Next: Index of Auxiliary Routines
Up: Index of ScaLAPACK Routines
Previous: Index of Driver and
- This index lists related pairs of real and complex routines together,
for example, PSGETRF and PCGETRF.
- Driver routines are listed in bold type, for example, PSGESV and
- Routines are listed in alphanumeric order
of the real (single precision) routine name (which always begins with PS-).
(See section 3.1.3 for details of the ScaLAPACK naming scheme.)
- Double precision routines are not listed here;
they have names beginning with PD- instead of
PS-, or PZ- instead of PC-.
- This index gives only a brief description of the purpose of each
routine. For a precise description, consult the Specifications
in Part ii, where the routines appear in the same
order as here.
- The text of the descriptions applies to both real and complex routines,
except where alternative words or phrases are indicated, for example,
``symmetric/Hermitian'', ``orthogonal/unitary'',
or ``quasi-triangular/triangular''. For the real routines
is equivalent
(The same convention is used in Part ii.)
- A few routines for real matrices have no complex equivalent (for example,

Susan Blackford
Tue May 13 09:21:01 EDT 1997