aspect ratio R, and to center the plot on the 8.5 by 11 C inch page. The center of the page is (306,396), and C T = PLTSIZ/2 in points. C T = 36.D0*PLTSIZ IF (R .GE. 1.D0) THEN IPX1 = 306 - NINT(T) IPX2 = 306 + NINT(T) IPY1 = 396 - NINT(T/R) IPY2 = 396 + NINT(T/R) ELSE IPX1 = 306 - NINT(T*R) IPX2 = 306 + NINT(T*R) IPY1 = 396 - NINT(T) IPY2 = 396 + NINT(T) ENDIF C C Output header comments. C WRITE (LUN,100,ERR=13) IPX1, IPY1, IPX2, IPY2 100 FORMAT ('%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0'/ . '%%BoundingBox:',4I4/ . '%%Title: Triangulation'/ . '%%Creator: CSRFPACK'/ . '%%EndComments') C C Set (IPX1,IPY1) and (IPX2,IPY2) to the corner coordinates C of a viewport obtained by shrinking the bounding box by C 12% in each dimension. C IW = NINT(0.88D0*DBLE(IPX2-IPX1)) IH = NINT(0.88D0*DBLE(IPY2-IPY1)) IPX1 = 306 - IW/2 IPX2 = 306 + IW/2 IPY1 = 396 - IH/2 IPY2 = 396 + IH/2 C C Set the line thickness to 2 points, and draw the C viewport boundary. C T = 2.D0 WRITE (LUN,110,ERR=13) T WRITE (LUN,120,ERR=13) IPX1, IPY1 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=13) IPX1, IPY2 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=13) IPX2, IPY2 WRITE (LUN,130,ERR=13) IPX2, IPY1 WRITE (LUN,140,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) 110 FORMAT (F12.6,' setlinewidth') 120 FORMAT (2I4,' moveto') 130 FORMAT (2I4,' lineto') 140 FORMAT ('closepath') 150 FORMAT ('stroke') C C Set up a mapping from the window to the viewport. C SFX = DBLE(IW)/DX SFY = DBLE(IH)/DY TX = IPX1 - SFX*WX1 TY = IPY1 - SFY*WY1 WRITE (LUN,160,ERR=13) TX, TY, SFX, SFY 160 FORMAT (2F12.6,' translate'/ . 2F12.6,' scale') C C Set the line thickness to 1 point. (Since the scale C factors are applied to everything, the width must be C specified in world coordinates.) C T = 2.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,110,ERR=13) T C C Save the current graphics state, and set the clip path to C the boundary of the window. C WRITE (LUN,170,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,180,ERR=13) WX1, WY1 WRITE (LUN,190,ERR=13) WX2, WY1 WRITE (LUN,190,ERR=13) WX2, WY2 WRITE (LUN,190,ERR=13) WX1, WY2 WRITE (LUN,200,ERR=13) 170 FORMAT ('gsave') 180 FORMAT (2F12.6,' moveto') 190 FORMAT (2F12.6,' lineto') 200 FORMAT ('closepath clip newpath') C C Draw the edges N0->N1, where N1 > N0. LPL points to the C last neighbor of N0. C DO 2 N0 = 1,N X0 = X(N0) Y0 = Y(N0) LPL = LEND(N0) LP = LPL C C Loop on neighbors N1 of N0. C 1 LP = LPTR(LP) N1 = ABS(LIST(LP)) IF (N1 .GT. N0) THEN C C Add the edge to the path. C WRITE (LUN,210,ERR=13) X0, Y0, X(N1), Y(N1) 210 FORMAT (2F12.6,' moveto',2F12.6,' lineto') ENDIF IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 2 CONTINUE C C Paint the path and restore the saved graphics state (with C no clip path). C WRITE (LUN,150,ERR=13) WRITE (LUN,230,ERR=13) 230 FORMAT ('grestore') IF (NUMBR) THEN C C Nodes in the window are to be labeled with their indexes. C Convert FSIZN from points to world coordinates, and C output the commands to select a font and scale it. C T = FSIZN*2.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,240,ERR=13) T 240 FORMAT ('/Helvetica findfont'/ . F12.6,' scalefont setfont') C C Loop on nodes N0 with coordinates (X0,Y0). C DO 3 N0 = 1,N X0 = X(N0) Y0 = Y(N0) IF (X0 .LT. WX1 .OR. X0 .GT. WX2 .OR. . Y0 .LT. WY1 .OR. Y0 .GT. WY2) GO TO 3 C C Move to (X0,Y0), and draw the label N0. The first char- C acter will have its lower left corner about one C character width to the right of the nodal position. C WRITE (LUN,180,ERR=13) X0, Y0 WRITE (LUN,250,ERR=13) N0 250 FORMAT ('(',I3,') show') 3 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Convert FSIZT from points to world coordinates, and output C the commands to select a font and scale it. C T = FSIZT*2.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,240,ERR=13) T C C Display TITLE centered above the plot: C Y0 = WY2 + 3.D0*T WRITE (LUN,260,ERR=13) TITLE, (WX1+WX2)/2.D0, Y0 260 FORMAT (A80/' stringwidth pop 2 div neg ',F12.6, . ' add ',F12.6,' moveto') WRITE (LUN,270,ERR=13) TITLE 270 FORMAT (A80/' show') IF (ANNOT) THEN C C Display the window extrema below the plot. C X0 = WX1 Y0 = WY1 - 100.D0/(SFX+SFY) WRITE (LUN,180,ERR=13) X0, Y0 WRITE (LUN,280,ERR=13) WX1, WX2 Y0 = Y0 - 2.D0*T WRITE (LUN,290,ERR=13) X0, Y0, WY1, WY2 280 FORMAT ('(Window: WX1 = ',E9.3,', WX2 = ',E9.3, . ') show') 290 FORMAT ('(Window: ) stringwidth pop ',F12.6,' add', . F12.6,' moveto'/ . '( WY1 = ',E9.3,', WY2 = ',E9.3,') show') ENDIF C C Paint the path and output the showpage command and C end-of-file indicator. C WRITE (LUN,300,ERR=13) 300 FORMAT ('stroke'/ . 'showpage'/ . '%%EOF') C C HP's interpreters require a one-byte End-of-PostScript-Job C indicator (to eliminate a timeout error message): C ASCII 4. C WRITE (LUN,310,ERR=13) CHAR(4) 310 FORMAT (A1) C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C Invalid input parameter. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C DX or DY is not positive. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN C C Error writing to unit LUN. C 13 IER = 3 RETURN END SUBROUTINE SWAP (IN1,IN2,IO1,IO2, LIST,LPTR, . LEND, LP21) INTEGER IN1, IN2, IO1, IO2, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(*), . LP21 C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 06/22/98 C C Given a triangulation of a set of points on the unit C sphere, this subroutine replaces a diagonal arc in a C strictly convex quadrilateral (defined by a pair of adja- C cent triangles) with the other diagonal. Equivalently, a C pair of adjacent triangles is replaced by another pair C having the same union. C C C On input: C C IN1,IN2,IO1,IO2 = Nodal indexes of the vertices of C the quadrilateral. IO1-IO2 is re- C placed by IN1-IN2. (IO1,IO2,IN1) C and (IO2,IO1,IN2) must be trian- C gles on input. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMESH. C C On output: C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure updated with the C swap -- triangles (IO1,IO2,IN1) and C (IO2,IO1,IN2) are replaced by C (IN1,IN2,IO2) and (IN2,IN1,IO1) C unless LP21 = 0. C C LP21 = Index of IN1 as a neighbor of IN2 after the C swap is performed unless IN1 and IN2 are C adjacent on input, in which case LP21 = 0. C C Module required by SWAP: LSTPTR C C Intrinsic function called by SWAP: ABS C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER LSTPTR INTEGER LP, LPH, LPSAV C C Local parameters: C C LP,LPH,LPSAV = LIST pointers C C C Test for IN1 and IN2 adjacent. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(IN1),IN2,LIST,LPTR) IF (ABS(LIST(LP)) .EQ. IN2) THEN LP21 = 0 RETURN ENDIF C C Delete IO2 as a neighbor of IO1. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(IO1),IN2,LIST,LPTR) LPH = LPTR(LP) LPTR(LP) = LPTR(LPH) C C If IO2 is the last neighbor of IO1, make IN2 the C last neighbor. C IF (LEND(IO1) .EQ. LPH) LEND(IO1) = LP C C Insert IN2 as a neighbor of IN1 following IO1 C using the hole created above. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(IN1),IO1,LIST,LPTR) LPSAV = LPTR(LP) LPTR(LP) = LPH LIST(LPH) = IN2 LPTR(LPH) = LPSAV C C Delete IO1 as a neighbor of IO2. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(IO2),IN1,LIST,LPTR) LPH = LPTR(LP) LPTR(LP) = LPTR(LPH) C C If IO1 is the last neighbor of IO2, make IN1 the C last neighbor. C IF (LEND(IO2) .EQ. LPH) LEND(IO2) = LP C C Insert IN1 as a neighbor of IN2 following IO2. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(IN2),IO2,LIST,LPTR) LPSAV = LPTR(LP) LPTR(LP) = LPH LIST(LPH) = IN1 LPTR(LPH) = LPSAV LP21 = LPH RETURN END LOGICAL FUNCTION SWPTC (IN1,IN2,IO1,IO2,X,Y,Z, IER) INTEGER IN1, IN2, IO1, IO2, IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), Y(*), Z(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 09/12/96 C C This function applies a swap test to a pair of adjacent C surface triangles. The diagonal edge (shared triangle C side in the quadrilateral obtained by projecting onto the C x-y plane) should be swapped for the other diagonal if and C only if the the pair of triangles is nonconvex (the fourth C vertex lies below the plane defined by one of the tri- C angles). C C C On input: C C IN1,IN2,IO1,IO2 = Nodal indexes of the vertices of C the quadrilateral. IO1-IO2 is the C triangulation edge (shared trian- C gle side) to be replaced by C IN1-IN2 if the decision is to C swap. The triples (IO1,IO2,IN1) C and (IO2,IO1,IN2) must define tri- C angles (be in counterclockwise C order) on input. C C X,Y,Z = Arrays containing the nodal coordinates and C data values (coordinates of the surface C points). C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C SWPTC = TRUE if and only if triangles (IO1,IO2,IN1) C and (IO2,IO1,IN2) should be replaced by C (IN1,IN2,IO2) and (IN2,IN1,IO1). C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no error was encountered. C IER = 1 if the pair of triangles is nonconvex C but a swap cannot be applied because C the quadrilateral is not convex. A C convex triangulation does not exists C in this case. C C Modules required by SWPTC: None C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DX1, DX2, DX3, DY1, DY2, DY3, DZ1, . DZ2, DZ3 C DX1 = X(IO1) - X(IN1) DX2 = X(IN2) - X(IN1) DX3 = X(IO2) - X(IN1) C DY1 = Y(IO1) - Y(IN1) DY2 = Y(IN2) - Y(IN1) DY3 = Y(IO2) - Y(IN1) C DZ1 = Z(IO1) - Z(IN1) DZ2 = Z(IN2) - Z(IN1) DZ3 = Z(IO2) - Z(IN1) C C Test for a convex surface. C IF (DX1*(DY2*DZ3-DY3*DZ2) - DY1*(DX2*DZ3-DX3*DZ2) + . DZ1*(DX2*DY3-DX3*DY2) .LE. 0.) THEN SWPTC = .FALSE. IER = 0 ELSE C C Test for a nonconvex quadrilateral. C IF (DX1*DY2-DX2*DY1 .LT. 0. .OR. . DX2*DY3-DX3*DY2 .LT. 0.) THEN C C Nonconvex surface and nonconvex quadrilateral. C SWPTC = .FALSE. IER = 1 ELSE SWPTC = .TRUE. IER = 0 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE TRFIND (NST,PX,PY,N,X,Y,LIST,LPTR,LEND, I1, . I2,I3) INTEGER NST, N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), I1, I2, I3 DOUBLE PRECISION PX, PY, X(N), Y(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From TRIPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/28/98 C C This subroutine locates a point P relative to a triangu- C lation created by Subroutine TRMESH or TRMSHR. If P is C contained in a triangle, the three vertex indexes are C returned. Otherwise, the indexes of the rightmost and C leftmost visible boundary nodes are returned. C C C On input: C C NST = Index of a node at which TRFIND begins the C search. Search time depends on the proximity C of this node to P. C C PX,PY = X and y coordinates of the point P to be C located. C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C C X,Y = Arrays of length N containing the coordinates C of the nodes in the triangulation. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMESH. C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C I1,I2,I3 = Nodal indexes, in counterclockwise order, C of the vertices of a triangle containing C P if P is contained in a triangle. If P C is not in the convex hull of the nodes, C I1 indexes the rightmost visible boundary C node, I2 indexes the leftmost visible C boundary node, and I3 = 0. Rightmost and C leftmost are defined from the perspective C of P, and a pair of points are visible C from each other if and only if the line C segment joining them intersects no trian- C gulation arc. If P and all of the nodes C lie on a common line, then I1 = I2 = I3 = C 0 on output. C C Modules required by TRFIND: DSTORE, JRAND, LEFT, LSTPTR C C Intrinsic function called by TRFIND: ABS C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION DSTORE INTEGER JRAND, LSTPTR LOGICAL LEFT DOUBLE PRECISION B1, B2, XA, XB, XC, XP, YA, YB, YC, . YP INTEGER IX, IY, IZ, LP, N0, N1, N1S, N2, N2S, N3, N4, . NB, NF, NL, NP, NPP LOGICAL FRWRD C SAVE IX, IY, IZ DATA IX/1/, IY/2/, IZ/3/ C C Local parameters: C C B1,B2 = Unnormalized barycentric coordinates of P with C respect to (N1,N2,N3) C IX,IY,IZ = Integer seeds for JRAND C LP = LIST pointer C N0,N1,N2 = Nodes in counterclockwise order defining a C cone (with vertex N0) containing P C N1S,N2S = Saved values of N1 and N2 C N3,N4 = Nodes opposite N1->N2 and N2->N1, respectively C NB = Index of a boundary node -- first neighbor of C NF or last neighbor of NL in the boundary C traversal loops C NF,NL = First and last neighbors of N0, or first C (rightmost) and last (leftmost) nodes C visible from P when P is exterior to the C triangulation C NP,NPP = Indexes of boundary nodes used in the boundary C traversal loops C XA,XB,XC = Dummy arguments for FRWRD C YA,YB,YC = Dummy arguments for FRWRD C XP,YP = Local variables containing the components of P C C Statement function: C C FRWRD = TRUE iff C is forward of A->B C iff B,A->C> .GE. 0. C FRWRD(XA,YA,XB,YB,XC,YC) = (XB-XA)*(XC-XA) + . (YB-YA)*(YC-YA) .GE. 0. C C Initialize variables. C XP = PX YP = PY N0 = NST IF (N0 .LT. 1 .OR. N0 .GT. N) . N0 = JRAND(N, IX,IY,IZ ) C C Set NF and NL to the first and last neighbors of N0, and C initialize N1 = NF. C 1 LP = LEND(N0) NL = LIST(LP) LP = LPTR(LP) NF = LIST(LP) N1 = NF C C Find a pair of adjacent neighbors N1,N2 of N0 that define C a wedge containing P: P LEFT N0->N1 and P RIGHT N0->N2. C IF (NL .GT. 0) GO TO 2 C C N0 is a boundary node. Test for P exterior. C NL = -NL IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(N0),Y(N0),X(NF),Y(NF),XP,YP) ) THEN NL = N0 GO TO 9 ENDIF IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(NL),Y(NL),X(N0),Y(N0),XP,YP) ) THEN NB = NF NF = N0 NP = NL NPP = N0 GO TO 11 ENDIF GO TO 3 C C N0 is an interior node. Find N1. C 2 IF ( LEFT(X(N0),Y(N0),X(N1),Y(N1),XP,YP) ) GO TO 3 LP = LPTR(LP) N1 = LIST(LP) IF (N1 .EQ. NL) GO TO 6 GO TO 2 C C P is to the left of edge N0->N1. Initialize N2 to the C next neighbor of N0. C 3 LP = LPTR(LP) N2 = ABS(LIST(LP)) IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(N0),Y(N0),X(N2),Y(N2),XP,YP) ) . GO TO 7 N1 = N2 IF (N1 .NE. NL) GO TO 3 IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(N0),Y(N0),X(NF),Y(NF),XP,YP) ) . GO TO 6 IF (XP .EQ. X(N0) .AND. YP .EQ. Y(N0)) GO TO 5 C C P is left of or on edges N0->NB for all neighbors NB C of N0. C All points are collinear iff P is left of NB->N0 for C all neighbors NB of N0. Search the neighbors of N0. C NOTE -- N1 = NL and LP points to NL. C 4 IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(N1),Y(N1),X(N0),Y(N0),XP,YP) ) . GO TO 5 LP = LPTR(LP) N1 = ABS(LIST(LP)) IF (N1 .EQ. NL) GO TO 17 GO TO 4 C C P is to the right of N1->N0, or P=N0. Set N0 to N1 and C start over. C 5 N0 = N1 GO TO 1 C C P is between edges N0->N1 and N0->NF. C 6 N2 = NF C C P is contained in the wedge defined by line segments C N0->N1 and N0->N2, where N1 is adjacent to N2. Set C N3 to the node opposite N1->N2, and save N1 and N2 to C test for cycling. C 7 N3 = N0 N1S = N1 N2S = N2 C C Top of edge hopping loop. Test for termination. C 8 IF ( LEFT(X(N1),Y(N1),X(N2),Y(N2),XP,YP) ) THEN C C P LEFT N1->N2 and hence P is in (N1,N2,N3) unless an C error resulted from floating point inaccuracy and C collinearity. Compute the unnormalized barycentric C coordinates of P with respect to (N1,N2,N3). C B1 = (X(N3)-X(N2))*(YP-Y(N2)) - . (XP-X(N2))*(Y(N3)-Y(N2)) B2 = (X(N1)-X(N3))*(YP-Y(N3)) - . (XP-X(N3))*(Y(N1)-Y(N3)) IF (DSTORE(B1+1.D0) .GE. 1.D0 .AND. . DSTORE(B2+1.D0) .GE. 1.D0) GO TO 16 C C Restart with N0 randomly selected. C N0 = JRAND(N, IX,IY,IZ ) GO TO 1 ENDIF C C Set N4 to the neighbor of N2 which follows N1 (node C opposite N2->N1) unless N1->N2 is a boundary edge. C LP = LSTPTR(LEND(N2),N1,LIST,LPTR) IF (LIST(LP) .LT. 0) THEN NF = N2 NL = N1 GO TO 9 ENDIF LP = LPTR(LP) N4 = ABS(LIST(LP)) C C Select the new edge N1->N2 which intersects the line C segment N0-P, and set N3 to the node opposite N1->N2. C IF ( LEFT(X(N0),Y(N0),X(N4),Y(N4),XP,YP) ) THEN N3 = N1 N1 = N4 N2S = N2 IF (N1 .NE. N1S .AND. N1 .NE. N0) GO TO 8 ELSE N3 = N2 N2 = N4 N1S = N1 IF (N2 .NE. N2S .AND. N2 .NE. N0) GO TO 8 ENDIF C C The starting node N0 or edge N1-N2 was encountered C again, implying a cycle (infinite loop). Restart C with N0 randomly selected. C N0 = JRAND(N, IX,IY,IZ ) GO TO 1 C C Boundary traversal loops. NL->NF is a boundary edge and C P RIGHT NL->NF. Save NL and NF. 9 NP = NL NPP = NF C C Find the first (rightmost) visible boundary node NF. NB C is set to the first neighbor of NF, and NP is the last C neighbor. C 10 LP = LEND(NF) LP = LPTR(LP) NB = LIST(LP) IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(NF),Y(NF),X(NB),Y(NB),XP,YP) ) . GO TO 12 C C P LEFT NF->NB and thus NB is not visible unless an error C resulted from floating point inaccuracy and collinear- C ity of the 4 points NP, NF, NB, and P. C 11 IF ( FRWRD(X(NF),Y(NF),X(NP),Y(NP),XP,YP) .OR. . FRWRD(X(NF),Y(NF),X(NP),Y(NP),X(NB),Y(NB)) ) THEN I1 = NF GO TO 13 ENDIF C C Bottom of loop. C 12 NP = NF NF = NB GO TO 10 C C Find the last (leftmost) visible boundary node NL. NB C is set to the last neighbor of NL, and NPP is the first C neighbor. C 13 LP = LEND(NL) NB = -LIST(LP) IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(NB),Y(NB),X(NL),Y(NL),XP,YP) ) . GO TO 14 C C P LEFT NB->NL and thus NB is not visible unless an error C resulted from floating point inaccuracy and collinear- C ity of the 4 points P, NB, NL, and NPP. C IF ( FRWRD(X(NL),Y(NL),X(NPP),Y(NPP),XP,YP) .OR. . FRWRD(X(NL),Y(NL),X(NPP),Y(NPP),X(NB),Y(NB)) ) . GO TO 15 C C Bottom of loop. C 14 NPP = NL NL = NB GO TO 13 C C NL is the leftmost visible boundary node. C 15 I2 = NL I3 = 0 RETURN C C P is in the triangle (N1,N2,N3). C 16 I1 = N1 I2 = N2 I3 = N3 RETURN C C All points are collinear. C 17 I1 = 0 I2 = 0 I3 = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE TRMSHC (N,X,Y,Z, LIST,LPTR,LEND,LNEW,NEAR, . NEXT,IER) INTEGER N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), LNEW, NEAR(N), . NEXT(N), IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), Z(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 06/27/98 C C This subroutine creates a convexity-preserving triangu- C lation, if it exists, of a set of N arbitrarily C distributed points in the plane (referred to as nodes) C with associated data values. The triangulation is defined C as a set of triangles with the following four properties: C C 1) The triangle vertices are nodes. C 2) No triangle contains a node other than its vertices. C 3) The interiors of the triangles are pairwise disjoint. C 4) The union of triangles is the convex hull of the set C of nodes (the smallest convex set which contains C the nodes). C C The triangulation is said to be convex if the correspond- C ing triangulated surface (the triangle-based piecewise C linear interpolant of the data values) is convex. C C Since the algorithm proceeds by adding nodes incremen- C tally, the triangulation may be updated with the addition C or deletion of a node very efficiently. The adjacency C information representing the triangulation is stored as a C linked list requiring approximately 13N storage locations. C C The algorithm has expected time complexity O(N*log(N)). C C C The following is a list of related subprograms which a C user may wish to call directly: C C ADDNDC - Updates the triangulation by adding a new node. C C AREAP - Computes the area bounded by a closed polygonal C curve such as the boundary of the triangula- C tion. C C BNODES - Returns an array containing the indexes of the C boundary nodes in counterclockwise order. C Counts of boundary nodes, triangles, and edges C are also returned. C C CIRCUM - Computes the area, circumcenter, circumradius, C and, optionally, the aspect ratio of a trian- C gle defined by user-specified vertices. C C DELBE - Deletes extraneous boundary edges (associated C with nearly null triangles) from the triangu- C lation. C C DELNDC - Updates the triangulation with the deletion of a C node. C C JRAND - Generates a uniformly distributed pseudo-random C integer. C C LEFT - Locates a point relative to a line. C C TRPRNT - Prints the triangulation data structure and, C optionally, the nodal coordinates and/or C data values. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C C X,Y,Z = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian C coordinates of the nodes and data values. C (X(K),Y(K)) is referred to as node K, and K C is referred to as a nodal index. The first C three nodes must not be collinear. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LIST,LPTR = Arrays of length at least 6N-12. C C LEND = Array of length at least N. C C NEAR,NEXT = Work space arrays of length at least N. C The space is used to efficiently find C a triangle containing a node. C C On output: C C LIST = Set of nodal indexes which, along with LPTR, C LEND, and LNEW, define the triangulation as a C set of N adjacency lists -- counterclockwise- C ordered sequences of neighboring nodes such C that the first and last neighbors of a bound- C ary node are boundary nodes (the first neigh- C bor of an interior node is arbitrary). In C order to distinguish between interior and C boundary nodes, the last neighbor of each C boundary node is represented by the negative C of its index. C C LPTR = Set of pointers (LIST indexes) in one-to-one C correspondence with the elements of LIST. C LIST(LPTR(I)) indexes the node which follows C LIST(I) in cyclical counterclockwise order C (the first neighbor follows the last neigh- C bor). C C LEND = Set of pointers to adjacency lists. LEND(K) C points to the last neighbor of node K for C K = 1,...,N. Thus, LIST(LEND(K)) < 0 if and C only if K is a boundary node. C C LNEW = Pointer to the first empty location in LIST C and LPTR (list length plus one). LIST, LPTR, C LEND, and LNEW are not altered if IER = -1 or C IER = -2, and are incomplete if IER .NE. 0. C C NEAR,NEXT = Garbage. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = -1 if N < 3 on input. C IER = -2 if the first three nodes are C collinear. C IER = -3 if a convex triangulation does not C exist (and Subroutine ADDNDC returned C IER = -3). C IER = -4 if a convex triangulation does not C exist (and Subroutine ADDNDC returned C IER = -4). C IER = L if nodes L and M coincide for some C M > L. The linked list represents C a triangulation of nodes 1 to M-1 C in this case. C C Modules required by TRMSHC: ADDNDC, BDYADD, DSTORE, C INSERT, INTADD, JRAND, C LEFT, LSTPTR, SWAP, SWPTC, C TRFIND C C Intrinsic function called by TRMSHC: ABS C C*********************************************************** C DOUBLE PRECISION D1, D2, D3 INTEGER I, I0, J, JP, JS, K, LP, LPL, LPS, NEXTI, NN LOGICAL LEFT C C Local parameters: C C D1,D2,D3 = Squared distances from node K to nodes 1, 2, C and 3, respectively C I,J = Nodal indexes C JP,JS = Neighbors of node K such that (JP,J,JS) is a C sequence of adjacent neighbors of K C I0 = Index of the node preceding I in a sequence of C unprocessed nodes: I = NEXT(I0) C K = Index of node to be added and DO-loop index: C K > 3 C LP = LIST index (pointer) of a neighbor of K C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of K C LPS = Pointer to JS as a neighbor of K C NEXTI = NEXT(I) C NN = Local copy of N C NN = N IF (NN .LT. 3) THEN IER = -1 RETURN ENDIF C C Store the first triangle in the linked list. C IF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(1),Y(1),X(2),Y(2),X(3),Y(3)) ) THEN C C The initial triangle is (1,3,2). C LIST(1) = 3 LPTR(1) = 2 LIST(2) = -2 LPTR(2) = 1 LEND(1) = 2 C LIST(3) = 1 LPTR(3) = 4 LIST(4) = -3 LPTR(4) = 3 LEND(2) = 4 C LIST(5) = 2 LPTR(5) = 6 LIST(6) = -1 LPTR(6) = 5 LEND(3) = 6 C ELSEIF ( .NOT. LEFT(X(2),Y(2),X(1),Y(1),X(3),Y(3)) ) . THEN C C The initial triangle is (1,2,3). C LIST(1) = 2 LPTR(1) = 2 LIST(2) = -3 LPTR(2) = 1 LEND(1) = 2 C LIST(3) = 3 LPTR(3) = 4 LIST(4) = -1 LPTR(4) = 3 LEND(2) = 4 C LIST(5) = 1 LPTR(5) = 6 LIST(6) = -2 LPTR(6) = 5 LEND(3) = 6 C ELSE C C The first three nodes are collinear. C IER = -2 RETURN ENDIF C C Initialize LNEW and test for N = 3. C LNEW = 7 IF (NN .EQ. 3) THEN IER = 0 RETURN ENDIF C C A near-node data structure (NEAR and NEXT) is used to C obtain an expected-time (N*log(N)) incremental algorithm C by enabling constant search time for locating each new C node in the triangulation. C C For each unprocessed node I, NEAR(I) is the index of a C vertex of a triangle, if any, that contains I, or a C boundary node that is visible from I otherwise. C (NEAR(I) is used as the starting point for the search C in Subroutine TRFIND.) Thus, the unprocessed nodes are C partitioned into subsets, each associated with a C triangulation node. C C Since it is necessary to efficiently find the subset of C unprocessed nodes associated with each triangulation C node J (those that have J as their NEAR entries), the C subsets are stored in NEAR and NEXT as follows: for C each node J in the triangulation, I = NEAR(J) is the C first unprocessed node in J's set (with I = 0 if the C set is empty), L = NEXT(I) (if I > 0) is the second, C NEXT(L) (if L > 0) is the third, etc. The nodes in each C set are initially ordered by increasing indexes (which C maximizes efficiency) but that ordering is not main- C tained as the data structure is updated. C C Initialize the data structure for the single triangle. C For each unprocessed node K, NEAR(K) is set to the near- C est vertex. This is not necessarily visible but it's C close enough. C NEAR(1) = 0 NEAR(2) = 0 NEAR(3) = 0 DO 1 K = NN,4,-1 D1 = (X(K)-X(1))**2 + (Y(K)-Y(1))**2 D2 = (X(K)-X(2))**2 + (Y(K)-Y(2))**2 D3 = (X(K)-X(3))**2 + (Y(K)-Y(3))**2 IF (D1 .LE. D2 .AND. D1 .LE. D3) THEN NEAR(K) = 1 NEXT(K) = NEAR(1) NEAR(1) = K ELSEIF (D2 .LE. D1 .AND. D2 .LE. D3) THEN NEAR(K) = 2 NEXT(K) = NEAR(2) NEAR(2) = K ELSE NEAR(K) = 3 NEXT(K) = NEAR(3) NEAR(3) = K ENDIF 1 CONTINUE C C Add the remaining nodes C DO 7 K = 4,NN CALL ADDNDC (NEAR(K),K,X,Y,Z, LIST,LPTR,LEND, . LNEW, IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) RETURN C C Remove K from the set of unprocessed nodes associated C with NEAR(K). C I = NEAR(K) IF (NEAR(I) .EQ. K) THEN NEAR(I) = NEXT(K) ELSE I = NEAR(I) 2 I0 = I I = NEXT(I0) IF (I .NE. K) GO TO 2 NEXT(I0) = NEXT(K) ENDIF NEAR(K) = 0 C C Loop on neighbors J of node K. JP and JS are the C predecessor and successor of J, respectively. C LPL = LEND(K) JP = ABS(LIST(LPL)) LP = LPL 3 LP = LPTR(LP) J = ABS(LIST(LP)) LPS = LPTR(LP) JS = ABS(LIST(LPS)) C C Loop on elements I in the sequence of unprocessed nodes C associated with J: K is a candidate for replacing J C as the value of NEAR(I). The next value of I in the C sequence, NEXT(I), must be saved before I is moved C because it is altered by adding I to K's set. C I = NEAR(J) 4 IF (I .EQ. 0) GO TO 6 NEXTI = NEXT(I) C C Test for J no longer visible from I: J separated from I C by edge K-JP or K-JS. C IF ( LEFT(X(K),Y(K),X(J),Y(J),X(I),Y(I)) ) THEN IF ( LEFT(X(JS),Y(JS),X(K),Y(K),X(I),Y(I)) ) . GO TO 5 IF ( LEFT(X(JS),Y(JS),X(J),Y(J),X(I),Y(I)) ) . GO TO 5 ELSE IF ( LEFT(X(K),Y(K),X(JP),Y(JP),X(I),Y(I)) ) . GO TO 5 IF ( LEFT(X(J),Y(J),X(JP),Y(JP),X(I),Y(I)) ) . GO TO 5 ENDIF C C Replace J by K as the NEAR entry for I: update NEAR(I), C and remove I from J's set of unprocessed nodes and add C it to K's set. C NEAR(I) = K IF (I .EQ. NEAR(J)) THEN NEAR(J) = NEXTI ELSE NEXT(I0) = NEXTI ENDIF NEXT(I) = NEAR(K) NEAR(K) = I I = I0 C C Bottom of loop on I. C 5 I0 = I I = NEXTI GO TO 4 C C Bottom of loop on neighbors J. C 6 IF (LP .NE. LPL) THEN JP = J GO TO 3 ENDIF 7 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE TRPRNT (N,X,Y,Z,IFLAG,LIST,LPTR,LEND,LOUT) INTEGER N, IFLAG, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), LOUT DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), Z(N) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 07/25/98 C C This subroutine prints triangulation adjacency lists C and, optionally, nodal coordinates and data values on log- C ical unit LOUT. The list of neighbors of a boundary node C is followed by index 0. The numbers of boundary nodes, C triangles, and edges are also printed. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3 C and N .LE. 9999. C C X,Y,Z = Arrays of length N containing the nodal C coordinates and data values if IFLAG = 0, C or (X and Y only) arrays of length N con- C taining the nodal coordinates if IFLAG > 0, C or unused dummy parameters if IFLAG < 0. C C IFLAG = Coordinate option indicator: C IFLAG = 0 if X, Y, and Z are to be printed C (to 6 decimal places). C IFLAG > 0 if only X and Y are to be printed C (to 6 decimal places). C IFLAG < 0 if only the adjacency lists are to C be printed. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. C C LOUT = Logical unit for output. If LOUT is not in C the range 0 to 99, output is written to C logical unit 6. C C Input parameters are not altered by this routine. C C On output: C C The adjacency lists and coordinates (as specified by C IFLAG) are written to unit LOUT. C C Modules required by TRPRNT: None C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER I, INC, K, LP, LPL, LUN, NABOR(100), NB, ND, . NE, NL, NLMAX, NMAX, NODE, NN, NT DATA NMAX/9999/, NLMAX/58/ C C Local parameters: C C I = NABOR index (1 to K) C INC = Increment for NL associated with an adjacency list C K = Counter and number of neighbors of NODE C LP = LIST pointer of a neighbor of NODE C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of NODE C LUN = Logical unit for output (copy of LOUT) C NABOR = Array containing the adjacency list associated C with NODE, with zero appended if NODE is a C boundary node C NB = Number of boundary nodes encountered C ND = Index of a neighbor of NODE (or negative index) C NE = Number of edges in the triangulation C NL = Number of lines that have been printed on the C current page C NLMAX = Maximum number of print lines per page (except C for the last page which may have two addi- C tional lines) C NMAX = Upper bound on N (allows 4-digit indexes) C NODE = Index of a node and DO-loop index (1 to N) C NN = Local copy of N C NT = Number of triangles in the triangulation C NN = N LUN = LOUT IF (LUN .LT. 0 .OR. LUN .GT. 99) LUN = 6 C C Print a heading and test the range of N. C WRITE (LUN,100) NN IF (NN .LT. 3 .OR. NN .GT. NMAX) THEN C C N is outside its valid range. C WRITE (LUN,110) RETURN ENDIF C C Initialize NL (the number of lines printed on the current C page) and NB (the number of boundary nodes encountered). C NL = 6 NB = 0 IF (IFLAG .LT. 0) THEN C C Print LIST only. K is the number of neighbors of NODE C that have been stored in NABOR. C WRITE (LUN,101) DO 2 NODE = 1,NN LPL = LEND(NODE) LP = LPL K = 0 C 1 K = K + 1 LP = LPTR(LP) ND = LIST(LP) NABOR(K) = ND IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 IF (ND .LE. 0) THEN C C NODE is a boundary node. Correct the sign of the last C neighbor, add 0 to the end of the list, and increment C NB. C NABOR(K) = -ND K = K + 1 NABOR(K) = 0 NB = NB + 1 ENDIF C C Increment NL and print the list of neighbors. C INC = (K-1)/14 + 2 NL = NL + INC IF (NL .GT. NLMAX) THEN WRITE (LUN,108) NL = INC ENDIF WRITE (LUN,104) NODE, (NABOR(I), I = 1,K) IF (K .NE. 14) WRITE (LUN,107) 2 CONTINUE ELSEIF (IFLAG .GT. 0) THEN C C Print X, Y, and LIST. C WRITE (LUN,102) DO 4 NODE = 1,NN LPL = LEND(NODE) LP = LPL K = 0 C 3 K = K + 1 LP = LPTR(LP) ND = LIST(LP) NABOR(K) = ND IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 3 IF (ND .LE. 0) THEN C C NODE is a boundary node. C NABOR(K) = -ND K = K + 1 NABOR(K) = 0 NB = NB + 1 ENDIF C C Increment NL and print X, Y, and NABOR. C INC = (K-1)/8 + 2 NL = NL + INC IF (NL .GT. NLMAX) THEN WRITE (LUN,108) NL = INC ENDIF WRITE (LUN,105) NODE, X(NODE), Y(NODE), . (NABOR(I), I = 1,K) IF (K .NE. 8) WRITE (LUN,107) 4 CONTINUE ELSE C C Print X, Y, Z, and LIST. C WRITE (LUN,103) DO 6 NODE = 1,NN LPL = LEND(NODE) LP = LPL K = 0 C 5 K = K + 1 LP = LPTR(LP) ND = LIST(LP) NABOR(K) = ND IF (LP .NE. LPL) GO TO 5 IF (ND .LE. 0) THEN C C NODE is a boundary node. C NABOR(K) = -ND K = K + 1 NABOR(K) = 0 NB = NB + 1 ENDIF C C Increment NL and print X, Y, Z, and NABOR. C INC = (K-1)/5 + 2 NL = NL + INC IF (NL .GT. NLMAX) THEN WRITE (LUN,108) NL = INC ENDIF WRITE (LUN,106) NODE, X(NODE), Y(NODE), . Z(NODE), (NABOR(I), I = 1,K) IF (K .NE. 5) WRITE (LUN,107) 6 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Print NB, NE, and NT (boundary nodes, edges, and C triangles). C IF (NB .NE. 0) THEN NE = 3*NN - NB - 3 NT = 2*NN - NB - 2 ELSE NE = 3*NN - 6 NT = 2*NN - 4 ENDIF WRITE (LUN,109) NB, NE, NT RETURN C C Print formats: C 100 FORMAT (///15X,'CSRFPACK Triangulation Data ', . 'Structure, N = ',I5//) 101 FORMAT (1X,'Node',31X,'Neighbors of Node'//) 102 FORMAT (1X,'Node',5X,'X(Node)',8X,'Y(Node)', . 18X,'Neighbors of Node'//) 103 FORMAT (1X,'Node',5X,'X(Node)',8X,'Y(Node)',8X, . 'Z(Node)',11X,'Neighbors of Node'//) 104 FORMAT (1X,I4,4X,14I5/(1X,8X,14I5)) 105 FORMAT (1X,I4,2E15.6,4X,8I5/(1X,38X,8I5)) 106 FORMAT (1X,I4,3E15.6,4X,5I5/(1X,53X,5I5)) 107 FORMAT (1X) 108 FORMAT (///) 109 FORMAT (/1X,'NB = ',I4,' Boundary Nodes',5X, . 'NE = ',I5,' Edges',5X,'NT = ',I5, . ' Triangles') 110 FORMAT (1X,10X,'*** N is outside its valid', . ' range ***') END SUBROUTINE VLIST (N,X,Y,Z,LIST,LPTR,LEND, NV,LISTV, . DXL,DYL,IER) INTEGER N, LIST(*), LPTR(*), LEND(N), NV, LISTV(*), . IER DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), Y(N), Z(N), DXL(*), DYL(*) C C*********************************************************** C C From CSRFPACK C Robert J. Renka C Dept. of Computer Science C Univ. of North Texas C renka@cs.unt.edu C 10/21/96 C C Given a convexity-preserving triangulation of a set of C nodes and data values, this subroutine constructs its C dual, a gradient feasibility diagram. The feasible nodal C gradients are those for which there exists a convex Her- C mite interpolant of the data values and gradients. C C The feasibility region associated with node Pi is the C set of gradients G for which <= Zj-Zi for all C j such that Pj is a neighbor of Pi. The feasibility re- C gions are convex and, if the data is strictly convex (no C four data points are coplanar), have nonzero (finite or C infinite) area. Furthermore, the set of regions parti- C tions the plane, and the diagram is dual to the C triangulation: there are one-to-one correspondences be- C tween feasibility regions and nodes, edges of feasibility C regions and triangulation edges (the two being perpendicu- C lar to each other), and vertices of feasibility regions C and triangles. The feasibility region vertices are the C gradients of the linear polynomials that comprise the C triangle-based piecewise linear interpolant of the data C values. C C While the feasibility regions associated with interior C nodes have finite area, those associated with boundary C nodes are unbounded and have infinite-length edges. In C order to define these edges and to facilitate the selec- C tion of nodal gradients as centroids, each feasibility C region edge corresponding to a boundary edge is terminated C at a pseudo-vertex chosen so that its length is the aver- C age of the lengths of the other two edges that share the C same vertex. C C C On input: C C N = Number of nodes in the triangulation. N .GE. 3. C Note that, if N = 3, the three truncated feasi- C bility regions degenerate to the same point (the C gradient of the linear interpolant). C C X,Y,Z = Arrays of length N containing the nodal C coordinates (X,Y) and data values Z. C C LIST,LPTR,LEND = Data structure defining the trian- C gulation. Refer to Subroutine C TRMSHC. C C The above parameters are not altered by this routine. C C LISTV = Integer array of length at least 6*N-2*NB-6, C where NB is the number of boundary nodes. C C DXL,DYL = Arrays of length at least 2*N-2. C C On output: C C NV = Number of feasibility region vertices, includ- C ing pseudo-vertices associated with boundary C edges: NV = NT+NB = 2*N-2, where NT = 2*N-NB-2 C is the number of triangles. C C LISTV = Array containing vertex indexes (indexes to C DXL and DYL) stored in one-to-one corres- C pondence with LIST/LPTR entries. The index C associated with triangle (N1,N2,N3) is C stored in LISTV(I), LISTV(J), and LISTV(K), C where LIST(I), LIST(J), and LIST(K) are the C indexes of N2 as a neighbor of N1, N3 as a C neighbor of N2, and N1 as a neighbor of N3. C Pseudo-vertices have indexes in the range C NT+1 to NV and each of these is stored only C once in the position associated with a boun- C dary edge N1->N2: LISTV(LEND(N2)), where C LIST(LEND(N2)) = -N1. Thus, the feasibility C region associated with a node is defined by C the CCW-ordered sequence of vertices in C one-to-one correspondence with its adjacency C list. The truncated feasibility region C associated with a boundary node has two C pseudo-vertices (including the one stored C with its first neighbor). C C DXL,DYL = Arrays of length NV containing the ver- C tices (components of the gradients C associated with triangles) in the first C NT positions and pseudo-vertices in the C last NB positions. C C IER = Error indicator: C IER = 0 if no errors were encountered. C IER = 1 if N < 3. No other parameters are C altered in this case. C IER = 2 if a nonpositive triangle area was C returned by Subroutine LGRAD implying C an invalid triangulation. Output C parameters are not valid in this case. C C Modules required by VLIST: LGRAD, LSTPTR C C Intrinsic functions called by VLIST: ABS, SQRT C C*********************************************************** C INTEGER LSTPTR DOUBLE PRECISION D, D1, D2, RN, RX, RY, SA, XN1, YN1, . ZN1 INTEGER KV, KV1, KV2, L1, L2, L3, LP, LP1F, LP2, LP2L, . LP3, LPL, N0, N1, N2, N3, NM2, NT C C Local parameters: C C D = Distance between a vertex and a pseudo- C vertex -- average of D1 and D2 C D1,D2 = Distances from vertex KV to KV1 and to KV2, C respectively C KV = Index of a vertex C KV1,KV2 = Indexes of the vertices associated with the C triangles opposite boundary nodes N1 and C N2, respectively C L1,L2,L3 = Pointers (LIST/LISTV indexes) to neighbors C of N2 C LP = Pointer C LP1F = Pointer to the first neighbor of N1 C LP2 = Pointer to N2 as a neighbor of N1 C LP2L = Pointer to the last neighbor of N2 C LP3 = Pointer to N3 as a neighbor of N1 C LPL = Pointer to the last neighbor of N1 C N0 = Index of a boundary node C N1,N2,N3 = Nodal indexes of the vertices of a triangle C (in CCW order) C NM2 = N-2 C NT = Number of triangles in the triangulation (or C number of triangles whose feasible region C vertices have been computed C RN = Length of boundary edge N1->N2 C RX,RY = X and y components of boundary edge N1->N2 C SA = Signed triangle area returned by LGRAD C XN1,YN1,ZN1 = Nodal coordinates and data value for node N1 C IF (N .LT. 3) GO TO 11 NT = 0 C C Loop on triangles (N1,N2,N3) such that N2 and N3 have C larger indexes than N1. C NM2 = N - 2 DO 3 N1 = 1,NM2 XN1 = X(N1) YN1 = Y(N1) ZN1 = Z(N1) C C Loop on neighbors of N1. C LPL = LEND(N1) LP2 = LPL 1 LP2 = LPTR(LP2) N2 = LIST(LP2) LP3 = LPTR(LP2) N3 = ABS(LIST(LP3)) IF (N2 .LT. N1 .OR. N3 .LT. N1) GO TO 2 NT = NT + 1 C C Store the triangle index NT in the appropriate LISTV C locations. C LISTV(LP2) = NT LP = LSTPTR (LEND(N2),N3,LIST,LPTR) LISTV(LP) = NT LP = LSTPTR (LEND(N3),N1,LIST,LPTR) LISTV(LP) = NT C C Compute and store vertex NT. C CALL LGRAD (XN1,YN1,ZN1,X(N2),Y(N2),Z(N2),X(N3), . Y(N3),Z(N3), DXL(NT),DYL(NT),SA) IF (SA .LE. 0.) GO TO 12 C C Bottom of loop on neighbors. C 2 IF (LP2 .NE. LPL) GO TO 1 3 CONTINUE NV = NT C C Add the NB pseudo-vertices. C C Set N0 and N2 to the first boundary node encountered. C N0 = 0 4 N0 = N0 + 1 LP2L = LEND(N0) IF (LIST(LP2L) .GT. 0) GO TO 4 N2 = N0 C C CCW loop on boundary edges N1->N2: LP1F and LP2L point C to the first neighbor of N1 and last neighbor of N2, C respectively. C 5 N1 = N2 LP1F = LPTR(LP2L) N2 = LIST(LP1F) LP2L = LEND(N2) C C Set KV to the index of the vertex (gradient) associated C with the triangle containing N1->N2, set KV1 and KV2 C to the indexes of the vertices associated with the C triangles opposite N1 and N2, respectively (if they C exist), and compute the distances D1 and D2 from ver- C tex KV to vertices KV1 and KV2 (with zero values in C the case of no triangle). Note that D1 = D2 = 0 if C N = 3. C KV = LISTV(LP1F) C C Compute D1. Find the pointer L1 to the third from last C neighbor of N2 if it exists. C L1 = LPTR(LP2L) L2 = LPTR(L1) IF (L2 .EQ. LP2L) THEN C C N2 has only two neighbors: no triangle opposite N1. C D1 = 0. ELSE C C Loop on triples of adjacent neighbors of N2 until L3 C points to the last neighbor. C 6 L3 = LPTR(L2) IF (L3 .EQ. LP2L) GO TO 7 L1 = L2 L2 = L3 GO TO 6 C 7 KV1 = LISTV(L1) D1 = SQRT( (DXL(KV)-DXL(KV1))**2 + . (DYL(KV)-DYL(KV1))**2 ) ENDIF C C Compute D2. Set LP to the pointer to the second C neighbor of N1. C LP = LPTR(LP1F) IF (LP .EQ. LEND(N1)) THEN C C N1 has only two neighbors: no triangle opposite N2. C D2 = 0. ELSE KV2 = LISTV(LP) D2 = SQRT( (DXL(KV)-DXL(KV2))**2 + . (DYL(KV)-DYL(KV2))**2 ) ENDIF C C Compute the average D of D1 and D2. C D = (D1+D2)/2.D0 C C Compute and store the pseudo-vertex V3 associated with C boundary edge N1->N2. V3 = V + D*R, where V is vertex C KV and R is a unit vector orthogonal to the edge. C RX = X(N2)-X(N1) RY = Y(N2)-Y(N1) RN = SQRT(RX*RX + RY*RY) NV = NV + 1 DXL(NV) = DXL(KV) + D*RY/RN DYL(NV) = DYL(KV) - D*RX/RN LISTV(LP2L) = NV C C Bottom of loop on boundary edges. C IF (N2 .NE. N0) GO TO 5 C C No error encountered. C IER = 0 RETURN C C N < 3. C 11 IER = 1 RETURN C C Triangle (N1,N2,N3) has nonpositive area. C 12 IER = 2 RETURN END SHAR_EOF fi # end of overwriting check cd .. cd .. # End of shell archive exit 0