subroutine setdat(icount) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de Boor (7 may 92) c to be called in main program l 2 m a i n . c this routine is set up to provide the specific data for example 3 c in chapter xiv. c integer icount, i,k,l,ntau real break,coef,gtau,step,tau,totalw,weight parameter lpkmax=100,ntmax=200,ltkmax=2000 common / data / ntau, tau(ntmax),gtau(ntmax),weight(ntmax),totalw common /approx/ break(lpkmax),coef(ltkmax),l,k C common / data / ntau, tau(200),gtau(200),weight(200),totalw C common /approx/ break(100),coef(2000),l,k round(x) = float(ifix(x*100.))/100. if (icount .gt. 0) stop icount = icount + 1 ntau = 65 step = 3./float(ntau-1) do 10 i=1,ntau tau(i) = (i-1)*step gtau(i) = round(exp(tau(i))) 10 weight(i) = 1. totalw = ntau l = 1 break(1) = tau(1) break(2) = tau(ntau) k = 3 return end