#include "Bdef.h" /* * Define global variables */ int BI_MaxNCtxt=0; /* Number of context pointers allocated */ int BI_MaxNSysCtxt=0; /* Number of system ctxt ptrs allocated */ int BI_Iam, BI_Np=(-1); /* My pnum, and # of procs in system */ BLACBUFF *BI_ReadyB=NULL; /* buffer that is ready for use */ BLACBUFF *BI_ActiveQ=NULL; /* pointer to start of active buffer queue */ BLACBUFF BI_AuxBuff; BLACSCONTEXT **BI_MyContxts=NULL; /* Array of pointers to my contexts */ MPI_Comm *BI_SysContxts=NULL; int *BI_COMM_WORLD=NULL; MPI_Status *BI_Stats=NULL;