subroutine qc25f(f,a,b,omega,integr,nrmom,maxp1,ksave,result, * abserr,neval,resabs,resasc,momcom,chebmo) c***begin prologue qc25f c***date written 810101 (yymmdd) c***revision date 211011 (yymmdd) c***category no. h2a2a2 c***keywords integration rules for functions with cos or sin c factor, clenshaw-curtis, gauss-kronrod c***author piessens,robert,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven c de doncker,elise,appl. math. & progr. div. - k.u.leuven c***purpose to compute the integral i=integral of f(x) over (a,b) c where w(x) = cos(omega*x) or (wx)=sin(omega*x) c and to compute j=integral of abs(f) over (a,b). for small c value of omega or small intervals (a,b) 15-point gauss- c kronrod rule used. otherwise generalized clenshaw-curtis us c***description c c integration rules for functions with cos or sin factor c standard fortran subroutine c real version c c parameters c on entry c f - real c function subprogram defining the integrand c function f(x). the actual name for f needs to c be declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program. c c a - real c lower limit of integration c c b - real c upper limit of integration c c omega - real c parameter in the weight function c c integr - integer c indicates which weight function is to be used c integr = 1 w(x) = cos(omega*x) c integr = 2 w(x) = sin(omega*x) c c nrmom - integer c the length of interval (a,b) is equal to the length c of the original integration interval divided by c 2**nrmom (we suppose that the routine is used in an c adaptive integration process, otherwise set c nrmom = 0). nrmom must be zero at the first call. c c maxp1 - integer c gives an upper bound on the number of chebyshev c moments which can be stored, i.e. for the c intervals of lengths abs(bb-aa)*2**(-l), c l = 0,1,2, ..., maxp1-2. c c ksave - integer c key which is one when the moments for the c current interval have been computed c c on return c result - real c approximation to the integral i c c abserr - real c estimate of the modulus of the absolute c error, which should equal or exceed abs(i-result) c c neval - integer c number of integrand evaluations c c resabs - real c approximation to the integral j c c resasc - real c approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a)) c c on entry and return c momcom - integer c for each interval length we need to compute the c chebyshev moments. momcom counts the number of c intervals for which these moments have already been c computed. if or ksave = 1, the c chebyshev moments for the interval (a,b) have c already been computed and stored, otherwise we c compute them and we increase momcom. c c chebmo - real c array of dimension at least (maxp1,25) containing c the modified chebyshev moments for the first momcom c momcom interval lengths c c***references (none) c***routines called qcheb,qk15w,qwgtf,r1mach,sgtsl c***end prologue qc25f c real a,abserr,ac,an,an2,as,asap,ass,b,centr,chebmo, * cheb12,cheb24,conc,cons,cospar,d,qwgtf, * d1,r1mach,d2,estc,ests,f,fval,hlgth,oflow,omega,parint,par2, * par22,p2,p3,p4,resabs,resasc,resc12,resc24,ress12,ress24, * result,sinpar,v,x integer i,iers,integr,isym,j,k,ksave,m,maxp1,momcom,neval, * noequ,noeq1,nrmom c dimension chebmo(maxp1,25),cheb12(13),cheb24(25),d(25),d1(25), * d2(25),fval(25),v(28),x(11) c external f,qwgtf c c the vector x contains the values cos(k*pi/24) c k = 1, ...,11, to be used for the chebyshev expansion of f c data x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6),x(7),x(8),x(9), * x(10),x(11)/ * 0.9914448613738104e+00, 0.9659258262890683e+00, * 0.9238795325112868e+00, 0.8660254037844386e+00, * 0.7933533402912352e+00, 0.7071067811865475e+00, * 0.6087614290087206e+00, 0.5000000000000000e+00, * 0.3826834323650898e+00, 0.2588190451025208e+00, * 0.1305261922200516e+00/ c c list of major variables c ----------------------- c c centr - mid point of the integration interval c hlgth - half-length of the integration interval c fval - value of the function f at the points c (b-a)*0.5*cos(k*pi/12) + (b+a)*0.5, c k = 0, ..., 24 c cheb12 - coefficients of the chebyshev series expansion c of degree 12, for the function f, in the c interval (a,b) c cheb24 - coefficients of the chebyshev series expansion c of degree 24, for the function f, in the c interval (a,b) c resc12 - approximation to the integral of c cos(0.5*(b-a)*omega*x)*f(0.5*(b-a)*x+0.5*(b+a)) c over (-1,+1), using the chebyshev series c expansion of degree 12 c resc24 - approximation to the same integral, using the c chebyshev series expansion of degree 24 c ress12 - the analogue of resc12 for the sine c ress24 - the analogue of resc24 for the sine c c c machine dependent constant c -------------------------- c c oflow is the largest positive magnitude. c c***first executable statement qc25f oflow = r1mach(2) c centr = 0.5e+00*(b+a) hlgth = 0.5e+00*(b-a) parint = omega*hlgth c c compute the integral using the 15-point gauss-kronrod c formula if the value of the parameter in the integrand c is small. c if(abs(parint).gt.0.2e+01) go to 10 call qk15w(f,qwgtf,omega,p2,p3,p4,integr,a,b,result, * abserr,resabs,resasc) neval = 15 go to 170 c c compute the integral using the generalized clenshaw- c curtis method. c 10 conc = hlgth*cos(centr*omega) cons = hlgth*sin(centr*omega) resasc = oflow neval = 25 c c check whether the chebyshev moments for this interval c have already been computed. c if( go to 120 c c compute a new set of chebyshev moments. c m = momcom+1 par2 = parint*parint par22 = par2+0.2e+01 sinpar = sin(parint) cospar = cos(parint) c c compute the chebyshev moments with respect to cosine. c v(1) = 0.2e+01*sinpar/parint v(2) = (0.8e+01*cospar+(par2+par2-0.8e+01)*sinpar/ * parint)/par2 v(3) = (0.32e+02*(par2-0.12e+02)*cospar+(0.2e+01* * ((par2-0.80e+02)*par2+0.192e+03)*sinpar)/ * parint)/(par2*par2) ac = 0.8e+01*cospar as = 0.24e+02*parint*sinpar if(abs(parint).gt.0.24e+02) go to 30 c c compute the chebyshev moments as the c solutions of a boundary value problem with 1 c initial value (v(3)) and 1 end value (computed c using an asymptotic formula). c noequ = 25 noeq1 = noequ-1 an = 0.6e+01 do 20 k = 1,noeq1 an2 = an*an d(k) = -0.2e+01*(an2-0.4e+01)*(par22-an2-an2) d2(k) = (an-0.1e+01)*(an-0.2e+01)*par2 d1(k+1) = (an+0.3e+01)*(an+0.4e+01)*par2 v(k+3) = as-(an2-0.4e+01)*ac an = an+0.2e+01 20 continue an2 = an*an d(noequ) = -0.2e+01*(an2-0.4e+01)*(par22-an2-an2) v(noequ+3) = as-(an2-0.4e+01)*ac v(4) = v(4)-0.56e+02*par2*v(3) ass = parint*sinpar asap = (((((0.210e+03*par2-0.1e+01)*cospar-(0.105e+03*par2 * -0.63e+02)*ass)/an2-(0.1e+01-0.15e+02*par2)*cospar * +0.15e+02*ass)/an2-cospar+0.3e+01*ass)/an2-cospar)/an2 v(noequ+3) = v(noequ+3)-0.2e+01*asap*par2*(an-0.1e+01)* * (an-0.2e+01) c c solve the tridiagonal system by means of gaussian c elimination with partial pivoting. c call sgtsl(noequ,d1,d,d2,v(4),iers) go to 50 c c compute the chebyshev moments by means of forward c recursion. c 30 an = 0.4e+01 do 40 i = 4,13 an2 = an*an v(i) = ((an2-0.4e+01)*(0.2e+01*(par22-an2-an2)*v(i-1)-ac) * +as-par2*(an+0.1e+01)*(an+0.2e+01)*v(i-2))/ * (par2*(an-0.1e+01)*(an-0.2e+01)) an = an+0.2e+01 40 continue 50 do 60 j = 1,13 chebmo(m,2*j-1) = v(j) 60 continue c c compute the chebyshev moments with respect to sine. c v(1) = 0.2e+01*(sinpar-parint*cospar)/par2 v(2) = (0.18e+02-0.48e+02/par2)*sinpar/par2 * +(-0.2e+01+0.48e+02/par2)*cospar/parint ac = -0.24e+02*parint*cospar as = -0.8e+01*sinpar if(abs(parint).gt.0.24e+02) go to 80 c c compute the chebyshev moments as the c solutions of a boundary value problem with 1 c initial value (v(2)) and 1 end value (computed c using an asymptotic formula). c an = 0.5e+01 do 70 k = 1,noeq1 an2 = an*an d(k) = -0.2e+01*(an2-0.4e+01)*(par22-an2-an2) d2(k) = (an-0.1e+01)*(an-0.2e+01)*par2 d1(k+1) = (an+0.3e+01)*(an+0.4e+01)*par2 v(k+2) = ac+(an2-0.4e+01)*as an = an+0.2e+01 70 continue an2 = an*an d(noequ) = -0.2e+01*(an2-0.4e+01)*(par22-an2-an2) v(noequ+2) = ac+(an2-0.4e+01)*as v(3) = v(3)-0.42e+02*par2*v(2) ass = parint*cospar asap = (((((0.105e+03*par2-0.63e+02)*ass+(0.210e+03*par2 * -0.1e+01)*sinpar)/an2+(0.15e+02*par2-0.1e+01)*sinpar- * 0.15e+02*ass)/an2-0.3e+01*ass-sinpar)/an2-sinpar)/an2 v(noequ+2) = v(noequ+2)-0.2e+01*asap*par2*(an-0.1e+01) * *(an-0.2e+01) c c solve the tridiagonal system by means of gaussian c elimination with partial pivoting. c call sgtsl(noequ,d1,d,d2,v(3),iers) go to 100 c c compute the chebyshev moments by means of c forward recursion. c 80 an = 0.3e+01 do 90 i = 3,12 an2 = an*an v(i) = ((an2-0.4e+01)*(0.2e+01*(par22-an2-an2)*v(i-1)+as) * +ac-par2*(an+0.1e+01)*(an+0.2e+01)*v(i-2)) * /(par2*(an-0.1e+01)*(an-0.2e+01)) an = an+0.2e+01 90 continue 100 do 110 j = 1,12 chebmo(m,2*j) = v(j) 110 continue 120 if ( m = nrmom+1 if ( momcom = momcom+1 c c compute the coefficients of the chebyshev expansions c of degrees 12 and 24 of the function f. c fval(1) = 0.5e+00*f(centr+hlgth) fval(13) = f(centr) fval(25) = 0.5e+00*f(centr-hlgth) do 130 i = 2,12 isym = 26-i fval(i) = f(hlgth*x(i-1)+centr) fval(isym) = f(centr-hlgth*x(i-1)) 130 continue call qcheb(x,fval,cheb12,cheb24) c c compute the integral and error estimates. c resc12 = cheb12(13)*chebmo(m,13) ress12 = 0.0e+00 k = 11 do 140 j = 1,6 resc12 = resc12+cheb12(k)*chebmo(m,k) ress12 = ress12+cheb12(k+1)*chebmo(m,k+1) k = k-2 140 continue resc24 = cheb24(25)*chebmo(m,25) ress24 = 0.0e+00 resabs = abs(cheb24(25)) k = 23 do 150 j = 1,12 resc24 = resc24+cheb24(k)*chebmo(m,k) ress24 = ress24+cheb24(k+1)*chebmo(m,k+1) resabs = resabs+abs(cheb24(k))+abs(cheb24(k+1)) k = k-2 150 continue estc = abs(resc24-resc12) ests = abs(ress24-ress12) resabs = resabs*abs(hlgth) if(integr.eq.2) go to 160 result = conc*resc24-cons*ress24 abserr = abs(conc*estc)+abs(cons*ests) go to 170 160 result = conc*ress24+cons*resc24 abserr = abs(conc*ests)+abs(cons*estc) 170 return end