* * SUBROUTINE PCSEPCHK( MS, NV, A, IA, JA, DESCA, EPSNORMA, THRESH, $ Q, IQ, JQ, DESCQ, C, IC, JC, DESCC, W, WORK, $ LWORK, TSTNRM, RESULT ) * * -- ScaLAPACK routine (version 2.0.2) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver * May 1 2012 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER IA, IC, IQ, JA, JC, JQ, LWORK, MS, NV, RESULT REAL EPSNORMA, THRESH, TSTNRM * .. * .. Array Arguments .. * INTEGER DESCA( * ), DESCC( * ), DESCQ( * ) REAL W( * ), WORK( * ) COMPLEX A( * ), C( * ), Q( * ) * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * Compute |AQ- QL| / (EPSNORMA * N) * where EPSNORMA = (abstol + eps)*norm(A) when called by pdsqpsubtst. * * Notes * ===== * * * Each global data object is described by an associated description * vector. This vector stores the information required to establish * the mapping between an object element and its corresponding process * and memory location. * * Let A be a generic term for any 2D block cyclicly distributed array. * Such a global array has an associated description vector DESCA. * In the following comments, the character _ should be read as * "of the global array". * * NOTATION STORED IN EXPLANATION * --------------- -------------- -------------------------------------- * DTYPE_A(global) DESCA( DTYPE_ )The descriptor type. In this case, * DTYPE_A = 1. * CTXT_A (global) DESCA( CTXT_ ) The BLACS context handle, indicating * the BLACS process grid A is distribu- * ted over. The context itself is glo- * bal, but the handle (the integer * value) may vary. * M_A (global) DESCA( M_ ) The number of rows in the global * array A. * N_A (global) DESCA( N_ ) The number of columns in the global * array A. * MB_A (global) DESCA( MB_ ) The blocking factor used to distribute * the rows of the array. * NB_A (global) DESCA( NB_ ) The blocking factor used to distribute * the columns of the array. * RSRC_A (global) DESCA( RSRC_ ) The process row over which the first * row of the array A is distributed. * CSRC_A (global) DESCA( CSRC_ ) The process column over which the * first column of the array A is * distributed. * LLD_A (local) DESCA( LLD_ ) The leading dimension of the local * array. LLD_A >= MAX(1,LOCr(M_A)). * * Let K be the number of rows or columns of a distributed matrix, * and assume that its process grid has dimension p x q. * LOCr( K ) denotes the number of elements of K that a process * would receive if K were distributed over the p processes of its * process column. * Similarly, LOCc( K ) denotes the number of elements of K that a * process would receive if K were distributed over the q processes of * its process row. * The values of LOCr() and LOCc() may be determined via a call to the * ScaLAPACK tool function, NUMROC: * LOCr( M ) = NUMROC( M, MB_A, MYROW, RSRC_A, NPROW ), * LOCc( N ) = NUMROC( N, NB_A, MYCOL, CSRC_A, NPCOL ). * An upper bound for these quantities may be computed by: * LOCr( M ) <= ceil( ceil(M/MB_A)/NPROW )*MB_A * LOCc( N ) <= ceil( ceil(N/NB_A)/NPCOL )*NB_A * * * Arguments * ========= * * MP = number of local rows in A, C and Q * MQ = number of local columns in A * NQ = number of local columns in C and Q * * MS (global input) INTEGER * Matrix size. * The number of global rows in A, C and Q * Also, the number of global columns in A * * NV (global input) INTEGER * Number of eigenvectors * The number of global columns in C and Q. * * A (local input) COMPLEX pointer to an * array in local memory of dimension (LLD_A, LOCc(JA+N-1)). * This array contains the local pieces of the MS-by-MS * distributed test matrix A * * IA (global input) INTEGER * A's global row index, which points to the beginning of the * submatrix which is to be operated on. * * JA (global input) INTEGER * A's global column index, which points to the beginning of * the submatrix which is to be operated on. * * DESCA (global and local input) INTEGER array of dimension DLEN_. * The array descriptor for the distributed matrix A. * * EPSNORMA (input) REAL * abstol + eps * inf.norm(A) * Abstol is absolute tolerence for the eigenvalues and is set * in the calling routines, pdsepsubtst and pdsqpsubtst. * * THRESH (input) REAL * A test will count as "failed" if the "error", computed as * described below, exceeds THRESH. Note that the error * is scaled to be O(1), so THRESH should be a reasonably * small multiple of 1, e.g., 10 or 100. In particular, * it should not depend on the precision (single vs. double) * or the size of the matrix. It must be at least zero. * * Q (local input) COMPLEX array * global dimension (MS, NV), local dimension (DESCA(DLEN_), NQ) * * Contains the eigenvectors as computed by PCHEEVX * * IQ (global input) INTEGER * Q's global row index, which points to the beginning of the * submatrix which is to be operated on. * * JQ (global input) INTEGER * Q's global column index, which points to the beginning of * the submatrix which is to be operated on. * * DESCQ (global and local input) INTEGER array of dimension DLEN_. * The array descriptor for the distributed matrix Q. * * C (local workspace) COMPLEX array, * global dimension (NV, NV), local dimension (DESCA(DLEN_), MQ) * * Accumulator for computing AQ -QL * * IC (global input) INTEGER * C's global row index, which points to the beginning of the * submatrix which is to be operated on. * * JC (global input) INTEGER * C's global column index, which points to the beginning of * the submatrix which is to be operated on. * * DESCC (global and local input) INTEGER array of dimension DLEN_. * The array descriptor for the distributed matrix C. * * W (global input) REAL array, dimension (NV) * * Contains the computed eigenvalues * * WORK (local workspace) REAL array, * dimension (LWORK) * * LWORK (local input) INTEGER * The length of the array WORK. * LWORK >= NUMROC( NV, DESCA( NB_ ), MYCOL, 0, NPCOL ) * * TSTNRM (global output) REAL * |AQ- QL| / ( EPSNROMA * MS ) * * RESULT (global output) INTEGER * 0 if the test passes i.e. * |AQ -QL| / (abstol + eps * norm(A) ) <= n* THRESH * 1 if the test fails i.e. * |AQ -QL| / (abstol + eps * norm(A) ) > n * THRESH * * .. Local Scalars .. * INTEGER INFO, J, LOCALCOL, MP, MYCOL, MYROW, NPCOL, $ NPROW, NQ, PCOL REAL NORM * .. * .. Parameters .. INTEGER BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D, DLEN_, DTYPE_, CTXT_, M_, N_, $ MB_, NB_, RSRC_, CSRC_, LLD_ PARAMETER ( BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D = 1, DLEN_ = 9, DTYPE_ = 1, $ CTXT_ = 2, M_ = 3, N_ = 4, MB_ = 5, NB_ = 6, $ RSRC_ = 7, CSRC_ = 8, LLD_ = 9 ) COMPLEX ONE, NEGONE PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0E+0, NEGONE = -1.0E+0 ) * .. * .. External Functions .. INTEGER INDXG2L, INDXG2P, NUMROC REAL PCLANGE EXTERNAL INDXG2L, INDXG2P, NUMROC, PCLANGE * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL BLACS_GRIDINFO, CHK1MAT, CLACPY, CSSCAL, $ PCGEMM, PXERBLA * .. * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MAX * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * This is just to keep ftnchek happy IF( BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D*CSRC_*CTXT_*DLEN_*DTYPE_*LLD_*MB_*M_*NB_*N_* $ RSRC_.LT.0 )RETURN * RESULT = 0 * CALL BLACS_GRIDINFO( DESCA( CTXT_ ), NPROW, NPCOL, MYROW, MYCOL ) * INFO = 0 CALL CHK1MAT( MS, 1, MS, 1, IA, JA, DESCA, 6, INFO ) CALL CHK1MAT( MS, 1, NV, 2, IQ, JQ, DESCQ, 12, INFO ) CALL CHK1MAT( MS, 1, NV, 2, IC, JC, DESCC, 16, INFO ) * IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN * MP = NUMROC( MS, DESCA( MB_ ), MYROW, 0, NPROW ) NQ = NUMROC( NV, DESCA( NB_ ), MYCOL, 0, NPCOL ) * IF( IQ.NE.1 ) THEN INFO = -10 ELSE IF( JQ.NE.1 ) THEN INFO = -11 ELSE IF( IA.NE.1 ) THEN INFO = -4 ELSE IF( JA.NE.1 ) THEN INFO = -5 ELSE IF( IC.NE.1 ) THEN INFO = -14 ELSE IF( JC.NE.1 ) THEN INFO = -15 ELSE IF( LWORK.LT.NQ ) THEN INFO = -19 END IF END IF * IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN CALL PXERBLA( DESCA( CTXT_ ), 'PCSEPCHK', -INFO ) RETURN END IF * * C = Q * W * CALL CLACPY( 'A', MP, NQ, Q, DESCQ( LLD_ ), C, DESCC( LLD_ ) ) * * DO 10 J = 1, NV PCOL = INDXG2P( J, DESCC( NB_ ), 0, 0, NPCOL ) LOCALCOL = INDXG2L( J, DESCC( NB_ ), 0, 0, NPCOL ) * IF( MYCOL.EQ.PCOL ) THEN CALL CSSCAL( MP, W( J ), C( ( LOCALCOL-1 )*DESCC( LLD_ )+ $ 1 ), 1 ) END IF 10 CONTINUE * * * C = C - A * Q * CALL PCGEMM( 'N', 'N', MS, NV, MS, NEGONE, A, 1, 1, DESCA, Q, 1, $ 1, DESCQ, ONE, C, 1, 1, DESCC ) * * Compute the norm of C * * NORM = PCLANGE( 'M', MS, NV, C, 1, 1, DESCC, WORK ) * * TSTNRM = NORM / EPSNORMA / MAX( MS, 1 ) * IF( TSTNRM.GT.THRESH .OR. ( TSTNRM-TSTNRM.NE.0.0E0 ) ) THEN RESULT = 1 END IF * * RETURN * * End of PCSEPCHK * END