SPEC Benchmark CFP92 Summary

SPECfp92 (Volume 7, Issue 4, December 1995)

Dell Computer Corporation

Dell Dimension XPS (133MHz, 512KB L2)

                      SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC- 
                       fp92      base      fp92      base 
   Benchmark name Time(Sec) Time(Sec) SPECratio SPECratio 
   -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 
   013.spice2g6       270.8     270.5      88.6      88.7 
   015.doduc           17.0      17.6     109.4     105.7 
   034.mdljdp2         54.7      58.4     129.6     121.4 
   039.wave5           49.6      53.4      74.6      69.3 
   047.tomcatv         18.9      22.1     140.2     119.9 
   048.ora             55.8      56.3     133.0     131.8 
   052.alvinn          33.8      33.4     227.5     230.2 
   056.ear            108.8     110.8     234.4     230.1 
   077.mdljsp2         53.1      57.3      63.1      58.5 
   078.swm256         164.1     252.3      77.4      50.3 
   089.su2cor          98.8     205.9     130.6      62.7 
   090.hydro2d        118.7     121.5     115.4     112.8 
   093.nasa7          202.7     237.7      82.9      70.7 
   094.fpppp           65.5      65.5     140.5     140.5 

Geometric Mean:
SPECfp92: 116.0
SPECbase_fp92: 102.2

Model Number: XPS
CPU: 133MHz Pentium Processor
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPUs: 1
Primary Cache: 8KBI+8KBD on chip
Secondary Cache: 512KB(I+D) off chip (burst)
Other Cache: None
Memory: 64MB (EDO)
Disk Subsystem: 2 Seagate ST 31250W, 973MB SCSI
Other Hardware: AHA 2940W PCI SCSI
O/S & Version: UnixWare 2.0
Compilers & Version: Intel Ref. C Compiler 2.2 Beta
Intel Ref. FORTRAN Comp. 2,2 Beta
Other Software: UnixWare SDK
File System Type: ufs, vxfs (/tmp as 8MB /tmpfs)
System State: Single User (root+killall)

Hardware Availability: Jun-95
Software Availability: Feb-96

License #: 14
Tested : Oct-95
By: Intel
Of: Santa Clara, CA

SPECbase_fp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
All benchmarks: -tp p5 -ipo -mem -pc 64 -nofdiv_check -dn
For portability: 013: -DSYSV 039: -save 093: -DTIMES

SPECfp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
All benchmarks: -tp p5 -nofdiv_check -dn 015,034,093,094 pass1 flags: -tp p5 -mil0 -prof_use
-irc_dir 'pwd'/IRCDB After pass1: icc -prof_merge -ircdb_dir 'pwd'/IRCDB
013: -ipo -mem -pc 64 -DSYSV 015: -ipo -mem -rct -pc 64 -pad 034: -ipo -pc 64-rct -pad -distype
039: -ip -mem -pc 32 -pad -distype -save 047: -ip -mem -pc 64 -pad -distype -fcon -mP1FOPT_pad_dim=5
052: -ip -mem -pc 32 -fcon 077: -mem -pc 32 -rct 089: -ip -pc 64 -rct -mP1FOPT_pad_dim=5
078:-ip -pc 64 -pad -fcon -mP1FOPT_pad_dim=2 048: -ip -mem -pc 64 -fcon 056:-ip -mem -pad -W0,
-ip_inline_max_stats=1200 -W0,-mo_siblings_limit=25,-ip_inline_max_bblocks=50,-mo_strip_mine,
-mo_strip_size=15 090: -ip -mil0 -mem -pc 64 -distype -fcon -W0,-mo_alternate_loops,-mo_block_loops
093:-ipo -mem -rct -pad -distype -fcon -W0,-mo_strip_mine,-mo_strip_size=15 -DTIMES 094: -ipo -pc 64 -rct
Questions? Concerns? Send mail to utpds@cs.utk.edu