SPIN NEWS - Nr. 8 - October 12, 1995

Final Details on the SPIN Workshop

Date: Monday October 16, 1995


We have a very good level of participation in the first SPIN Workshop. So far, approximately 25 people have registered, and about half of the participants have promised to present some of their work. It promises to be an interesting day. The papers presented will be collected in a workshop proceedings that is available to all participants. Late registrants are of course always welcome on the 16th.


INRS-Telecommunications, 16, Place du Commerce, Nuns' Island, Montreal

INRS-Telecommunications is located in the premises of BNR-Montreal. We'll assemble in the lobby of INRS around 9:45am, and we'll be escorted to the conference room.

Transportation from downtown Montreal:

By Bus:
Take bus 168 from the corner of Union and Ste Catherine, to the 2nd stop on the island, after the bus leaves the highway (about a 15 minute ride).

By Taxi
From downtown Montreal the ride costs about CN$ 10. For those staying in the FORTE conference hotel, well meet at 9:30 am in the hotel lobby and share taxis to INRS.

Workshop Agenda:

Morning session: 10:00 -> 12:30

Open Discussion 12:00-12:15

Lunch on location: 12:15-13:00

Early afternoon session 13:00 -> 15:00

Late afternoon session: 15:15 -> 17:15

Wrapup and Closing

End of Newsletter Nr. 8

Gerard J. Holzmann (gerard@research.bell-labs.com)