SPIN NEWS - Nr. 12 - June 4, 1996

Contents of this NewsLetter:

Workshop Details


The deadline for submissions to the SPIN96 workshop is:

	Saturday, June 15 1996, 24:00 GMT
We hope to send out another Spin NewsLetter by June 22 with more information about program, speakers, etc.


Please submit papers electronically in Postscript form, to one of the workshop organizers, or to:



Demonstrations of extended/revised/adapted versions of Spin are also actively solicited. Send proposals for demos also via email as above, before the deadline of June 15.


Some funds are available for financial support of graduate students. The deadline for applications for support is also June 15. In case we get more requests than we can honor, we will of course give priority to those who submit a paper to the workshop on work related to the Spin system.


We will try to confirm the presentation of papers quickly after the deadline, at the latest by June 19. If more papers are submitted than can be presented, we will give priority to original papers that can be included in the DIMACS Proceedings of the workshop. Papers can report either on research related to the Spin system, significant practical applications, comparative evaluations of model checkers, etc. Contributions selected for the DIMACS Proceedings will have to pass a final reviewing and editing cycle after the workshop. The proceedings will appear in book-form in early 1997.


You do not have to present a paper or give a demo to participate in the SPIN workshop. Anyone who wants to learn more about Spin or about verification or model checking in general, is encouraged to attend. Please do register in advance though, to help us get a reasonable estimate of the number participants.

Registration for the Spin Workshop is free. Information on travel and local accommodations can be found through the Dimacs Home Page:

(Our workshop is in the Special Year on Logic and Algorithms)

See also the links on our workshop home page

and especially:
To register, please send email to Pat Pravato:
and please cc:
with the registration form from:
Your registration email should include the following:
	Subject: SPIN96 Workshop

	Name:  ..................................	
	Title:  .................................	
	Affiliation:  ...........................      	
	Address:  ...............................	
	Country: ................................	
	Phone:  .................................	
	Fax:  ...................................	
	Email:  .................................
	Will you want to give a talk? (Y/N)
	Talk title/topic:  ......................
	Will you give a software demo? (Y/N)
	Demo title/topic:  ......................
	System Requirements: ....................

		Corporate Lab:_
		Other (Please describe):

Some recent papers

End of Newsletter Nr. 12.

Gerard J. Holzmann (gerard@research.bell-labs.com)