\documentstyle{article} \begin{document} The following changes must be made to port SCHEDULE programs from the Alliant to the Encore. \vspace{3mm} In the file {\em putq.c}, the line \vspace{3mm} \# include $<$sys$/$wait.h$>$ \vspace{3mm} must be added at the beginning\vspace{3mm} of the file. A dummy structure must be created around the structure parms and then a call to share placed (in sched) using the address of this dummy structure. Also all references to the variable indx will now have a prefix (such as in.indx in my example). \vspace{3mm} . After the call to libopn(), the subroutine WAIT must be called nprocs-1 times. \vspace{3mm} After the loop in work, a test must be made and all processes that are not the master are killed off with a call to EXIT \vspace{3mm}. In the file ftsubs.f, all the common blocks must be padded by a dummy array(at least one page-foo(600) works) and a starting and ending location. Then the first executable statement in libopn should be a call to share for each common block. \vspace{3mm} Each lockon and lockoff should be changed to spinlock and spinunlock. \end{document}