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NewsLetter 29 - July 23, 2000:

Registration for Spin2000

Please note that the early registration for Spin2000, at Stanford University in California, will expire on August 7. Registration details can be found at:


It will be the first full three-day Spin workshop, in the week before FMOODS2000. We hope to see you all there! The workshop homepage is: http://ase.arc.nasa.gov/spin2000/

Plans for Next Year's Workshop

Plans are underway for the organization of next year's workshop. Matt Dwyer (dwyer@cis.ksu.edu) from Kansas State University will organize it, together with Marsha Chechick (chechik@cs.toronto.edu) from Toronto University. The workshop will be co-located with ICSE2001, which is held in Toronto in May 2001: http://www.csr.uvic.ca/icse2001/. This puts the submission deadline for papers most likely in January of 2001, just five months from now. Stay tuned for more details. Abstracts are due to the ICSE2001 conference itself by August 14. The Spin2001 workshop homepage is


The Next SPIN Release (3.4.0)

The current release of Spin is stil 3.3.10. We are working on the next version though. There will be two significant changes in Spin version 3.4.0.

We hope to release Spin 3.4.0 in early September.

End of Newsletter Nr. 29.

Spin Homepage, spin_list@research.bell-labs.com