/************************************************************************ * * * The SB-Prolog System * * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986 * * * ************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public License for full details. Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* new assert using assert_fact, $db and rules */ $assert_export([$assert/1,$asserta/1,$asserta/2,$assertz/1,$assertz/2, $assert/2,$asserti/2,$assert/4,$assert_union/2,$assert_call_s/1, $assert_get_prref/2,$assert_put_prref/2,$assert_abolish_i/1]). /* $assert_use($meta,[$functor/3,$univ/2,$length/2]). $assert_use($blist,[$append/3,$member/2,$memberchk/2]). $assert_use($buff, [$alloc_perm/2,$alloc_heap/2,$trimbuff/3,$buff_code/4,$symtype/2, $substring/6,$subnumber/6,$subdelim/6,$conlength/2, $pred_undefined/1, $hashval/3]). $assert_use($bio,[$writename/1,$writeqname/1,$put/1,$nl/0,$tab/1, $tell/1,$tell/2,$telling/1,$told/0,$get/1,$get0/1,$see/1,$seeing/1, $seen/0]). $assert_use($db,[$db_new_prref/1,$db_assert_fact/5, $db_assert_fact/6,$db_assert_fact/7, $db_assert_fact/8, $db_add_clref/6, $db_call_prref/2,$db_call_prref_s/2,$db_call_prref_s/3, $db_call_clref/2,$db_get_clauses/3,$db_kill_clause/1]). */ $assert_exp_cut((Head:-Body),(Nhead:-Nbody)) :- !, $univ(Head,Hlist),$append(Hlist,[Cutpoint],Nhlist), $univ(Nhead,Nhlist), $assert_exp_cutb(Body,Nbody,Cutpoint). $assert_exp_cut(Head,Head). /* leave unchanged, Arity is one less */ $assert_exp_cutb(X,X,_) :- var(X),!. $assert_exp_cutb(!,'_$cutto'(Cutpoint),Cutpoint) :- !. $assert_exp_cutb((A,B,C,D),','(Na,Nb,Nc,Nd),Cutpoint) :- !, /* opt */ $assert_exp_cutb(A,Na,Cutpoint), $assert_exp_cutb(B,Nb,Cutpoint), $assert_exp_cutb(C,Nc,Cutpoint), $assert_exp_cutb(D,Nd,Cutpoint). $assert_exp_cutb((A,B),(Na,Nb),Cutpoint) :- !, $assert_exp_cutb(A,Na,Cutpoint), $assert_exp_cutb(B,Nb,Cutpoint). $assert_exp_cutb((A;B),(Na;Nb),Cutpoint) :- !, $assert_exp_cutb(A,Na,Cutpoint), $assert_exp_cutb(B,Nb,Cutpoint). $assert_exp_cutb((A->B),(A->Nb),Cutpoint) :- !, $assert_exp_cutb(B,Nb,Cutpoint). $assert_exp_cutb(X,X,_). $assert(Clause) :- $assert(Clause,1,0,_). $asserta(Clause) :- $assert(Clause,0,0,_). $asserta(Clause,Ref) :- $assert(Clause,0,0,Ref). $assertz(Clause) :- $assert(Clause,1,0,_). $assertz(Clause,Ref) :- $assert(Clause,1,0,Ref). $assert(Clause,Options) :- ($memberchk(index,Options) -> Index = 1 ; $memberchk(index(Index),Options) ; Index = 0 ), ($memberchk(q,Options) -> Flatten = 0 ; Flatten = 1), ($memberchk(first,Options) -> AZ = 0 ; AZ = 1), $assert(Clause,AZ,Index,Clref,Flatten). $asserti(Clause,Index) :- $assert(Clause,1,Index,_). $assert(Clause, AZ, Index, Clref) :- $assert(Clause, AZ, Index, Clref, 1). $assert(Clause, AZ, Index, Clref,Flatten) :- $assert_exp_cut(Clause,Nclause), /* write(Nclause),nl, */ $assert_cvt_dyn(Clause,Prref,Where,Supbuff), $db_assert_fact(Nclause,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,Flatten,Where,Supbuff). /* this is a translator for facts. It takes a term that represents a predicate call (a fact) and generates and writes the code corresponding to the fact into a buffer. It then asserts the fact by adding it to the end of the tryme-retryme-trustme sequence for the main predicate of the fact. */ /* $assert(Fact,AZ,Index,Clref): asserts a fact to a fact-defined predicate. Fact is the fact to assert. AZ is 0 for insertion as the first clause; 1 for insertion as the last clause. Index is the number of the argument on which to index; 0 for no indexing. Clref is returned as the clause reference of the fact newly asserted. */ $assert_cvt_dyn(Clause,Prref,Where,Supbuff) :- (Clause = (Fact:-B),! ; Clause=Fact), $symtype(Fact, SYMTYPE), (SYMTYPE =:= 1 -> /* already dynamic */ $assert_get_prref(Fact,Prref,Where,Supbuff) ; Where = 0, (SYMTYPE =:= 0 -> /* undefined, this is first clause */ $db_new_prref(Prref), $assert_put_prref(Fact,Prref) ; (SYMTYPE =:= 2 -> /* compiled, so convert */ $assert_cvt_buff(Fact,Ccls), $db_new_prref(Prref), $assert_put_prref(Fact,Prref), $arity(Fact,Arity1),Arity is Arity1+1, $db_add_clref(Fact,Arity,Prref,1,0,Ccls) ; $writename('Error, cannot assert into Buffer'),$nl,fail ) ) ). /* return a buffer with a branch to the clauses for Fact */ $assert_cvt_buff(Fact,Tbuff) :- $alloc_perm(16,Tbuff), /* buff to convert to dynamic */ $buff_code(Tbuff,0,14 /*ptv*/ ,Tbuff), /* back ptr */ $buff_code(Tbuff,10,3 /*pb*/ ,240 /*jump*/ ), $buff_code(Tbuff,11,3 /*pb*/ ,0), $buff_code(Tbuff,12,20 /*pepb*/ ,Fact). /* assert_union adds the clauses of the second predicate to the first predicate. E.g., given p(X,Y) and q(X,Y), it adds the rule p(X,Y) :- q(X,Y) as the last rule defining p. If p is not defined, then it results in the call of q being the only clause for p */ $assert_union(P,Q) :- $assert_cvt_buff(Q,Qclref), $assert_cvt_dyn(P,Prref,0,0), $arity(P,Arity1),Arity is Arity1+1, $db_add_clref(P,Arity,Prref,1,0,Qclref). /* This defines routines that can be used to assert facts onto the heap. */ /* We have introduced a new simulator instruction similar to the one used to translate variables in globalset. It is a branch instruction, called executev. It derefs its argument and if it is not a variable, does an execute to main functor symbol. (Execute has been modified so that when a buffer is called, it branches to disp 4 in the name.) If it is a variable, it gives an error message and fails. */ /* $assert_new_t_prref(Call,Prref,Supbuff): Call must be instantiated to a term (just used for getting psc). If that psc has no e.p. then this creates a permanent buffer containing an executev instruction, and the constant for the Supbuff, and points the e.p. of Call to it. A Prref is allocated and the target of the executev is set to that. If the psc already has an e.p., the predicate fails. */ $assert_new_t_prref(Call,Prref,Supbuff) :- $symtype(Call,Type), (Type =:= 1, /* dynamic */ $buff_code(Call,0,7 /*gepb*/ ,Vbuff), $buff_code(Vbuff,4,6 /*gb*/ ,249 /*noop*/ ), $buff_code(Vbuff,5,6,0), $buff_code(Vbuff,6,6,238 /* executev */ ), $buff_code(Vbuff,8,18 /*ubv*/ ,Prref), $db_new_prref(Prref,2,Supbuff), $buff_code(Vbuff,12,18 /*ubv*/ ,Supbuff), ! ; $buff_code(Call,0,11,0), /* this overrides everything!! */ /* allocate new executev instruction, and supbuff ptr */ $alloc_perm(16,Vbuff), /* must make permanent */ $buff_code(Vbuff,0,14,Vbuff), /* set back ptr */ $buff_code(Call,0,9 /*pep*/ ,Vbuff), $buff_code(Vbuff,4,3 /*pb*/ ,249 /*noop*/ ), $buff_code(Vbuff,5,3,0), $buff_code(Vbuff,6,3,238 /* executev */ ), $buff_code(Vbuff,7,3,0), $buff_code(Vbuff,8,12 /*fv*/ ,0), $buff_code(Vbuff,12,12 /*fv*/ ,0), $db_new_prref(Prref,2,Supbuff), $buff_code(Vbuff,8,18 /*ubv*/ ,Prref), $buff_code(Vbuff,12,18 /*ubv*/ ,Supbuff) ). /* $assert_alloc_t must be called first to declare that a predicate (or set of predicates) are to have facts asserted into them on the heap. It is given a list of Pred/Arity pairs and a size. That amount of heap space is reserved for facts to be asserted to these predicates. A temporary prref buffer is created. */ $assert_alloc_t(Palist,Size) :- $alloc_heap(Size,Sbuff), $assert_alloc_t1(Palist,Sbuff). $assert_alloc_t1([],_). $assert_alloc_t1([F|R],Supbuff) :- $assert_alloc_t1(F,Supbuff),$assert_alloc_t1(R,Supbuff). $assert_alloc_t1(P/A,Supbuff) :- $bldstr(P,A,Term), $assert_new_t_prref(Term,Prref,Supbuff). $assert_call_s(Goal) :- $assert_get_prref(Goal,Prref,_,_),$db_call_prref_s(Goal,Prref). /* $assert_get_prref(Fact,Prref,Where,Supbuff): where Fact is a literal, which should be dynamic. The e.p. field of the main functor symbol of Fact points to either a permanent prref, or a execv buffer that points to a temporary prref. If it is a permanent prref, Where is returned as 0; if a temporary, Where is set to 2, and Supbuff is bound to the superbuffer containing the clauses. */ $assert_get_prref(Fact,Prref) :- $assert_get_prref(Fact,Prref,_,_). $assert_get_prref(Fact,Prref,Where,Supbuff) :- $symtype(Fact,Type), (Type =:= 1 -> /*DYNA: must be dynamic */ $buff_code(Fact,0,7 /*gepb*/ ,Vbuff), ($buff_code(Vbuff,4,6 /*pb*/ ,249 /*noop*/ ), $buff_code(Vbuff,5,6,0), $buff_code(Vbuff,6,6,238 /* executev */ ), Where=2, $buff_code(Vbuff,8,18 /*ubv*/ ,Prref), $buff_code(Vbuff,12,18 /*ubv*/ ,Supbuff), ! ; Prref=Vbuff,Where=0 ) ; Type =\= 0, /* if undefined, just fail */ $writename('Error, Illegal Predicate ref: '), $write(Fact),$nl,fail ). /* $assert_put_prref(Fact,Prref): where Fact is a literal and Prref is an prref. Prref must be bound to an existing prref. The e.p. field of the psc entry for the main functor symbol of Fact is set to point to the Prref. */ $assert_put_prref(Fact,Prref) :- $buff_code(Fact,0,9 /*pep*/ ,Prref). /* $assert_abolish_i(Fact): initializes the predicate that is the main functor symbol of Fact to be empty, by allocating a new empty Prref and assigning it. */ $assert_abolish_i(Fact) :- $db_new_prref(Prref),$assert_put_prref(Fact,Prref).