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TRIGEN Parameters

IADAPT Definitions

IADAPT mesh generation option
0 error estimates only
1 refine or unrefine mesh using $ u_h$
-1 refine or unrefine mesh using QXY
2 unrefine and refine mesh using $ u_h$
-2 unrefine and refine mesh using QXY
3 smooth mesh points using $ u_h$
-3 smooth mesh points using QXY
4 uniform refinement
5 skeleton $ \rightarrow$ triangulation
-5 simplify skeleton
6 triangulation $ \rightarrow$ skeleton using $ u_h$
-6 triangulation $ \rightarrow$ skeleton using QXY
7 load balance (MPI)
8 reconcile mesh (MPI)
9 gather mesh (MPI)

IERRSW Definitions

IERRSW error recovery option
0 globally continuous recovery
1 patchwise continuous recovery

Randolph Bank 2007-09-12