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Tests for the ScaLAPACK SEP routines

The following tests will be performed on PxSYEV/PxHEEV, PxSYEVX/PxHEEVX and PxSYEVD/PxHEEVD:

$\displaystyle r_1$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{\left\Vert A Z - Z L \right\Vert}
{abstol + ulp \, \left\Vert A \right\Vert}$  
$\displaystyle r_2$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{\left\Vert Z^* Z - I \right\Vert}
{ulp \, \left\Vert A \right\Vert}$  

where $Z$ is the matrix of eigenvectors returned when the eigenvector option is given, $L$ is the matrix of eigenvalues, $ulp$ represents PxLAMCH( ICTXT, 'P' ), and $abstol$ represents $ulp \ast \left\Vert A

The tester allows multiple test requests to be controlled from a single input file. Each test request is controlled by the following inputs:

Values of N
N = The matrix size
Values of P, Q, NB
P = NPROW, the number of processor rows
Q = NPCOL, the number of processor columns
NB = the block size
Values of the matrix types
See Section 3.11.1.
Number of eigen requests
1 = Test full eigendecomposition only
8 = Test the following eigen requests:
Full eigendecomposition
All eigenvalues, no eigenvectors
Eigenvalues requested by value (i.e. VL,VU)
Eigenvalues and vectors requested by value
Eigenvalues requested by index (i.e. IL, IU)
Eigenvalues and vectors requested by index
Full eigendecomposition with minimal workspace provided
Full eigendecomposition with random workspace provided
The highest value of $r_1, r_2$ and $r_3$ that will be accepted.
Absolute tolerance
Must be -1.0 to ensure orthogonal eigenvectors
Print Request
1 = Print every test
2 = Print only failing tests and a summary of the request

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Susan Blackford 2001-08-12