============================================================================== # TITLE CONTACT FILES ============================================================================== 01 Neural Network D. Aguita aguita_a.ps Simulation with PVM ams@dibe.unige.it 02 Solving Maxwell's A. Alund alund_a.ps Equations with a Finite anders@itm.se alund_s.ps Differences Time Domain Method on a Cluster of Workstations in an Industrial Environment 03 Porting PVM to a Shared E. Appiani appiani_a.ps Memory Industrial appiani@elsag.it appiani_s.ps Multiprocessor 04 Parallel Calculation C. Balayer balayer_a.ps of Polynomial Root balayer@univ-fcomte.fr according to Durand- Kerner Method using PVM 05 Using PVM for the R. Baron baron_a.ps Selection of Neural rbaron@lip-lyon.fr baron_s.ps Network Parameters 06 Managing true F. Baude baude_a.ps parallelism in baude@essi.essi.fr baude_s.tar ADA through PVM 07 Distributed Montecarlo R. Berardi berardi_a.ps Simulations of Liquid zannoni@boifcc.cineca.it berardi_s.tar Crystalline Phase 08 PVM in Germany and at A. Bode bode_a.ps Technical University ludwig@ bode_s.ps Munich informatik.tu-muenchen.de 09 Compton Correction in V. Bouchard bouchard_a.ps SPEC Using PVM 10 Using PVM to Implement G. Bozas bozas_a.ps a Parallel Database bozas@ System informatik.tu-muenchen.de System 11 Crashworthiness M. Briscolini briscolini_a.ps Simulations by using brisco@romvmnic.vnet.ibm.com PVM-CRASH on the IBM 9076 SP1 12 DOSMOS: A Distributed L. Brunie brunie_a.ps Shared Memory Based lbrunie@lip.ens-lyon.fr on PVM 13 Phosphorus: Adding I. Demeure demeure_p.ps Shared Memory to PVM demeure@foehn.enst.fr demeure_s.ps 14 Comparison between C. Calvin calvin_a.ps Different Implementation Christophe.Calvin@imag.fr of PVM on IBM SP1 and CRAY T3D 15 A Neutral Mechanism for S. Chaumette chaumette_a.ps the Detection of chaumett@labri.u-bordeaux.fr chaumette_s.ps deadlocks Under PVM 16 Athapascan-0b for PVM: M. Christaller christaller_a.ps Adding threads to PVM Michel.Christaller@imag.fr christaller_s.ps 17 Computer Simulation of V. Di Martino dimartino_a.ps Polarizable Fluids: A dimartino@caspur.it dimartino_s.tar Parallel Implementation Using Linda and PVM 18 Priority of Tasks and S. Dowaji dowaji_a.ps Performances of Branch sad@prism.uvsq.fr dowaji_p.ps -and-Bound Load Balancing Strategies 19 Acceleration of Integer I. Exman exman_p.ps Programming by Siblings' ianex@cs.huji.ac.il Exchange of Pruning Thresholds 20 The Use of PVM on a G. E. Fagg fagg_a.ps Large Campus Network G.E.Fagg@rdg.ac.uk fagg_s.tar 21 Fault Tolerant Aspects V. Gianuzzi gianuzzi_a.ps of the Virtual Time gianuzzi@matgen.dima.unige.it Machine PV2M 22 A Distributed Objects S. Gobbo gobbo_a.ps Framework using gobbo@elet.polimi.it gobbo_s.ps Virtual Machines 23 Analysis and Debugging H. Ilmberger ilmberger_a.ps of PVM Programs with Herman.Ilmberger@ VISIT zfe.siemens.de 24 The Use of PVM with D. Jain jain_a.ps Workstation Cluster D.Jain@newcastle.ac.uk jain_s.tar in Performing Ab-Initio calculations for Solid State Physics 25 Implementing the Y. Kermarecc kermarecc_a.ps Distributed Features of Yvon.Kermarecc@ kermarecc_s.ps Ada 9X with PVM enst-bretagne.fr 26 Parallel Algorithms P. Lanucara lanucara_a.ps Using PVM for the lanucara@caspur.it lanucara_s.tar Evolution of Interfaces 27 PVM Implementation of C. Laurent laurent_a.ps 3D Reconstruction Christophe.Laurent@imag.fr laurent_s.ps Algorithm 28 Towards an Object P. Manneback manneback_a.ps Oriented Distributed pm@pip.fpms.ac.be manneback_s.tar Matrix Computation Library above C and PVM 29 Mapping the PCSC G. A. Manson manson_p.ps Design Model to PVM G.Manson@dcs.shef.ac.uk 30 Highly Parallel SCF M. L. Mantovani mantovani_p.ps Calculation: the SYSMO manto@c220.unimo.it mantovani_s.tar Program 31 Parallel Computation A. M. Marquez marquez_a.ps of the MP2 Energy on marquez@quantix.us.es Distributed Memory Parallel Computers 32 Fault Tolerant PVM L. Matyska matyska_a.ps Application? A Case ludek@informatics.muni.cz matyska_s.ps Study with D-CICADA(FT) 33 An Efficient Parallel Y. Notay notay_a.ps Discrete PDE Solver ynotay@ulb.ac.be notay_p.ps 34 Experiences in A. Omodeo omodeo_a.ps PVM-Based power plant omodeo@cra.enel.it omodeo_s.pa simulation 35 Developing PVM-Code M. Resch resch_a.ps on Various Hardware resch@rus.uni-stuttgart.de Platforms: Portability and Performance 36 An Interface for a F. Rubi rubi_a.ps Mapping Software rubi@labri.u-bordeaux.fr Under PVM 37 Parallel Library S. Salvini salvini_a.ps Development at NAG stef@nag.co.uk salvini_s.ps 38 Performance of PVM on V. Schnecke schnecke_p.ps Highly Parallel volker@ Transputer System informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de 39 Numerical Applications H. Schwandt schwandt_a.ps with PVM on workstation schwandt@math.tu-berlin.de cluster 40 GATTO*: a PVM-Based M. Sonza Reorda sonza_a.ps Distributed Test sonza_s.ps Pattern Generation Algorithm for Large Sequential Circuits 41 Consistent Checkpoint G. Stellner stellner_a.ps of PVM Applications stellner@ stellner_p.ps informatik.tu-muenchen.de stellner_s.ps 42 Threads, I/O and V. Sunderam sunderam_s.ps Distributed Computing vss@mathcs.emory.edu with PVM 43 Parallel Back- F. Thiesing thiesing_a.ps Propagation for the frank@ thiesing_s.ps Prediction of Time informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de Series 44 PVM Implementation of J. Wasniewski wasniewski_a.ps Advection-Chemistry Modules of Air Pollution Models 45 A Test Bed for S. A. Williams williams_a.ps Modelling the shirley.williams@ Liberation of Silica reading.ac.uk from Feldspar Using Parallel Computing Techniques 46 Generating Parallel F. Zhang zhang_a.ps Loops from Serial Code zfb@elis.rug.ac.be zhang_s.tar for PVM