This section presents the instructions for installing ScaLAPACK and
running a simple example program in parallel.
The example assumes that the underlying system is a Sun Solaris system;
the problem is run on one physical processor, using
six processes that do message passing.
The example uses MPI as the message-passing layer. The version of
MPI used in this example is MPICH (version 1.0.13), and we assume
the user has this version installed. MPICH
is a freely available, portable implementation of MPI.
If MPICH is not installed, refer to
If this is run on a different architecture, the user will have to make
a number of changes. In particular, the prebuilt libraries will have
to be changed. If prebuilt libraries do not exist for the specific architecture,
the user will need to download the source
( and build
To use ScaLAPACK for the first time (on a network of workstations using MPI), one should
gunzip scalapack_SUN4SOL2.tar.gz tar xvf scalapack_SUN4SOL2.tar rm scalapack_SUN4SOL2.tar(Note that this tar file contains the library archive and the used to build the library. Details of compiler flags, etc. can be found in this make include file.)
gunzip blacs_MPI-SUN4SOL2-0.tar.gz tar xvf blacs_MPI-SUN4SOL2-0.tar rm blacs_MPI-SUN4SOL2-0.tar(Note that this tar file contains the library archive(s) and the used to build the library. Details of compiler flags, etc. can be found in this make include file.)
If not available, download reference implementation (about 1 MB) into directory SCALAPACK/BLAS, compile, and build the library.
mkdir BLAS cd BLASDownload
sh blas.shar f77 -O -f -c *.f ar cr ../blas_SUN4SOL2.a *.o cd ..(Note that this reference implementation of the BLAS will not deliver high performance.)
sun4sol2> f77 -f -o example1 example1.f scalapack_SUN4SOL2.a \ blacsF77init_MPI-SUN4SOL2-0.a blacs_MPI-SUN4SOL2-0.a \ blacsF77init_MPI-SUN4SOL2-0.a blas_SUN4SOL2.a \ $MPI_ROOT/lib/solaris/ch_p4/libmpi.a -lnsl -lsocket example1.f: MAIN example1: matinit:Note that the -lnsl -lsocket libraries are machine specific to Solaris. Refer to the for details. MPICH can be found in the directory $MPI_ROOT. On our system we did
sun4sol2> setenv MPI_ROOT /src/icl/MPI/mpich
To run an MPI program with MPICH, one will need to add $MPI_ROOT/bin to the path. On our system we did
sun4sol2> set path = ($path $MPI_ROOT/bin)
To run the example:
sun4sol2> mpirun -np 6 example1
The example runs on six processes and prints out a statement that ``the solution is correct'' or ``the solution is incorrect''.