subroutine bchfac ( w, nbands, nrow, diag ) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor constructs cholesky factorization c c = l * d * l-transpose c with l unit lower triangular and d diagonal, for given matrix c of c order n r o w , in case c is (symmetric) positive semidefinite c and b a n d e d , having n b a n d s diagonals at and below the c main diagonal. c c****** i n p u t ****** c the order of the matrix c . c nbands.....indicates its bandwidth, i.e., c c(i,j) = 0 for i-j .ge. nbands . c w.....workarray of size (nbands,nrow) containing the nbands diago- c nals in its rows, with the main diagonal in row 1 . precisely, c w(i,j) contains c(i+j-1,j), i=1,...,nbands, j=1,...,nrow. c for example, the interesting entries of a seven diagonal sym- c metric matrix c of order 9 would be stored in w as c c c c c c c all other entries of w not identified in this way with an en- c try of c are never referenced . c a work array of length nrow . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c w.....contains the cholesky factorization c = l*d*l-transp, with c w(1,i) containing 1/d(i,i) c and w(i,j) containing l(i-1+j,j), i=2,...,nbands. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c gauss elimination, adapted to the symmetry and bandedness of c , is c used . c near zero pivots are handled in a special way. the diagonal ele- c ment c(n,n) = w(1,n) is saved initially in diag(n), all n. at the n- c th elimination step, the current pivot element, viz. w(1,n), is com- c pared with its original value, diag(n). if, as the result of prior c elimination steps, this element has been reduced by about a word c length, (i.e., if w(1,n)+diag(n) .le. diag(n)), then the pivot is de- c clared to be zero, and the entire n-th row is declared to be linearly c dependent on the preceding rows. this has the effect of producing c x(n) = 0 when solving c*x = b for x, regardless of b. justific- c ation for this is as follows. in contemplated applications of this c program, the given equations are the normal equations for some least- c squares approximation problem, diag(n) = c(n,n) gives the norm-square c of the n-th basis function, and, at this point, w(1,n) contains the c norm-square of the error in the least-squares approximation to the n- c th basis function by linear combinations of the first n-1 . having c w(1,n)+diag(n) .le. diag(n) signifies that the n-th function is lin- c early dependent to machine accuracy on the first n-1 functions, there c fore can safely be left out from the basis of approximating functions c the solution of a linear system c c*x = b c is effected by the succession of the following t w o calls: c call bchfac ( w, nbands, nrow, diag ) , to get factorization c call bchslv ( w, nbands, nrow, b ) , to solve for x. c integer nbands,nrow, i,imax,j,jmax,n real w(nbands,nrow),diag(nrow), ratio if (nrow .gt. 1) go to 9 if (w(1,1) .gt. 0.) w(1,1) = 1./w(1,1) return c store diagonal of c in diag. 9 do 10 n=1,nrow 10 diag(n) = w(1,n) c factorization . do 20 n=1,nrow if (w(1,n)+diag(n) .gt. diag(n)) go to 15 do 14 j=1,nbands 14 w(j,n) = 0. go to 20 15 w(1,n) = 1./w(1,n) imax = min0(nbands-1,nrow - n) if (imax .lt. 1) go to 20 jmax = imax do 18 i=1,imax ratio = w(i+1,n)*w(1,n) do 17 j=1,jmax 17 w(j,n+i) = w(j,n+i) - w(j+i,n)*ratio jmax = jmax - 1 18 w(i+1,n) = ratio 20 continue return end