SPEC Benchmark CFP92 Summary

SPECfp92 (Volume 6, Issue 4, December 1994)

Digital Equipment Corporation

AlphaServer 2000 4/200

                      SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC- 
                       fp92      base      fp92      base 
   Benchmark name Time(Sec) Time(Sec) SPECratio SPECratio 
   -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 
   013.spice2g6       300.4     302.5      79.9      79.3 
   015.doduc           14.4      15.1     129.2     123.2 
   034.mdljdp2         49.0      49.0     144.7     144.7 
   039.wave5           32.0      32.3     115.6     114.6 
   047.tomcatv         20.5      20.9     129.3     126.8 
   048.ora             51.8      48.9     143.2     151.7 
   052.alvinn          18.1      22.4     424.9     343.3 
   056.ear             47.2      57.3     540.3     445.0 
   077.mdljsp2         46.0      45.9      72.8      73.0 
   078.swm256         148.7     169.1      85.4      75.1 
   089.su2cor          59.1      60.3     218.3     213.9 
   090.hydro2d         67.8      67.5     202.1     203.0 
   093.nasa7           83.6      87.9     201.0     191.1 
   094.fpppp           49.6      56.8     185.5     162.0 

Geometric Mean:
SPECfp92: 160.5
SPECbase_fp92: 152.0

Model Number: AlphaServer 2000 4/200
CPU: 190MHz 21064
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPUs: 1
Primary Cache: 8KBI+8KBD on chip
Secondary Cache: 1MB(I+D) off chip
Other Cache: None
Memory: 256MB
Disk Subsystem: 2GB(SCSI)
Other Hardware: None
O/S & Version: DEC OSF/1 V3.0 (REV 347)
Compilers & Version: DEC C X4.2-001
DEC Fortran T3.5
Other Software: KAPF V2.0
File System Type: UFS
System State: Multi-user

Hardware Availability: Nov-94
Software Availability: Jan-95

License #: 2
Tested : Oct-94
By: Digital
Of: Boxboro, MA

SPECbase_fp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
Fortran: kf77 -fast -fkapargs='-ag=a' -non_shared -om
C: cc -O4 -migrate
Portability Flags: 013: -DUNDERBAR -T 0400000 -D 0800000 -lm src.alt/unix/c.axp src.alt/v01.f.axp
093: -DUNDERBAR --lm

SPECfp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
All:Baseline switches except 013.spice2g6 & 094.fpppp 013: f77-unroll 16-WL,- om_compress_lita-WL,-om_Gcommon,1000-WL,-om_no_align_labels
015: -fkapa='-o=0 -inl -ind=10 -inll=10' -automatic -WL, -om_no_align_labels -WL, - om_Gcommon, 1000 039: -fkapa='-ag=a -ur=4 -ur2=400'
047:-o5 -fkapa='ag=a -ur=1' 048: fkapa='-ag=a -inll=4 -ind=4 -inlc' 052: kcc -ckapa=' - stdio -ur=16 -ur2=320 -arl=4' -migrate -o5 -g0 -vaxc
-ansi_alias -inline all -D__KAP -unsigned -assume aligned_objects -assume noacc - D_FASTMATH -float 056:cc -o4 -migrate -g0 -dfabs=__FABS
-Dunix -vaxc -ansi_alias -plus_list_optimize -D__UNIX_SETJMP -unsigned -o4 -assume aligned_objects -assume noacc -float ear.c & earfilters.c
also use -inlined all -unroll 7 077:-automatic -WL,-om_no_align_labels -WL, - om_Gcommon,1000 078: -fkapa='-ag=ab -ur2=600' -WL,
-om_compress_lita -WL -om_Gcommon,1000 -WL,-om_no_align_labels 089: -fkapa='- ag=a -ur2=600' -WL, -om_compress_lita -WL, -om_Gcommon,
1000 -WL, -om_no_align_labels 090: -fkapa='-ag=a -ur=5 -ur2=800' 093: -fkapa='- ag=a -ur2=400' -automatic
094: -f77 -fast -WL, -om_compress_lita -WL, -om_Gcommon, 1000 -WL, - Om_no_align_labels
Questions? Concerns? Send mail to utpds@cs.utk.edu