#!/bin/sh -x #FILENAME: papiani-new-gbis-results-list.query 02/JUN/95 ########## SET UP VARIABLES ############################### WWW_ROOT=/netlib/parkbench/gbis HTTP_WWW_ROOT=http://www.netlib.org/parkbench/gbis GENESIS_DIRS=/pcsg/ftp/pub/benchmark_results/ PLOT_ROOT=/pcsg/ftp/pub/benchmark_results FTP=ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/benchmark_results TAIL=/usr/ucb/tail CGI=/usr/local/netlib/bin/cgi-bin/gbis HTTP_CGI=http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/gbis PSTOGIF=$WWW_ROOT/bin/pstogif PSTOXBM=$WWW_ROOT/bin/pstoxbm GNUPLOT=/local/gnu/bin/gnuplot LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/X11R5/lib ; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ######## The following paths are set relative to those above HOME=$WWW_ROOT ; export HOME TEMP=$WWW_ROOT/tmp HTTP_TEMP=$HTTP_WWW_ROOT/tmp ICONS=$HTTP_WWW_ROOT/gif_icons GBIS_TOP=$HTTP_WWW_ROOT/html ##########END VARIABLES #################################### ERRORFILE=$TEMP/gbis.query.err chmod ugo+rw $ERRORFILE exec 2>$ERRORFILE #above dir contains sub-directories named after each genesis benchmark # # Set path to just /bin to reduce likelyhood of hacking. # PATH='/bin' # Write reply header. # echo "Content-type: text/html" echo cat << HTML Southampton HPC Centre - GBIS - Choose List of Available Results

Do you wish the list to contain links to the results files?:-

List of available results files only - FAST (but no links to display the file contents)

List of available results files containing links to the files- SLOW, but allows you to click on a filename to display the contents of the file as text

UP to GBIS Home Page
University of Southampton
High Performance Computing Centre

Submitted by Mark Papiani,
last updated 24 February 1995.