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Run the REDIST Test Suite
The redistribution/copy routines allow the
redistribution of a 2-D block cyclic distributed general or trapezoidal
matrix from an arbitrary grid with arbitrary blocksize to
another grid with arbitrary
- a)
- Go to the directory SCALAPACK/REDIST/TESTING.
- b)
- Type make followed by the data types desired. The testing executables
are called xigemr, xsgemr, xdgemr, xcgemr, xzgemr for the redistribution of general matrices. They are called
xitrmr, xstrmr, xdtrmr, xctrmr, and xztrmr
for trapezoidal
matrices, and are created in the REDISTdir/TESTING directory as
defined in
There is one input file GEMR2D.dat for general matrices, and one
input file TRMR2D.dat for trapezoidal matrices.
Each line of the input file is a separate test.
Susan Blackford