#include "Bdef.h" void BI_Asend(BLACSCONTEXT *ctxt, int dest, int msgid, BLACBUFF *bp) { int i, info, errclass; info=MPI_Isend(bp->Buff, bp->N, bp->dtype, dest, msgid, ctxt->scp->comm, &bp->Aops[bp->nAops]); while(info != MPI_SUCCESS) { i=MPI_Error_class(info, &errclass); if ( (errclass != MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN) && (errclass != MPI_ERR_OTHER) && (errclass != MPI_ERR_INTERN) ) { Mmpierror(info, "MPI_Isend", ctxt, __LINE__, __FILE__); BI_BlacsErr(BI_ContxtNum(ctxt), __LINE__, __FILE__, "MPI error %d on call to MPI_Isend", info); } #if (BlacsDebugLvl > 0) else BI_BlacsWarn(BI_ContxtNum(ctxt), __LINE__, __FILE__, "MPI error %d assumed to mean out of non-blocking resources on call to MPI_Isend", info); #endif info=MPI_Isend(bp->Buff, bp->N, bp->dtype, dest, msgid, ctxt->scp->comm, &bp->Aops[bp->nAops]); } bp->nAops++; }