#!/bin/sh -x #FILENAME: papiani-new-gbis.query 2/JUN/95 ########## SET UP VARIABLES ############################### WWW_ROOT=/netlib/parkbench/gbis HTTP_WWW_ROOT=http://www.netlib.org/parkbench/gbis GENESIS_DIRS=/pcsg/ftp/pub/benchmark_results/ PLOT_ROOT=/pcsg/ftp/pub/benchmark_results FTP=ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/benchmark_results TAIL=/usr/ucb/tail CGI=/usr/local/netlib/bin/cgi-bin/gbis HTTP_CGI=http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/gbis PSTOGIF=$WWW_ROOT/bin/pstogif PSTOXBM=$WWW_ROOT/bin/pstoxbm GNUPLOT=/local/gnu/bin/gnuplot LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/X11R5/lib ; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ######## The following paths are set relative to those above HOME=$WWW_ROOT ; export HOME TEMP=$WWW_ROOT/tmp HTTP_TEMP=$HTTP_WWW_ROOT/tmp ICONS=$HTTP_WWW_ROOT/gif_icons GBIS_TOP=$HTTP_WWW_ROOT/html ##########END VARIABLES #################################### ERRORFILE=$TEMP/gbis.query.err exec 2>$ERRORFILE #above dir contains sub-directories named after each genesis benchmark # # Set path to just /bin to reduce likelyhood of hacking. # PATH='/bin' # Write reply header. # echo "Content-type: text/html" echo # Print all environment variables if in debug mode # # process query string. # # o sed removes any ' that would upset quoted assignment # # o awk ensures that # - all variables passed have legal names # - special characters are not interpreted by sh # eval `echo $PREFIX$QUERY_STRING | sed -e 's/'"'"'/%27/g' | sed -e s/'+'/'_'/ | \ awk 'BEGIN{RS="&";FS="="} $1~/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/ \ {printf "if [ $QS_%s ]; then QS_%s=$QS_%s%c, %s%c; else QS_%s=%c%s%c; fi; \n", \ $1,$1,$1,39,$2,39,$1,39,$2,39}' ` # # #create name of benchmark directory from benchmark selected on the form QS_BENCHMARK=`echo $QS_BENCHMARK|sed 's/%28//'|sed 's/%29//'|sed 's/Genesis//'|sed 's/Parkbench//'|sed 's/NAS//'|sed 's/2.3//'|sed 's/+/ /g'|sed 's/_/ /g'|sed 's/%2F//g'|sed 's/PDE1//'|sed 's/EMBARRASSINGLY PARALLEL/EP/'|sed 's/DENSE MATRIX MULTIPLY/DMM/'|sed 's/DENSE LU FACTORISATION/LU/'|sed 's/CONJUGATE GRADIENT/CG/'|sed 's/LARGE INTEGER SORT/LIS/'|sed 's/1-D FFT/1DFFT/'|sed 's/3-D FFT/3DFFT/'|sed 's/QR DECOMPOSITION/QR/'|sed 's/LU SIMULATED CFD/LU_CFD/'|sed 's/SP SIMULATED CFD/SP_CFD/'|sed 's/BT SIMULATED CFD/BT_CFD/'` BENCHMARK_DIR=$GENESIS_DIRS$QS_BENCHMARK #echo benchmark dir is $BENCHMARK_DIR cat << HTML Southampton HPC Centre - GBIS - Manufacturer list


Select the type of results you require:-

Time against Message Length Performance (Bandwidth) against Message Length HTML if [ $QS_BENCHMARK = 'RINF1' ] then cat << HTML

Select the Kernel of interest:-
HTML fi else if [ $QS_BENCHMARK = 'SYNCH1' ] then cat << HTML
Select the type of results you require:-

Time Per Barrier against Number of Processors
Barrier Rate against Number of Processors HTML else if [ $QS_BENCHMARK = 'IO1' ] then cat << HTML
Select the type of results you require:-

Average Transfer Rate Against Number of Processors
Transfer Rate for Sequential Read Against Number of Processors
Transfer Rate for Random Read Against Number of Processors
Transfer Rate for Write Against Number of Processors HTML else if [ $QS_BENCHMARK = 'MD1' -o $QS_BENCHMARK = 'LPM1' ] then cat << HTML
Select the type of results you require:-

Benchmark Performance Temporal Performance Simulation Performance HTML if [ $QS_BENCHMARK = 'LPM1' ] then cat << HTML
Speedup Efficiency HTML fi fi fi fi fi cat <
HTML cd $GENESIS_DIRS if [ -d $QS_BENCHMARK -a -s $QS_BENCHMARK ] then cd $QS_BENCHMARK # COUNT=0 # echo '' # for MANUFACTURER in * # do # MANUFACTURER=`basename $MANUFACTURER` # # # COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` # # echo '<'INPUT TYPE='"'checkbox'"' NAME='"'MAN$COUNT'"' VALUE='"'$QS_BENCHMARK/$MANUFACTURER'">'$MANUFACTURER # echo '
' # # done # echo # echo '

Results are available for the following manufacturers:-


Press here to reset selections

Select the manufacturers of interest from the above list, then press the button below to display a list of machine models for the chosen manufacturers.

HTML else cat << HTML

No data is available for this benchmark at the present time

HTML fi else cat << HTML

No data is available for this benchmark at the present time

HTML fi cat << HTML

UP to GBIS Home Page
University of Southampton
High Performance Computing Centre

Submitted by Mark Papiani,
last updated 24 February 1995.