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List of Notation


1D 		 One-dimensional (as in 1D data distribution)

tex2html_wrap_inline12064 Bandwidth (or throughput) for the network

2D Two-dimensional (as in 2D data distribution)

tex2html_wrap_inline12066 Total number of floating-point operations 

tex2html_wrap_inline12070 Total number of messages 

CSRC_ Entry in DESC_ indicating the process column over which

the first column of the array is distributed 

CTXT_ Entry in DESC_ indicating the BLACS context associated with the

global array  

tex2html_wrap_inline12074 Total number of data items communicated 

DESC_ Array descriptor for a global array 

DESCA Array descriptor for global array A

DESCB Array descriptor for global array B

DLEN_ Length of the descriptor DESC_ 

DTYPE_ First entry of the descriptor DESC_, identifying

the descriptor type  

E() Estimated parallel efficiency 

tex2html_wrap_inline12088 Time per floating point operation in matrix-matrix multiply 

Gflop/s Gigaflops (tex2html_wrap_inline12092 floating point operations) per second

IA Global row index in the global array A indicating the

first row of tex2html_wrap_inline12098 

ICTXT BLACS context associated with a process grid 

INFO Output integer argument of driver and computational routines

indicating the success or failure of the routine

JA Global column index in the global array A indicating the

first column of tex2html_wrap_inline12098 

tex2html_wrap_inline12108 Least common multiple of (tex2html_wrap_inline12110) 

LLD_ Entry in DESC_ indicating the local leading dimension of the

local array 

tex2html_wrap_inline12116 Local leading dimension of the local array A

tex2html_wrap_inline12120 Local leading dimension of the local array B

tex2html_wrap_inline12124(K_) Number of columns that a process receives if tex2html_wrap_inline12126 columns

of a matrix are distributed over c columns of its process row. 

tex2html_wrap_inline12132(K_) Number of rows that a process would receive if tex2html_wrap_inline12126 rows

of a matrix are distributed over r rows of its process column. 

M Global number of rows of the distributed submatrix tex2html_wrap_inline12098

M_ Entry of DESC_ indicating the number of rows in the global


MB Global row block size for partitioning the global matrix

MB_ Entry in DESC_ indicating the block size used to distribute

the rows of the global array 

MB/s Megabyte per second

Mflop/s Megaflops (tex2html_wrap_inline12146 floating point operations) per second

MYCOL The calling process's column coordinate in the process grid. 

MYROW The calling process's row coordinate in the process grid 

N Global number of columns of the distributed submatrix tex2html_wrap_inline12098

N_ Entry of DESC_ indicating the number of columns in the

global array 

NB Global column block size for partitioning the global matrix

NB_ Entry in DESC_ indicating the block size used to distribute

the columns of the global array 

NBRHS Global column block size for the solution matrix 

NPCOL Number of process columns in the process grid (equivalent to tex2html_wrap_inline12162) 

NPROCS Total number of processes in the process grid (equivalent to P) 

NPROW Number of process rows in the process grid (equivalent to tex2html_wrap_inline12172) 

NRHS Global number of columns in the global solution matrix B 

NUMROC TOOLS routine used to calculate the number of rows or columns

in a local array 

P Total number of processes in the process grid, i.e., tex2html_wrap_inline12182 

tex2html_wrap_inline12162 Number of process columns in the process grid 

tex2html_wrap_inline12172 Number of process rows in the process grid 

RSRC_ Entry in DESC_ indicating the process row over which the

first row of the array is distributed 

tex2html_wrap_inline12098 Distributed submatrix A(IA:IA+M-1,JA:JA+N-1)

T() Estimated parallel execution time 

tex2html_wrap_inline12198() Estimated serial execution time 

tex2html_wrap_inline12202 Time per floating-point operation (typically tex2html_wrap_inline12204) 

tex2html_wrap_inline12208 Time per message (latency) 

tex2html_wrap_inline12212 Time required to solve a problem of size N on P processors 

tex2html_wrap_inline12220 Time required to solve a problem of size N/2 on P processors 

tex2html_wrap_inline12228 Time per data item communicated 

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Susan Blackford
Tue May 13 09:21:01 EDT 1997