Writing Programs
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Writing Programs
What is aimk?
How can I build my programs for different architectures?
Is message order between tasks preserved?
How can I pack a struct in a message?
The compiler can't find the PVM header files
What libraries do I need to link with?
Missing symbols when I try to link my application
Running and debugging programs
The sender doesn't get a copy of multicast messages
My tasks can't read input from the keyboard
My tasks can't open input/output files
Where does stuff printed in tasks go?
I don't see printed output from tasks right away or at all
In what directory do tasks spawned by PVM run?
How can I spawn a process with a nice priority value?
What does ``mc pkt ... scrapped'' mean?
What does ``message scrapped'' mean?
Memory used by the pvmd increases when programs run
My program is hanging
Bob Manchek
Fri Mar 3 15:08:11 EST 1995