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The inversion test driver tests five different matrix types - general
nonsymmetric (GEN), general upper or lower triangular (UTR and LTR),
and symmetric positive definite (upper or lower triangular) (UPD or
- If GEN, compute the LU factorization using PxGETRF, and then compute the inverse
by invoking PxGETRI
- If UTR or LTR, set UPLO='U' or UPLO='L' respectively, and compute the inverse
by invoking PxTRTRI
- If UPD or LPD, set UPLO='U' or UPLO='L' respectively, compute the Cholesky
factorization using PxPOTRF, and then compute the inverse by invoking PxPOTRI
- Compute the ratio
Susan Blackford