ScaLAPACK 2.1  2.1
ScaLAPACK: Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 *
3 * -- PBLAS auxiliary routine (version 2.0) --
4 * University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
5 * and University of California, Berkeley.
6 * April 1, 1998
7 *
8 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10 /*
11 * Include files
12 */
13 #include "../pblas.h"
14 #include "../PBpblas.h"
15 #include "../PBtools.h"
16 #include "../PBblacs.h"
17 #include "../PBblas.h"
19 #ifdef __STDC__
20 void PB_Cplapad( PBTYP_T * TYPE, char * UPLO, char * CONJUG, int M,
21  int N, char * ALPHA, char * BETA, char * A, int IA,
22  int JA, int * DESCA )
23 #else
24 void PB_Cplapad( TYPE, UPLO, CONJUG, M, N, ALPHA, BETA, A, IA, JA,
25  DESCA )
26 /*
27 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
28 */
29  char * CONJUG, * UPLO;
30  int IA, JA, M, N;
31  char * ALPHA, * BETA;
33 /*
34 * .. Array Arguments ..
35 */
36  int * DESCA;
37  char * A;
38 #endif
39 {
40 /*
41 * Purpose
42 * =======
43 *
44 * PB_Cplapad initializes an m by n submatrix A(IA:IA+M-1,JA:JA+N-1)
45 * denoted by sub( A ) to beta on the diagonal or zeros the imaginary
46 * part of those diagonals and set the offdiagonals to alpha.
47 *
48 * Notes
49 * =====
50 *
51 * A description vector is associated with each 2D block-cyclicly dis-
52 * tributed matrix. This vector stores the information required to
53 * establish the mapping between a matrix entry and its corresponding
54 * process and memory location.
55 *
56 * In the following comments, the character _ should be read as
57 * "of the distributed matrix". Let A be a generic term for any 2D
58 * block cyclicly distributed matrix. Its description vector is DESC_A:
59 *
61 * ---------------- --------------- ------------------------------------
62 * DTYPE_A (global) DESCA[ DTYPE_ ] The descriptor type.
63 * CTXT_A (global) DESCA[ CTXT_ ] The BLACS context handle, indicating
64 * the NPROW x NPCOL BLACS process grid
65 * A is distributed over. The context
66 * itself is global, but the handle
67 * (the integer value) may vary.
68 * M_A (global) DESCA[ M_ ] The number of rows in the distribu-
69 * ted matrix A, M_A >= 0.
70 * N_A (global) DESCA[ N_ ] The number of columns in the distri-
71 * buted matrix A, N_A >= 0.
72 * IMB_A (global) DESCA[ IMB_ ] The number of rows of the upper left
73 * block of the matrix A, IMB_A > 0.
74 * INB_A (global) DESCA[ INB_ ] The number of columns of the upper
75 * left block of the matrix A,
76 * INB_A > 0.
77 * MB_A (global) DESCA[ MB_ ] The blocking factor used to distri-
78 * bute the last M_A-IMB_A rows of A,
79 * MB_A > 0.
80 * NB_A (global) DESCA[ NB_ ] The blocking factor used to distri-
81 * bute the last N_A-INB_A columns of
82 * A, NB_A > 0.
83 * RSRC_A (global) DESCA[ RSRC_ ] The process row over which the first
84 * row of the matrix A is distributed,
85 * NPROW > RSRC_A >= 0.
86 * CSRC_A (global) DESCA[ CSRC_ ] The process column over which the
87 * first column of A is distributed.
88 * NPCOL > CSRC_A >= 0.
89 * LLD_A (local) DESCA[ LLD_ ] The leading dimension of the local
90 * array storing the local blocks of
91 * the distributed matrix A,
92 * IF( Lc( 1, N_A ) > 0 )
93 * LLD_A >= MAX( 1, Lr( 1, M_A ) )
94 * ELSE
95 * LLD_A >= 1.
96 *
97 * Let K be the number of rows of a matrix A starting at the global in-
98 * dex IA,i.e, A( IA:IA+K-1, : ). Lr( IA, K ) denotes the number of rows
99 * that the process of row coordinate MYROW ( 0 <= MYROW < NPROW ) would
100 * receive if these K rows were distributed over NPROW processes. If K
101 * is the number of columns of a matrix A starting at the global index
102 * JA, i.e, A( :, JA:JA+K-1, : ), Lc( JA, K ) denotes the number of co-
103 * lumns that the process MYCOL ( 0 <= MYCOL < NPCOL ) would receive if
104 * these K columns were distributed over NPCOL processes.
105 *
106 * The values of Lr() and Lc() may be determined via a call to the func-
107 * tion PB_Cnumroc:
108 * Lr( IA, K ) = PB_Cnumroc( K, IA, IMB_A, MB_A, MYROW, RSRC_A, NPROW )
109 * Lc( JA, K ) = PB_Cnumroc( K, JA, INB_A, NB_A, MYCOL, CSRC_A, NPCOL )
110 *
111 * Arguments
112 * =========
113 *
114 * TYPE (local input) pointer to a PBTYP_T structure
115 * On entry, TYPE is a pointer to a structure of type PBTYP_T,
116 * that contains type information (See pblas.h).
117 *
118 * UPLO (global input) pointer to CHAR
119 * On entry, UPLO specifies the part of the submatrix sub( A )
120 * to be set:
121 * = 'L' or 'l': Lower triangular part is set; the strictly
122 * upper triangular part of sub( A ) is not changed;
123 * = 'U' or 'u': Upper triangular part is set; the strictly
124 * lower triangular part of sub( A ) is not changed;
125 * Otherwise: All of the matrix sub( A ) is set.
126 *
127 * CONJUG (global input) pointer to CHAR
128 * On entry, CONJUG specifies what should be done to the diago-
129 * nals as follows. When UPLO is 'L', 'l', 'U' or 'u' and CONJUG
130 * is 'Z' or 'z', the imaginary part of the diagonals is set to
131 * zero. Otherwise, the diagonals are set to beta.
132 *
133 * M (global input) INTEGER
134 * On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the submatrix
135 * sub( A ). M must be at least zero.
136 *
137 * N (global input) INTEGER
138 * On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the submatrix
139 * sub( A ). N must be at least zero.
140 *
141 * ALPHA (global input) pointer to CHAR
142 * On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha, i.e., the cons-
143 * tant to which the offdiagonal elements are to be set.
144 *
145 * BETA (global input) pointer to CHAR
146 * On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta, i.e., the constant
147 * to which the diagonal elements are to be set. BETA is not re-
148 * ferenced when UPLO is 'L', 'l', 'U' or 'u' and CONJUG is 'Z'.
149 *
150 * A (local input/local output) pointer to CHAR
151 * On entry, A is an array of dimension (LLD_A, Ka), where Ka is
152 * at least Lc( 1, JA+N-1 ). Before entry, this array contains
153 * the local entries of the matrix A to be set. On exit, the
154 * leading m by n submatrix sub( A ) is set as follows:
155 *
156 * UPLO = 'L' or 'l', A(IA+i-1,JA+j-1)=ALPHA, j+1<=i<=M, 1<=j<=N
157 * UPLO = 'U' or 'u', A(IA+i-1,JA+j-1)=ALPHA, 1<=i<=j-1, 1<=j<=N
158 * otherwise, A(IA+i-1,JA+j-1)=ALPHA, 1<=i<=M, 1<=j<=N
159 * and IA+i.NE.JA+j,
160 * and, for all UPLO, A(IA+i-1,JA+i-1) = BETA, 1<=i<=min(M,N).
161 *
162 * IA (global input) INTEGER
163 * On entry, IA specifies A's global row index, which points to
164 * the beginning of the submatrix sub( A ).
165 *
166 * JA (global input) INTEGER
167 * On entry, JA specifies A's global column index, which points
168 * to the beginning of the submatrix sub( A ).
169 *
170 * DESCA (global and local input) INTEGER array
171 * On entry, DESCA is an integer array of dimension DLEN_. This
172 * is the array descriptor for the matrix A.
173 *
174 * -- Written on April 1, 1998 by
175 * Antoine Petitet, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996, USA.
176 *
177 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
178 */
179 /*
180 * .. Local Scalars ..
181 */
182  char type;
183  int Acol, Aii, Aimb1, Ainb1, Ajj, Akp, Akq, Ald, Amb, Amp, Amp0,
184  Anb, Anq, Anq0, Arow, ctxt, izero=0, k, kb, ktmp, mn, mycol,
185  myrow, nb, npcol, nprow, size;
186  TZPAD_T pad;
187 /*
188 * .. Local Arrays ..
189 */
190  int Ad0[DLEN_];
191  char * Aptr = NULL;
192 /* ..
193 * .. Executable Statements ..
194 *
195 */
196 /*
197 * Quick return if possible
198 */
199  if( ( M <= 0 ) || ( N <= 0 ) ) return;
200 /*
201 * Retrieve process grid information
202 */
203  Cblacs_gridinfo( ( ctxt = DESCA[CTXT_] ), &nprow, &npcol, &myrow, &mycol );
204 /*
205 * Compute descriptor Ad0 for sub( A )
206 */
207  PB_Cdescribe( M, N, IA, JA, DESCA, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol, &Aii, &Ajj,
208  &Ald, &Aimb1, &Ainb1, &Amb, &Anb, &Arow, &Acol, Ad0 );
209 /*
210 * Quick return if I don't own any of sub( A ).
211 */
212  Amp = PB_Cnumroc( M, 0, Aimb1, Amb, myrow, Arow, nprow );
213  Anq = PB_Cnumroc( N, 0, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
214  if( ( Amp <= 0 ) || ( Anq <= 0 ) ) return;
216  size = TYPE->size; type = TYPE->type; pad = TYPE->Ftzpad;
217  Aptr = Mptr( A, Aii, Ajj, Ald, size );
218 /*
219 * When the entire sub( A ) needs to be padded and alpha is equal to beta, or
220 * sub( A ) is replicated in all processes, just call the local routine.
221 */
222  if( type == SREAL )
223  {
224  if( ( ( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CALL ) &&
225  ( ((float*)(ALPHA))[REAL_PART] ==
226  ((float*)(BETA ))[REAL_PART] ) ) ||
227  ( ( ( Arow < 0 ) || ( nprow == 1 ) ) &&
228  ( ( Acol < 0 ) || ( npcol == 1 ) ) ) )
229  {
230  pad( C2F_CHAR( UPLO ), C2F_CHAR( CONJUG ), &Amp, &Anq, &izero, ALPHA,
231  BETA, Aptr, &Ald );
232  return;
233  }
234  }
235  else if( type == DREAL )
236  {
237  if( ( ( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CALL ) &&
238  ( ((double*)(ALPHA))[REAL_PART] ==
239  ((double*)(BETA ))[REAL_PART] ) ) ||
240  ( ( ( Arow < 0 ) || ( nprow == 1 ) ) &&
241  ( ( Acol < 0 ) || ( npcol == 1 ) ) ) )
242  {
243  pad( C2F_CHAR( UPLO ), C2F_CHAR( CONJUG ), &Amp, &Anq, &izero, ALPHA,
244  BETA, Aptr, &Ald );
245  return;
246  }
247  }
248  else if( type == SCPLX )
249  {
250  if( ( ( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CALL ) &&
251  ( ((float*)(ALPHA))[REAL_PART] ==
252  ((float*)(BETA ))[REAL_PART] ) &&
253  ( ((float*)(ALPHA))[IMAG_PART] ==
254  ((float*)(BETA ))[IMAG_PART] ) ) ||
255  ( ( ( Arow < 0 ) || ( nprow == 1 ) ) &&
256  ( ( Acol < 0 ) || ( npcol == 1 ) ) ) )
257  {
258  pad( C2F_CHAR( UPLO ), C2F_CHAR( CONJUG ), &Amp, &Anq, &izero, ALPHA,
259  BETA, Aptr, &Ald );
260  return;
261  }
262  }
263  else if( type == DCPLX )
264  {
265  if( ( ( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CALL ) &&
266  ( ((double*)(ALPHA))[REAL_PART] ==
267  ((double*)(BETA ))[REAL_PART] ) &&
268  ( ((double*)(ALPHA))[IMAG_PART] ==
269  ((double*)(BETA ))[IMAG_PART] ) ) ||
270  ( ( ( Arow < 0 ) || ( nprow == 1 ) ) &&
271  ( ( Acol < 0 ) || ( npcol == 1 ) ) ) )
272  {
273  pad( C2F_CHAR( UPLO ), C2F_CHAR( CONJUG ), &Amp, &Anq, &izero, ALPHA,
274  BETA, Aptr, &Ald );
275  return;
276  }
277  }
278 /*
279 * Computational partitioning size is computed as the product of the logical
280 * value returned by pilaenv_ and two times the least common multiple of nprow
281 * and npcol.
282 */
283  nb = 2 * pilaenv_( &ctxt, C2F_CHAR( &type ) ) *
284  PB_Clcm( ( Arow >= 0 ? nprow : 1 ), ( Acol >= 0 ? npcol : 1 ) );
286  mn = MIN( M, N );
288  if( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CLOWER )
289  {
290 /*
291 * Lower triangle of sub( A ): proceed by block of columns. For each block of
292 * columns, operate on the logical diagonal block first and then the remaining
293 * rows of that block of columns.
294 */
295  for( k = 0; k < mn; k += nb )
296  {
297  kb = mn - k; ktmp = k + ( kb = MIN( kb, nb ) );
298  PB_Cplapd2( TYPE, UPLO, CONJUG, kb, kb, ALPHA, BETA, Aptr, k, k, Ad0 );
299  Akp = PB_Cnumroc( ktmp, 0, Aimb1, Amb, myrow, Arow, nprow );
300  Akq = PB_Cnumroc( k, 0, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
301  Anq0 = PB_Cnumroc( kb, k, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
302  if( ( Amp0 = Amp - Akp ) > 0 )
303  pad( C2F_CHAR( ALL ), C2F_CHAR( NOCONJG ), &Amp0, &Anq0, &izero,
304  ALPHA, ALPHA, Mptr( Aptr, Akp, Akq, Ald, size ), &Ald );
305  }
306  }
307  else if( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CUPPER )
308  {
309 /*
310 * Upper triangle of sub( A ): proceed by block of columns. For each block of
311 * columns, operate on the trailing rows and then the logical diagonal block
312 * of that block of columns. When M < N, the last columns of sub( A ) are
313 * handled together.
314 */
315  for( k = 0; k < mn; k += nb )
316  {
317  kb = mn - k; kb = MIN( kb, nb );
318  Akp = PB_Cnumroc( k, 0, Aimb1, Amb, myrow, Arow, nprow );
319  Akq = PB_Cnumroc( k, 0, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
320  Anq0 = PB_Cnumroc( kb, k, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
321  if( Akp > 0 )
322  pad( C2F_CHAR( ALL ), C2F_CHAR( NOCONJG ), &Akp, &Anq0, &izero,
323  ALPHA, ALPHA, Mptr( Aptr, 0, Akq, Ald, size ), &Ald );
324  PB_Cplapd2( TYPE, UPLO, CONJUG, kb, kb, ALPHA, BETA, Aptr, k, k, Ad0 );
325  }
326  if( ( Anq -= ( Akq += Anq0 ) ) > 0 )
327  pad( C2F_CHAR( ALL ), C2F_CHAR( NOCONJG ), &Amp, &Anq, &izero, ALPHA,
328  ALPHA, Mptr( Aptr, 0, Akq, Ald, size ), &Ald );
329  }
330  else
331  {
332 /*
333 * All of sub( A ): proceed by block of columns. For each block of columns,
334 * operate on the trailing rows, then the logical diagonal block, and finally
335 * the remaining rows of that block of columns. When M < N, the last columns
336 * of sub( A ) are handled together.
337 */
338  for( k = 0; k < mn; k += nb )
339  {
340  kb = mn - k; kb = MIN( kb, nb );
341  Akp = PB_Cnumroc( k, 0, Aimb1, Amb, myrow, Arow, nprow );
342  Akq = PB_Cnumroc( k, 0, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
343  Anq0 = PB_Cnumroc( kb, k, Ainb1, Anb, mycol, Acol, npcol );
344  if( Akp > 0 )
345  pad( C2F_CHAR( ALL ), C2F_CHAR( NOCONJG ), &Akp, &Anq0, &izero,
346  ALPHA, ALPHA, Mptr( Aptr, 0, Akq, Ald, size ), &Ald );
347  PB_Cplapd2( TYPE, UPLO, NOCONJG, kb, kb, ALPHA, BETA, Aptr, k, k,
348  Ad0 );
349  Akp = PB_Cnumroc( k+kb, 0, Aimb1, Amb, myrow, Arow, nprow );
350  if( ( Amp0 = Amp - Akp ) > 0 )
351  pad( C2F_CHAR( ALL ), C2F_CHAR( NOCONJG ), &Amp0, &Anq0, &izero,
352  ALPHA, ALPHA, Mptr( Aptr, Akp, Akq, Ald, size ), &Ald );
353  }
354  if( ( Anq -= ( Akq += Anq0 ) ) > 0 )
355  pad( C2F_CHAR( ALL ), C2F_CHAR( NOCONJG ), &Amp, &Anq, &izero, ALPHA,
356  ALPHA, Mptr( Aptr, 0, Akq, Ald, size ), &Ald );
357  }
358 /*
359 * End of PB_Cplapad
360 */
361 }
#define TYPE
Definition: clamov.c:7
void PB_Cplapd2()
#define NOCONJG
Definition: PBblas.h:45
#define REAL_PART
Definition: pblas.h:135
#define DLEN_
Definition: PBtools.h:48
#define DCPLX
Definition: pblas.h:472
void PB_Cdescribe()
Definition: pblas.h:288
int pilaenv_()
#define CALL
Definition: PBblas.h:24
#define CLOWER
Definition: PBblas.h:25
#define SREAL
Definition: pblas.h:469
int PB_Cnumroc()
#define ALL
Definition: PBblas.h:50
#define MIN(a_, b_)
Definition: PBtools.h:76
#define DREAL
Definition: pblas.h:470
#define C2F_CHAR(a)
Definition: pblas.h:121
void Cblacs_gridinfo()
Definition: pblas.h:325
#define Mupcase(C)
Definition: PBtools.h:83
#define CUPPER
Definition: PBblas.h:26
#define Mptr(a_, i_, j_, lda_, siz_)
Definition: PBtools.h:132
#define CTXT_
Definition: PBtools.h:38
#define IMAG_PART
Definition: pblas.h:136
#define SCPLX
Definition: pblas.h:471
int PB_Clcm()
void PB_Cplapad(PBTYP_T *TYPE, char *UPLO, char *CONJUG, int M, int N, char *ALPHA, char *BETA, char *A, int IA, int JA, int *DESCA)
Definition: PB_Cplapad.c:24