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Minnesota Supercomputer Institute

Y. Saad and M. Sosonkina. Distributed Schur complement techniques for general sparse linear systems. Research Report UMSI 97/159, University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, October 1997.

T. C. Allison and D. G. Truhlar. Testing the accuracy of practical semiclassical methods: Variational transition state theory with optimized multidimensional tunneling. Research Report UMSI 97/163, University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, October 1997.

C. R. S. da Silva. A parallel implementation of a three-dimensional fast Fourier transform on CRAY T3E. Research Report UMSI 97/240, University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, December 1997.

Tom Rowan
Tue Dec 16 18:13:57 EST 1997