This note explains how to install the SLATEC Fortran 77 on-line
  documentation program sladoc.  The version which is distributed
  here assumes a Unix environment.  Those who wish to install
  sladoc on other environments will find that a few modifications
  are necessary.
  The routines in files slprep and subsid are compiled and linked to
  generate the SLPREP code.  SLPREP uses the SLATEC library source
  (slatec_src) and the classification file (gams) to generate the
  four documentation files slacat, sladaf, slakwd and slatbl.
  Then compile and link the codes in files sladoc and subsid and call the
  executable sladoc.  As structured, sladoc expects the four files
  slacat, sladaf, slakwd and slatbl to be in the current working
  directory.  These four files can be installed elsewhere and the
  SLADOC source modified.